‘i had my first dream’ – a scot (2019)
i mean, not literally my first ever, first since quitting. being stoned out your box 8/7 means your brain stops giving you dreams. shit's fucky.

this country (USA) needs to stop equating marijuana with herion at the federal level. This isn't scotland after all . . .
Once NJ legalizes marijuana I plan to home grow some.
I even have a spot ready for it.

I have a big backyard so maybe a green house could go back there.

So I know I have a habit of criticizing things on here but then going onto do them without hesitation or guilt. Vaping is going to be one of those things.
A friend brought a bunch of marijuana vape pens back from a dispensary in Vegas. I have spent the last month at least in a marijuana vape pen induced haze. Almost everyday I smoke myself sober.
We should definitely ban these things because it makes it too easy and convenient to smoke pot. People like me need to be protected.
A friend brought a bunch of marijuana vape pens back from a dispensary in Vegas. I have spent the last month at least in a marijuana vape pen induced haze. Almost everyday I smoke myself sober.
We should definitely ban these things because it makes it too easy and convenient to smoke pot. People like me need to be protected.

excuse meSteve-0 wrote:
this country (USA) needs to stop equating marijuana with herion at the federal level. This isn't scotland after all . . .

I look forward to burnzz' response in half a year.
Managing classes from home.

only 2 months leftunnamednewbie13 wrote:
I look forward to burnzz' response in half a year.
am back aff it again, day 3 wooo

i would advise against smoking during a respiratory infection pandemic.
most of the middle-aged fatalities in china were men. why? they smoke a lot.
most of the middle-aged fatalities in china were men. why? they smoke a lot.
Day 3 of no more vaping. I stopped once I started getting constant chest pains. I don't have trouble breathing so I think I just irritated my lungs and they need time to recover. I am going to use this as an opportunity to stop doing marijuana in general since my body is telling me "no more".

I need someone to please tell me I am not dying. I will +1 you.

Wow, that's a relief. Thank you very much, RTHKI.

i bought a quarter of shrooms. think i might take them tomorrow (not the full quarter). i've only done shrooms twice and the last time i did 5 grams about a year ago and it was pretty crazy. very visual both closed and open eye. mentally it was pretty overwhelming though, had some weird thoughts and realizations about personal shit that hit me kinda hard but i rode with it. i feel like i really benefited from it though and i kinda have the desire to trip again.
debating if i wanna do it on a hike or at my pad. i think nature is way better but the last time on shrooms i really wanted to lay down and close my eyes and chill in a comfy spot so idk
debating if i wanna do it on a hike or at my pad. i think nature is way better but the last time on shrooms i really wanted to lay down and close my eyes and chill in a comfy spot so idk
gang shit
I'd choose being indoors if you get intense visuals. Nature is cool, but little things like the wind and leaves rustling can put you off, and you can't just ask it to stop. Indoors, if the trip is going wonky you have some ability to change the situation.lil_droo wrote:
i bought a quarter of shrooms. think i might take them tomorrow (not the full quarter). i've only done shrooms twice and the last time i did 5 grams about a year ago and it was pretty crazy. very visual both closed and open eye. mentally it was pretty overwhelming though, had some weird thoughts and realizations about personal shit that hit me kinda hard but i rode with it. i feel like i really benefited from it though and i kinda have the desire to trip again.
debating if i wanna do it on a hike or at my pad. i think nature is way better but the last time on shrooms i really wanted to lay down and close my eyes and chill in a comfy spot so idk
Let us know how it went/goes, though.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
tripping during a pandemic is just plain bad vibes. you need to be able to go wherever you want, and go freely, with friends without the latent fear that you're going to get stopped by a policeman simply for being outside. tripping whilst wearing a facemask? no no no.
oh god, I didn't even think of that. Imagine the fear deep deep down that you'd be talking to a cop at your peak. Better make it a hippie flip to ease the nerves.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
The first cop he sees is going to look like a City 17 cop from Half Life.

you also forgot to take in to account it's androo.
"very visual both closed and open eye" lol who the fuck talks like that? He comes across as a guy who spends all his time reading about this stuff on internet forums but never actually experiencing it.
Hi Andrew
"very visual both closed and open eye" lol who the fuck talks like that? He comes across as a guy who spends all his time reading about this stuff on internet forums but never actually experiencing it.
Hi Andrew
it's perfectly conceivable that androoz is the way that he is because his parents were dosing him on LSD in nursery.
mystical language. really emphasizing the intensity of the experience by making it intense to make it through a Droo setence.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
droo writes posts like mumble rappers from soundcloud slur through songs.
i have no doubt that just as much xanax or cough syrup is involved.
i have no doubt that just as much xanax or cough syrup is involved.
As I have gotten older I have realized how crazy/stupid it is to take pills or tabs or powder from strangers and other druggies. Play it safe and stick with marijuana. There is no high worth dying for.

This sounds old man-ish, but now it seems like there's worse supply out there. It always felt like the dealers needed your business a decade ago, and wanted to sell good product so you didn't look elsewhere. Worse that would happen is you'd get something cut with meth. Now, with fentanyl and carfentanyl, I'd be pretty worried about the quality and a potential OD.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families