it's quaint that you mock liberalism but don't understand its most basic tenets. liberalism does not mean infinite respect and tolerance for everything, everywhere. did you even take a basic ethics class in school? christ.
A congressman from Florida got it. He may have spread it among Congress because he voted Saturday.

westminster here is full of it. politicos and journalists somehow feel exempt from what they're directing/commenting on, i guess.
New Guineans following ritualistic practices in the near history is not an isolated thing. In proto-civilizations and even through antiquity your beloved white ancestors were doing the same under the same pretenses.Dilbert_X wrote:
Thats great and all, same for culture.
In various pacific islander cultures cannibalism was the in-thing for millenia.
Should we be 'open and tolerant' to other people's cultures in this case?
When someone turns up at the airport with a suitcase bulging with human body parts and dripping blood what do we say? "Oh those New Guineans, so quaint" and wave them through?
Probably we should divert our resources from MS to treating kuru without addressing the root cause, like good multicultural citizens.
From my understanding, cannibalism as food sustenance (as opposed to ritualistic activities related to the dead of war) was not widely practiced in pacific islander cultures (or any others), let alone for millenia, but I haven't read up much on it since a few anthropology courses in college, so I may be out of date.
Cannibalism isn't even a thing anymore, except in extremely isolated cases. Are you really asking such a stupid question?
Should we be open and tolerant to blood letting? Hmm, let's spend the next 20 pages indulging in your nonsensicals.
Exactly, cannibalism and head-hunting were ended by superior white culture. Is that a bad thing?
Are you saying we should continue tolerating the Chinese and their pandemic-producing cultural practices, overpopulation and aggressive expansionist foreign policy?
Are you saying we should continue tolerating the Chinese and their pandemic-producing cultural practices, overpopulation and aggressive expansionist foreign policy?
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-03-18 17:31:20)
Fuck Israel
Vikings and other European pagans practiced head hunting and ritual cannibalism. What really put a stop to it was the Catholic Church.Dilbert_X wrote:
Exactly, cannibalism and head-hunting were ended by superior white culture. Is that a bad thing?

We don't do that, or drink the blood of the vanquished, any more.
The Chinese are still in the dark ages. We should fence them off until they evolve.
The Chinese are still in the dark ages. We should fence them off until they evolve.
Fuck Israel … vice-wrongDilbert_X wrote:
Probably they'll never share any data so no-one will ever get to the truth. Like Chernobyl it may take decades and a change of government to get the full truth.
Fuck them frankly.
editor in chief of the lancet commends china, questions our politicians.
gee, balanced thought is difficult !
So some scientists did they right thing, some of them were locked up though, we'll probably never know how many or where they are now, the govt looked after themselves, from the problem they created themselves, now they're trying to pin the blame on the US.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-03-18 18:21:43)
Fuck Israel
every government everywhere is trying to look after themselves. witness the futility of trump and co. downplaying, denying, blaming china/europe, etc.
yep, no disagreements with you that the government's handling of the outbreak was a disaster in the first month. but they listened to the scientists, looked at the data.
that's more than the UK/US are doing. it's okay to be alarmed at our treatment of it without having to be a red commie, you know.
yep, no disagreements with you that the government's handling of the outbreak was a disaster in the first month. but they listened to the scientists, looked at the data.
that's more than the UK/US are doing. it's okay to be alarmed at our treatment of it without having to be a red commie, you know.
They're listening to the scientists, just the wrong ones.
Fuck Israel
meanwhile coronavirus has reached every single state in the US and they've only just managed to agree to make testing free. lol.
No doubt being smug will bounce back on me, however Jay's state has a similar population to my country and four times the cases.
Fuck Israel wrote:
No doubt being smug will bounce back on me, however Jay's state has a similar population to my country and four times the cases.
this is part of why, although i imagine NJ has 10x the population density. proximity to NYC cannot help.
On top of Washington's declared state of emergency, counties and a bunch of plucky little cities have been declaring their own to give themselves various response powers.
Lakewood declares state of emergency in response to COVID-19 (3/16) … o-covid-19 … 367c8e3446
A "homeless state of emergency" had already been declared for a couple years in cities like Tacoma for sanitation and problematic living conditions. The impact this pandemic may have on these populations feels underexposed next to articles and memes making fun of toilet paper hoarders.
Coronavirus update: County's 1st death; Tacoma council confirms state of emergency (3/18) … 51926.html
Also, nearby in Puyallup.
And last year:
Washington is under a state of emergency as measles cases rise (2019/1/29) … index.html
Lakewood declares state of emergency in response to COVID-19 (3/16) … o-covid-19
Bellingham mom of 5 shares plight of being homeless during coronavirus outbreak (3/18)On Monday, March 16, 2020 Lakewood City Manager John J. Caulfield proclaimed a state of emergency in the city of Lakewood in response to COVID-19. The Lakewood City Council ratified the declaration at its meeting the same evening.
The declaration is a proactive move on behalf of the city, which has currently seen minimal disruptions to its day-to-day operations due to COVID-19. However, the community, including residents, families, students and businesses have experienced severe disruption to their daily lives due to the increased diagnoses of COVID-19 across the state, including the region’s three largest counties: King, Snohomish and Pierce.
Having the proclamation of civil emergency in place allows city leaders to take necessary and extraordinary measures that are required to inhibit a dramatic spike in occurrences of COVID-19. It also acknowledges that the city’s response will require the use of all city resources and as a result means the city will need to access state and federal resources, including financial assistance. … 367c8e3446
A "homeless state of emergency" had already been declared for a couple years in cities like Tacoma for sanitation and problematic living conditions. The impact this pandemic may have on these populations feels underexposed next to articles and memes making fun of toilet paper hoarders.
Coronavirus update: County's 1st death; Tacoma council confirms state of emergency (3/18) … 51926.html
Also, nearby in Puyallup.
And last year:
Washington is under a state of emergency as measles cases rise (2019/1/29) … index.html
Almost 9000 confirmed cases in the U.S. There's no stopping it. Expect 100,000 cases in a week.

