Why don't you care about the struggles of refugees?

Peaky Blinders and Snatch, mate.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Are there any positive media representations of Roma in Europe at all? Aside from the shows about child marriages.
Words have meaning. I am sorry you just didn't know the difference between the two groups.uziq wrote:
they are gypsies, completely different, you see. macbeth is only talking about the people you find on the steps of the sacré-cœur.
I know you proof read social justice literature or whatever so I probably shouldn't expect you to know culturally geography.Although they are often referred to as "Gypsies",[h] Irish Travellers are not genetically related to Romani Gypsies. Genetic analysis has shown Travellers to be of Irish extraction, and that they diverged from the settled Irish population in the 1600s, during the time of the Cromwellian invasion of Ireland. The centuries of separation has led to Travellers becoming genetically distinct from the settled Irish. Traveller rights groups long advocated for ethnic status from the Irish government, succeeding in 2017.[6]
yes, well done. it's almost like exactly what i'm saying, and the terms are used interchangeably in the english-speaking world. it's almost like my very first response on the topic used the compound 'roma-gypsy' to cover every possible group you're trying to denote.The Romani are widely known in English by the exonym Gypsies (or Gipsies), which is considered by some Roma people to be pejorative due to its connotations of illegality and irregularity.[67] Beginning in 1888, the Gypsy Lore Society[68] started to publish a journal that was meant to dispel rumors about their lifestyle.[69]
there's groups of travellers in france which are referred to as 'gitans', gypsies, in general. however, the travellers from the south are mostly catalonian-spanish speaking travellers, with no links to the roma, but they are still called gypsies. the roma gypsies tend to congregate around paris, but still 'gitans' is the general term regardless of specific ethnicity. it is not used only as an insult or a slur, either. they refer to themselves as gypsies.SuperJail Warden wrote:
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_TravellersI know you proof read social justice literature or whatever so I probably shouldn't expect you to know culturally geography.Although they are often referred to as "Gypsies",[h] Irish Travellers are not genetically related to Romani Gypsies. Genetic analysis has shown Travellers to be of Irish extraction, and that they diverged from the settled Irish population in the 1600s, during the time of the Cromwellian invasion of Ireland. The centuries of separation has led to Travellers becoming genetically distinct from the settled Irish. Traveller rights groups long advocated for ethnic status from the Irish government, succeeding in 2017.[6]
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-09 12:56:47)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_o … ani_peopleSuperJail Warden wrote:
You used a racial slur incorrectly and it is my fault you didn't know it was one? Like I said, the real racist all along.
why would they start journals and associations using the term 'gypsy' if they are not the same? how confusing!In 1879, a national meeting of Romanies was held in the Hungarian town of Kisfalu (now Pordašinci, Slovenia). Romanies in Bulgaria set up a conference in 1919 to protest for their right to vote, and a Romani journal, Istiqbal (Future) was founded in 1923.[28]
In the Soviet Union, the All-Russian Union of Gypsies was organized in 1925 with a journal, Romani Zorya (Romani Dawn) beginning two years later. The Romengiro Lav (Romani Word) writer's circle encouraged works by authors like Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pankov and Nina Dudarova.[28]
A General Association of the Gypsies of Romania was established in 1933 with a national conference, and two journals, Neamul Țiganesc (Gypsy Nation) and Timpul (Time). An "international" conference was organized in Bucharest the following year.[28]
you're wrong, you've never been to europe, you've clearly never had a conversation with a european about it, let alone a gypsy or roma person.The 8-10 million European Roma/Gypsies are a founder population of common origins that has subsequently split into multiple socially divergent and geographically dispersed Gypsy groups. Unlike other founder populations, whose genealogy has been extensively documented, the demographic history of the Gypsies is not fully understood and, given the lack of written records, has to be inferred from current genetic data. In this study, we have used five disease loci harboring private Gypsy mutations to examine some missing historical parameters and current structure
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-09 12:59:52)
uziq wrote:
did you get that from wikipedia too?
