which is no different from me saying that i've led a normal, productive life in my 20s even though i've argued about drugs here a lot with dilbert and had a snafu when i was 19. episodes like that do not derail someone's life. it made for quality forum content, in the long run.

your posts do make you seem like a teacher who hits on his assistants and is systemically racist, yes.

Last edited by uziq (2020-04-15 18:59:41)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
3:00am in Bristol

Doesn't your imaginary girlfriend tire off the incessant clacking of your mechanical keyboard?
Fuck Israel
my girlfriend is in london. she's at the royal college of art. she is in quarantine. we do play warcraft together sometimes though at 3:00!

i fell asleep earlier after dinner and napped from about 8:00-10:00. i ate too much easter chocolate!

would you like me to set-up a webcam dilbert? u k hon?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I didn't lie about the weird stuff I got into or events. I somehow got in and out of some crazy things and the fact that I am a respected member of my real life community surprises me most of all. It makes you wonder what other insanity people who are outwardly successful are hiding.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I didn't lie about the weird stuff I got into or events. I somehow got in and out of some crazy things and the fact that I am a respected member of my real life community surprises me most of all. It makes you wonder what other insanity people who are outwardly successful are hiding.
well i've posted a lot of mine here and i definitely ain't embarrassed about it.

meanwhile dilbert accuses me of faking having a girlfriend. when i've posted multiple pictures of my partners here over the years (ill-advised). he hasn't even shown his face.

straaaaaange fruit
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

my girlfriend is in london. she's at the royal college of art. she is in quarantine. we do play warcraft together sometimes though at 3:00!

i fell asleep earlier after dinner and napped from about 8:00-10:00. i ate too much easter chocolate!
Did this happen for real or in your head?
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

.your posts do make you seem like a teacher who hits on his assistants and is systemically racist, yes.
Yeah I did that and am systemically racist. I will just move you along in the system at the end of the day to save myself trouble. The way I see it is that the "real world" is going to get you anyway. Why make work for myself? That's precious time I can spend getting high.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

my girlfriend is in london. she's at the royal college of art. she is in quarantine. we do play warcraft together sometimes though at 3:00!

i fell asleep earlier after dinner and napped from about 8:00-10:00. i ate too much easter chocolate!
Did this happen for real or in your head?
it depends on your position on cartesianism and the dose of LSD.

the alibi is water tight!

Last edited by uziq (2020-04-15 19:16:05)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Uzique the last decade :*rsTTSTcn6AoBdkz3Y9CzDw.jpeg
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
So while uziq was trying to convince us he was one of the cool kids, at Oxford, gliding through a top-flight degree while being a pro-gamer and partying and getting high instead of working, in fact he was working his ass off to get a degree in a subject no-one cares about from Bumfuck College nowheresville.

But I guess he's made it now, living the hipster's dream in super-multicultural 84% white muggy Bristol.
Fuck Israel
bf2s has been a complexly evolving social organism. it started out in the early 00s as a very much typical forum. pre-social media, people congregated on forums under personas/avatars/handles. it was like soft roleplay. you never gave away your real name or address. it was a pre-social media internet. it was a 'the matrix' internet. everyone had alter-egos. when this forum had 100s or even 1000s of daily users, the experience was totally different. for years i was just trolling under some exaggerated persona for my own amusement. it was like a writing club, concocting flame posts and long diatribes.

later on it became a smaller band of regulars, who did away with the 'gamer' personas, largely because the original reason for this forum existing was extinct and so far divorced from the discussions. it was more like a chat room for a bunch of global regulars. plus, the tone of the internet itself had changed. social media was the paradigm. we all started adding one another on facebook and so on. fake Matrix-style cyberhandles and clan tags went out the window. we were on first name terms. i guess people started sharing more then (unless you're dilbert and think the jews/MI5/the freemasons are out to get him).

it's amazing that he's surprised i told fibs at 14, trolled people at 16, had moments of depression and exaggeration at 19, and feel rather more relaxed about all of it at 30. we were fundamentally different users during those times. the mods who shoot the shit with us now were all busy role-playing authority figures. let's not pretend i was the only one putting on an act for amusement.