Almost 10,000
Fuck Israel
10,000 cases when you're not even testing, may i remind you again, for the 4th time. you already have 100,000s of cases. people sick with the exact symptoms, visiting hospitals, can't get tested. what tiny fraction of the severely ill are getting test confirmations?
remember when jay was saying only 2600 cases? all of, er, two days ago?
do they not teach the concept of exponential growth in pog college or something?
remember when jay was saying only 2600 cases? all of, er, two days ago?
do they not teach the concept of exponential growth in pog college or something?
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-19 02:17:52)
military trucks transporting coffins around northern italy, so that people can be cremated safely.
the obituaries pages of the local paper, normally 1 page, extended to 10+ pages. not a single one of these people could die with their loved ones around them, or be visited. they will have no funerals.
iT'S JuSt thE flU guyZ fuK exPerts
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-19 05:22:13)
What kills me are when people exhibiting multiple symptoms, profess to have been around those who test positive, or who return from a severely affected country are deemed unqualified to be tested. I get that there are a limited number of kits, but damn.
What kills me is when people know they're supposed to self isolate but go sightseeing and to restaurants.
Fuck Israel
my friend went to his local pub last night, there were only about 5 people there, only 5 people for a reason clearly -- they are all fucking irresponsible idiots. i gave him a good chewing off this morning. people breaking a quarantine only makes the short-term pain and sacrifices that the rest are making worthless. as people like patient 31 in south korea demonstrate, one person can seed it to thousands of others, not to mention killing their family members who are quarantined back at home.
i actually do worry for america. your testing and tracing has been pathetic, probably the worst in the world. the only approach that has had anything like success, such as in china, south korea and taiwan, is to test extensively and follow up all chains of contact. it's pointless trying to quarantine 330 million people whilst you're not chasing down the active spreaders. america doesn't seem to get it. the UK government's early tactic was just as hopeless; the doctors and nurses on the frontline understood it only too clearly, not having tests in busy hospitals and the like. china have shared data and clearly pointed a way here, and it has nothing to do with jay's protestations about 'people loving chinese socialism'.
'only 2,600 cases' jay says. 3 days later, 10,000. meanwhile, italy had 'only' 10,000 cases a week ago, now they have 35,000 and 500-600 people a day dying. it's only going to get worse for america, not better, as a lack of lockdown tracing means that figure goes up and up. at least italy's total measures means they can soon get over the hump from uncontrolled spreading 3-4 weeks ago. the overwhelming of their medical system will abate, even if the death figure goes up in the short term.
this virus has an asymptomatic incubation period of up to 3-4 days. people become gravely ill for 3-4 weeks, requiring life support. the total infected and total dead numbers are not a realistic grip on the situation -- especially in countries that aren't testing in the first place, where there will be an order of magnitude more cases than officially reported. it's safe to assume in terms of official figures that we are always 2-3 days of exponential growth behind new diagnoses and still waiting for the infected of 3-4 weeks ago to pull through or die.
america is in a yuuuugely bad situation. this will be the test and endnote to trump's presidency, not congressional politicking.
i actually do worry for america. your testing and tracing has been pathetic, probably the worst in the world. the only approach that has had anything like success, such as in china, south korea and taiwan, is to test extensively and follow up all chains of contact. it's pointless trying to quarantine 330 million people whilst you're not chasing down the active spreaders. america doesn't seem to get it. the UK government's early tactic was just as hopeless; the doctors and nurses on the frontline understood it only too clearly, not having tests in busy hospitals and the like. china have shared data and clearly pointed a way here, and it has nothing to do with jay's protestations about 'people loving chinese socialism'.
'only 2,600 cases' jay says. 3 days later, 10,000. meanwhile, italy had 'only' 10,000 cases a week ago, now they have 35,000 and 500-600 people a day dying. it's only going to get worse for america, not better, as a lack of lockdown tracing means that figure goes up and up. at least italy's total measures means they can soon get over the hump from uncontrolled spreading 3-4 weeks ago. the overwhelming of their medical system will abate, even if the death figure goes up in the short term.
this virus has an asymptomatic incubation period of up to 3-4 days. people become gravely ill for 3-4 weeks, requiring life support. the total infected and total dead numbers are not a realistic grip on the situation -- especially in countries that aren't testing in the first place, where there will be an order of magnitude more cases than officially reported. it's safe to assume in terms of official figures that we are always 2-3 days of exponential growth behind new diagnoses and still waiting for the infected of 3-4 weeks ago to pull through or die.
america is in a yuuuugely bad situation. this will be the test and endnote to trump's presidency, not congressional politicking.
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-19 06:42:18)
Caught a couple videos linked (big surprise, 1m+ subscriber youtuber docs) at the end of uzique's:
(mar 8)
(feb 23)
Lots of emphasis in professional opinion about awareness over panic and understanding statistics. The numbers will go up as testing increases. I'm not sure why this doesn't make sense to some people.
But that one clip of the guy wondering if we should just give everyone the virus and get it over with. What the actual heck.
(mar 8)
(feb 23)
Lots of emphasis in professional opinion about awareness over panic and understanding statistics. The numbers will go up as testing increases. I'm not sure why this doesn't make sense to some people.
But that one clip of the guy wondering if we should just give everyone the virus and get it over with. What the actual heck.