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-09 14:00:15)
Nature vs nurture, I say a bit of both. Indians seem congenitally predisposed to fraud, Pakistanis to rape etc.uziq wrote:
i do think that a culture or an ideology can affect the progress of or direction a society takes. it is, after all, a question of how a society looks at itself, reflects on its past, and envisions its future. culture and ideology are 'webs' through which we perceive the world and so act on it. it stands to reason that a society with, say, a protestant outlook in the New World will adopt certain attitudes towards the material world, towards fellow human beings, and towards their spiritual beliefs and general 'idea' of the Good/desirable. so that you can get an industrious people who also are susceptible to over-rationalization and a tendency to consider other human beings algebraically, as units rather than beings (to make one academically inadmissible gross generalization ...)
what i profoundly DIS-agree with is that these cultures are 'inherent' or intrinsic, that they are related to our genetic traits so that there is a thing as 'black culture' or 'african intelligence'. it's scientifically illiterate and ignores the entire reality of a culture and its attending ideologies, which is that they change and mutate throughout history, according to external pressures/forces and internal actions/reactions. a people's culture isn't some autonomous unchanging, eternal thing; and it doesn't spring from a rock, autochthonously. culture is constructed, and so subject to change.
Mugabe was a western puppet? The current govt of south africa are white puppets?there is literally an entire historical discipline dedicated to this, and it's hardly recondite or recherche stuff. here is the introduction to an essay from 1965 with which every history student of the last 60 years will be familiar. 'official' colonial administrations left and western puppet elites as well as giant 'apolitical' corporations moved in to divvy up the economy and run the country by proxy. there are so many books written about this. there's even been multi-part BBC documentaries about it. how has all this passed you by? you are sheerly ignorant, man.
A disproportionate amount are committed by refugees/migrants, feel free to work through all the links I gave you.uziq wrote:
because the sex crimes in the UK are not committed by refugees. and because people use headlines about such offences to justify sweeping rejections of islam as a whole, or non-white neighbours, which i do not condone in the slightest.
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-10 02:13:11)
I raised rhodesia, you raised the issue of western puppet elites and 'giant 'apolitical' corporations', try to focus.uziq wrote:
nobody claimed mugabe was installed as a pro-western puppet
Not yet.uziq wrote:
can you point me to the gene allele for financial crime dilbert?
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-03-10 03:08:53)
https://newleftreview.org/issues/I39/ar … f-rhodesiaOne of the most interesting features of South African capitalism is the ambiguous position of large-scale capital vis-à-vis the white nationalist regime and its ideology. In the book under review, massive evidence is presented to support the assumption of a conflict between the interests of large-scale capital, on the one hand, and those of the white workers and small-scale capital (operating mainly in agriculture) who form the power base of the regime, on the other. The former upholds the supremacy of market forces as a principle of resources allocation and income distribution, while the latter favour an administered capitalist economy directed to preserving their privileges relative to the African population and to improving their bargaining position in dealing with large-scale capital. An analogous situation was illustrated in my article on the Political Economy of Rhodesia (in nlr 39). and it is gratifying to find the assumption further corroborated.
have fun. i'm sure you're familiar with arrighi's work.The most important single element determining the nature of economic and political development in Southern Rhodesia, was the British South Africa Company’s overestimation at the end of the 19th century of its mineral resources, and the persistence of this overestimation for roughly 15 years. The reasons behind such a misconception can be partly detected in the political interruptions which characterized the early period of colonization (Jameson Raid, Matabele and Mashona rebellions, Boer War). The costs incurred in the meantime increased the stake of the Company in the country and led to additional heavy development investment particularly in railways. The over valuation became apparent when, eventually, the Rhodesian gold fields failed to yield deposits comparable to those of South Africa. For example, even in 1910 against a profit of close to £7 million from the eleven leading Johannesburg gold mines, the ten leading Rhodesian mines yielded a profit of only £614,000. Large-scale workings were uneconomic because the deposits were scattered and the ore itself often of a low quality.
The desire to recover the original heavy outlays induced the Chartered Company to foster the formation of a white rural bourgeoisie which, by developing the country would raise the value of its assets in the area—viz. the railway system, the mine claims, and especially land.