in fact he was working his ass off to get a degree in a subject no-one cares about from Bumfuck College nowheresville.
i went to a university which was ranked 13th nationally and 88th globally in 2009. i graduated top of my class with first-class honours, won the departmental essay prize, and was given a full-ride scholarship to continue at postgraduate. i got a distinction at master's from one of the best departments for modern literature anywhere in the world. i have two degrees from the university of london, a globally recognised institution. i was meant to go on to do a PhD but life intervened, as it often does. as it happens, i've ended up in a very respected career doing a highly competitive role. the PhD option isn't going anywhere. my current job role overlaps nicely with academia and there's plenty of movement between the two. so whilst i don't have a very top-rank education, that's true, i'm definitely not in bumfuck college territory, no matter which way you cut it. as for the subject no one cares about, editorial roles care rather a great deal about it. i can deal with it being an irrelevance in tranny CAD or whatever it is that you do.

through my 20s i partied to my heart's extent, had several amazing girlfriends, and generally lapped up the university experience. meanwhile you were a 40-something guy living at home in his parents' bungalow, muttering about freemason conspiracies, and reminiscing about the time you were at university in the target pistol club, being avoided by girls and social engagements.

the real story here is that you were fooled by a teenager and are evidently extremely butthurt about it. i don't think there's any question who has the better quality of life here at the moment, dilbert. you are a dweeb.

But I guess he's made it now, living the hipster's dream in super-multicultural 84% white muggy Bristol.
trying to construe an insult out of a young person living in a multicultural hipster city is a pretty hot take. how terrible! i'm doing what a person my age should be doing. taking advantage of a city, its night life, socialising, dating, meeting new people, advancing a career. only you could find something to ridicule in that. you've missed just about every boat that's departed the harbour of your life. childless, partnerless, living at home in middle-age. christ. what went wrong? no wonder you take an inordinate interest in the lives of others.

Last edited by uziq (2020-04-16 07:23:56)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think Dilbert is happy about his life. He never had to pretend to be anything other than himself.
i think he's extremely bitter and paranoid about events that happened a long time ago. he has a hard time letting them go and expects other people to forever fester over long-past events. they manifest in his monomanias.

it's funny that he gets hysterical and self-righteous about drug-takers 'nearly ending up in prison', but out of everyone here, including all the above users sharing their youthful drug misadventures, he's probably had the most serious run-in and entanglement with the police out of anybody.

the amount of ranting he does about 'arts graduates' should also speak volumes, too. is it really balanced or rational for a grown-man to blame humanities graduates for all the world's ills, and to talk incessantly about mass shootings and psychopathic politicians in terms of their degree? you can tell he went to a sciences-only university and was probably teased by the trendies down the road at the art college.

Last edited by uziq (2020-04-16 07:50:24)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

OK, best of luck with whatever persona you've picked now. You'll understand that no-one is going to believe any of it.

You should think about spending less time insulting and belittling other people and their lives when you spend most of yours in a fantasy world.
You're the one ranting about STEM psychopaths when all the objective evidence points the other way, you being a prime example of a vicious and angry nobody and fantasist with delusions of grandeur.

FWIW I've never personally been in trouble with the authorities, they tried to fuck us up and we returned the favour 100 times over.
It was all over the papers, parliament and the lord chancellor got involved, it cost a chief constable his life, the DPP her job and numerous lower functionaries their careers, fun times.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

OK, best of luck with whatever persona you've picked now.
Oh my God. He is going to be a tranny someday. He has already made all the justifications.
Artifice of Eternity

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

OK, best of luck with whatever persona you've picked now.
Oh my God. He is going to be a tranny someday. He has already made all the justifications.
As long as we can get back to appreciating ass in this thread I'm happy.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
I am all that is MOD!

one of my older brothers had a teacher named Steven Smith in 5th grade (~11 years old). He started a club called "Against Steven Smith".

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It's funny that Uzique made fun of my depression meanwhile he almost committed a checks notes murder suicide on his ex-girlfriend.
Artifice of Eternity

SuperJail Warden wrote:

It's funny that Uzique made fun of my depression meanwhile he almost committed a checks notes murder suicide on his ex-girlfriend.
I thought the story was he almost committed Sudoku
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
I am all that is MOD!

he wanted to buy a suburu
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

It's funny that Uzique made fun of my depression meanwhile he almost committed a checks notes murder suicide on his ex-girlfriend.
The guy who has spent more time than anyone boasting about his girlfriends and telling others to kill themselves came closer to offing himself over a girl than anyone else.

