90% of the world’s meat causes cancer.

humans would be better off if they ate like horses.

ok i think i’ve seen enough. i’ll pass this time thank you. please keep your leaflets. i’m just on my way somewhere and can’t stop to talk, sorry. i have to return some videotapes.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-05 01:49:31)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Funny how people are happy to ban things they don't have an interest in but get huffy when its their cruel and unnecessary pleasure being criticised.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-05-05 02:30:08)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i wouldn't really say you have a credible interest in nutrition. you are a quack.

funny how some people are so ideologically invested in a subject that they'll make analogies between eating meat and committing mass shootings with an AR-15.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
How many cows die every day so fat people can cram more meat in their pieholes?

How much of the Amazon is being deforested and tribesmen being displaced so you can have steak twice a week?

Your behaviour causes unnecessary and disproportionate death and destruction the same as a spotty drug-addled kid who's played too many FPS games shooting up a school does, probably more so.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i suggest you take an ethics class the next time you're on a university campus during summer recess, fulminating against students.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
I understand ethics just fine, you don't or don't care.
Once again its amazing how many highly trained ethicists go on to do the most unspeakable things.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
'i understand ethics just fine' says the guy making out that eating a cow is the same as a kid being murdered by a gun in school.

'i understand nutrition just fine' says the guy advising that we all imitate grazing ruminants.

hey, don't you know that all the nutrients that are in meat that come from plants ultimately comes from the sun? we should just lay around in fields, capturing rays, and imitate the behaviour of plants.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-05 02:56:11)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Never said either of those things, this is a discussion about 'killing things is bad' begun by Pochsy.

Which is worse though, the occasional mass murder which would likely happen if guns never even existed, or levelling an entire continent so gluttons like you can consume five times the nutrition they actually need in the least efficient way possible?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-05-05 03:06:58)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i don't consume 'five times the nutrition' i need. bizarre comment. i thought a page ago that meat had no nutritional benefit? didn't you just say in EE yesterday that 'nobody consumes meat for nutrition'? at least make your unhinged opinions connect in their haphazard zig-zagged way in your own broken mind.

"Meat is murder" approach even in the dream thread, but strangely quiet about the post I made about the adverse, sometimes fatal effects of vegetable farming on local wildlife. Does not acknowledge the difference between killing for food and killing for pleasure.

Even Macbeth might be more upset about the bunny rabbits that get tilled under from time to time considering they're a pet animal to some.

Also, 5x the nutrition? Where are you getting your calorie numbers from? A steak alone isn't going to launch someone over their dailies.
dilbert clearly read it somewhere in the past and is still incensed about it. now everyone on the planet over-consumes 5x the amount of meat that they need, and it's inconceivable that anyone, anywhere, might not have the dietary habits of an overweight american with a penchant for drive-thru. no, meat worldwide must be abandoned, as it is nutritionally worthless (except when it gives a 5x surfeit of nutrition) and because eating a burger is morally tantamount to spraying down a nursery with hollow-point ammunition.

A 4 oz hamburger patty should be within the range of 260 cal. A quarter pounder with cheese is 510 cal. Imagine what the buns alone at a fancy hamburger diner are going to amount to once they're all buttered and oiled. Still, such a burger alone isn't going to push the limits of even a sedentary adult's estimated daily needs.

Some people probably do consume too many meat products, but overeating is a clearly more complicated issue than what Dilbert presents.

A lot of work is involved in keeping up on a vegan diet. Vegetarianism is a little more forgiving. Still, I hope Dilbert is doing ok even if he may not care about all the less visible, unimportant animals that die for the sake of his $5 ranch vegetable platters.


A person who eats a McDonald's lunch every day might be the same person who later snarfs a family size bag of Lays (1500-1600 cal) and chases it down with a six pack of Coke (840 cal) each evening. Yes, meat gluttony is clearly the problem.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
I haven't said meat contains no nutrition, simply that its cruel, unnecessary and inefficient to eat in that way.

Its as if your reading comprehension is poor, I'm guessing your brain is clogged with animal fat, like Trump.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i've said repeatedly that as soon as synthetic meat or some suitable substitute (that doesn't also destroy the environment and devastate local economies, as monocultures surely do) become available, then i'm all for it. i can see the ethical merit in saying 'maybe we shouldn't rear and kill animals if we can do something else'. i eat meat sparingly. i'll happily eat something like quorn or tofu, and put up with the awful taste/texture, if it's there and available. i order vegetarian options at restaurants if they're appetizing enough.

but those options are decidedly not cost-effective, efficient, or widely available for most of the world. so they continue eating meat. i will not listen to you say that it's as bad as a mass shooting or intentional gun murder. file under 'c' for 'crank'.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-05 03:53:01)

They make very tasty tofu dishes in asia.

I admittedly eat a lot of meat and never saw the issue in people rearing and eating animals. I just find that sort of thinking weird in a way. As though people are or should be separated from the food chain, and as if the animal experience of life is comparable to our own. Not to say a cow is OK with being killed, but does it matter?

I do like the taste of a spicy, chilled tofu dish. The texture is one of the things I actually look forward to, but it's probably not for everyone.
my point was the fact it's even an option in a supermarket or in fancy international restaurants is an indicator that i'm the beneficiary of a highly-developed, globalised food chain. people in rural india can't just opt for tofu or stella mccartney vegetarian sausages. there are any number of examples where people eat meat as part of their nutrition/diet because it's an available food source.

until the development, cost and supply of meat-free alternatives is truly at a point when it can 'feed the world', i am dubious of these ethical arguments that put slaughtering an animal on a level with concentration camps, i.e. as gratuitous cruelty and sadism. most of the fashionable replacements put forth by vegans have ended up devastating the environment with their own brand of rubbish. try speaking to a subsistence farmer about the effects of soy cultivation on the soil and their local/national economy.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-05 04:06:18)


I will say that I'm not on board with farms that roughly handle their animals. I've seen videos of workers punting chickens and spiking piglets into concrete floors. No bueno.

But you're always going to be competing against other critters for sustenance, even if someone else does the competing for you.
I mean yes there's some basic ethical standard to follow; i.e. don't be unnecessarily cruel and leave animals enough space to roam/sleep, take care of health & cleanliness - all that. As long as that's respected I'm alright with it.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-05-05 04:18:16)

the western food chain is a mess in many ways. industrial factory-farming and importing foodstuffs from the other side of the world are no bueno.

but to say things like 'no one eats meat for nutrition', 'people eat 5x more than they need' and to apply it as a blanket judgment is retarded. most of the world, again, are not americans idling their pick-up truck at their third drive-thru of the week.

Does Dilbert still eat eggs? I hope he refers to the cornucopia institute scorecards.
dilbert only eats hay, grass and acorn seeds. like an arcadian from greek legend. it's why he has such big muscles! and a nice, sleek, shiny coat of fur.

uziq wrote:

the western food chain is a mess in many ways. industrial factory-farming and importing foodstuffs from the other side of the world are no bueno.

but to say things like 'no one eats meat for nutrition', 'people eat 5x more than they need' and to apply it as a blanket judgment is retarded. most of the world, again, are not americans idling their pick-up truck at their third drive-thru of the week.
Food health & safety standards on import should cover those factors. I believe most of the beef or chicken we eat here is of Irish or eastern European origin. I expect those to be fairly well managed farms with european rules and regulations whatnot.

CI also has scorecards for cereals, toothpaste, soy food and plant based drinks. If Dilbert wants to be top dog in virtue signalling, I hope he's doing his homework.

Larssen wrote:

uziq wrote:

the western food chain is a mess in many ways. industrial factory-farming and importing foodstuffs from the other side of the world are no bueno.

but to say things like 'no one eats meat for nutrition', 'people eat 5x more than they need' and to apply it as a blanket judgment is retarded. most of the world, again, are not americans idling their pick-up truck at their third drive-thru of the week.
Food health & safety standards on import should cover those factors. I believe most of the beef or chicken we eat here is of Irish or eastern European origin. I expect those to be fairly well managed farms with european rules and regulations whatnot.
i'm talking more about the environmental effects of unnecessary shipping. plus having rules and regulations is neat, turning far-away economies in the developing world into monoculture exporters, at the whims of the market/demand and supermarket pricing cabals in the western worlds, probably not so much.

Last edited by uziq (2020-05-05 04:33:31)

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