Most people going through an experience like that would gain a little empathy and humility, but it actually made him worse.
Thats narcissists for you.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I wonder if he told the new one he considered offing the old one. Does she know she is in danger?
i never made fun of your depression. i’ve commented on your anti-psychotics because half your posts here you delete, and the half of the ones you do post are in this affectless tone where you write the worst most racist, sexist, hateful stuff imaginable. like a person on anti-psychotic drugs. your posting patterns are weird. depression doesn’t have anything to do with it.

and, the way you go around touching up the mentally slow staff at your workplace and railing veteran’s wives, i think we all know you’re the closest here to a double homicide scenario.

dilbert seems like he’s on his way to some sort of serious illness as well. talking about the freemasons and the entire british establishment. his family brought them down! the director of public prosecutions! a chief constable assassinated! lord mountbatten blown up! dilbert’s dad must have been either gaddafi or james bond. it’s why they’re in hiding in an adobe bungalow in wagga wagga, you see.

if i had threatened anyone with a weapon i would have a criminal record. nothing about that story adds up from a legal perspective on an even perfunctory level. never mind the fact that my ex's new boyfriend's parents were barristers who wanted to have the book thrown at me, if possible. never mind the fact that me and that ex patched things up and enjoyed a more balanced, even-keeled casual relationship later after university. would you text an ex the next time you’re in town if they had waved a ‘carving knife’ at you? dilbert wants it to be true because he wants everyone to be maximally remorseful for their sinful lifestyles, and because he’s clueless. 5 years in prison for possession of a class b substance like marijuana or mephedrone, O K. again, the shocking thing is that people believed such an over-egged tale.

there’s nothing pathological about someone lying and inventing a persona on a forum in the early 2000s.  maybe it’s a generational thing. for anyone who came of age on forums or chat rooms around the millennium, exaggerating your age was the norm. perhaps you had to be part of the technologically precocious millennials. for example, i was one of the first moderators on the Xfire forums, which had 100k+ active users, at age 13/14. i was their man in europe tending the boards on the graveyard shift. i’d have to report to someone in their menlo park office. they all thought i was working-age adult. a good analogy here is liquidat0r, who is also my age and was also a mod at like 14. who knew? people put on airs. that i got bored and trolled for a few years is not exactly signs of narcissistic delusions. a person with a literary bent writing posts in an exaggerated voice for laughs! get out the divan and freud’s ‘interpretation of dreams’!  derp derp. that account totted up 1000s of karma in laughs and reactions. for years i was essentially just acting out the forum equivalent of a wrestling heel. it doesn't mean diddly squat about someone's 'delusions'. isn't all this psychoanalysis a bit, well, jewish for you dilbert?

Last edited by uziq (2020-04-17 03:22:51)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
OK, whatever you say, just remind us how many times your nasty psychotic ranting has got you permanently banned from these forums.
Is it three or four times now?

makes u think
Fuck Israel
nasty psychotic ranting? you mean flaming people?

show me where he touched you, dilbert. i can take flaming back as good as i get it, i've never had a problem with that. i've shared lots with this forum in its later phases, when it wasn't just trolling. i'm not embarrassed about any of it. if macbeth wants to laugh that i've had depression, cool! i can laugh at my earlier behaviour too. but i'm going to correct you about factual accuracy if you're going to drag up stuff from 2010. flame accurately!

the other part you're missing is that the entire 'community' have always gathered on steam, teamspeak, discord, whatever, and played games together. voice comms, lots of socialising off-line from the boards. you've never been present for any of that. this whole 'wait uzique isn't his forum persona?' thing could hardly be a shock to anyone other than you. don't you think it's a little strange that you've visited these forums for 15 years and never played a game with or hopped on TS with any of us? now you're telling me that 'no one believes' you. lol. you are hopeless. come to think of it, isn't your own behaviour more than just a little odd?

Last edited by uziq (2020-04-17 06:48:36)

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