can you get to the point please, you're only ever being about .15% as clever as you think you are.
I have noticed that a lot of Europeans who talk about how tolerant and open minded they are also really hate Roma. I mean the things that come out of your mouths would be considered impolite if said about any other group.

'a lot of the europeans hate the roma'? please can you add some - any - substance to this claim? i've never met anyone who has expressed vitriol towards the roma. it seems like a prejudice from the 1950s, about on level with fear/dislike of black people moving into the neighbourhood, expressed from behind twitching lace curtains.
britain had a wildly popular TV show through most of the 2010s called 'my big fat gypsy wedding'. hardly objects of hate and scorn. there are popular folk festivals and gatherings in the UK, and more so in ireland, dedicated to gypsy-roma culture.
i've seen some documentaries a long time ago addressing the stigma they face in hungary/romania, but i don't know enough about the historical reasons for their enmity.
i recommend visiting europe one day because fuck knows how you're building this strange bundle of impressions.
britain had a wildly popular TV show through most of the 2010s called 'my big fat gypsy wedding'. hardly objects of hate and scorn. there are popular folk festivals and gatherings in the UK, and more so in ireland, dedicated to gypsy-roma culture.
i've seen some documentaries a long time ago addressing the stigma they face in hungary/romania, but i don't know enough about the historical reasons for their enmity.
i recommend visiting europe one day because fuck knows how you're building this strange bundle of impressions.
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-09 09:44:23)
Oh wow you are one of those Europeans after all. What a twistUzique wrote:
a lot of the europeans hate the roma'? please can you add some - any - substance to this claim? i've never met anyone who has expressed vitriol towards the roma. … -Romanyism

uziq wrote:
britain had a wildly popular TV show through most of the 2010s called 'my big fat gypsy wedding'. hardly objects of hate and scorn.

like i said in my post, i've seen it documented in hungary/romania, and evidently according to your link across the balkans and stretching into italy/greece. you do know that me and larssen are from western europe, right? and that there is no monolithic 'european' culture that we can speak for univocally? the attitudes of danes are not the same as the attitudes of slovakians.
'central europe' has always been a febrile area for ethnic tensions, not just towards the roma, but towards one another. no surprises that an area as fractious and nationalistic as the balkans has a high rate of hatred towards travellers who don't belong to any one nation. you're talking about a region that had widespread ethnic cleansing and genocide in the 1990s. a british person or belgian person is not going to express the same sentiments, retard. if you ask me what 'europeans' think about something, there's a safe assumption that i'm speaking on behalf of and generalising about western europe, not slovenia.
most of the states on that list were in the USSR a generation ago.
'central europe' has always been a febrile area for ethnic tensions, not just towards the roma, but towards one another. no surprises that an area as fractious and nationalistic as the balkans has a high rate of hatred towards travellers who don't belong to any one nation. you're talking about a region that had widespread ethnic cleansing and genocide in the 1990s. a british person or belgian person is not going to express the same sentiments, retard. if you ask me what 'europeans' think about something, there's a safe assumption that i'm speaking on behalf of and generalising about western europe, not slovenia.
most of the states on that list were in the USSR a generation ago.
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-09 10:02:34)
i mean, yeah, sure, except that we don't have a long and shameful cultural history of slavery, minstrel shows, etc about gypsies. the show was actually lauded at the time by critics and commentators as giving insight into gypsy culture/customs and promoting their lifestyle to a general public.
did you really get a degree? you are functionally retarded.
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-09 10:00:32)
uziq wrote:
i mean, yeah, sure, except that we don't have a long and shameful cultural history of slavery, minstrel shows, etc about gypsies.

That is a shameful minstrel show about gypsies.
Do you think gypsie culture is just all about those child marriages? That is like saying black culture is just rap music and stealing.

According to my link 40ish percent of French and Spaniards have a negative view of Roma. Those are extreme numbers. 40% of white Americans would never openly say such a thing about a group.

i don't think anything about the show; i haven't seen it and i'm not about to. my point was that it was A Thing for a while and hardly expressed hatred towards the group. i'm sure plenty of liberals applauded it as a well-meaning thing and plenty others wrote concerned thinkpieces about exploitation. so it goes. this may surprise you but i'm not overly invested in controversies around television shows.SuperJail Warden wrote:
That is a shameful minstrel show about gypsies.
Do you think gypsie culture is just all about those child marriages? That is like saying black culture is just rap music and stealing.
you're shifting the terms and i'm still not even sure what you're trying to get at? a 'negative view' is not the same as hatred or discrimination. i already said in my very first post that they are censured and held to a higher standard of behaviour because people are mistrustful/disapproving of their unorthodox lifestyle. wow, no surprises that your average person with a mortgage and a car on the driveway thinks negatively about people who live in trailers and get around by horse-and-cart!
and really? 40% of americans wouldn't have a negative opinion about, say, homosexuals? transexuals? all those americans in the bible belt? i could find 40% of americans who feel hateful enough about abortion to ban it ffs. a 'negative opinion' of someone's lifestyle is a very broad fucking category.
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-09 10:11:35)
What makes you think all Roma are nomadic peasantry? Child marriages and horse carts. Do you also think they steal children?Uzique wrote:
wow, no surprises that your average person with a mortgage and a car on the driveway thinks negatively about people who live in trailers and get around by horse-and-cart!
Like many woke warriors of Social Justice Twitter, Uzique trades in the "soft bigotry of low expectations". Didn't you used to say the Wire was the greatest t.v. show ever? Do you think the Baltimore drug trade is representative of the African American experience?

you have no idea what you're talking about, and it's frankly boring.
actually most roma in the UK live in semi-permanent camps and parks of mobile homes, like trailer parks in the US. a small minority will move into regular housing. i see several roma gypsy areas like this every day that i commute to work. what do you know of it, based on wikipedia sat in new jersey? get a grip. if anything, you're selecting some random group for the sake of a highly spurious, trollsome argument and pretending to have some special sympathy or understanding of their situation.
much like women's rights when you talk about islam, you're a cynic who adopts 'causes' as chess pawns. you're concerned for women's rights or the roma when it suits a passing mood in D&ST, then in the next post you'll talk about a school assistant or some female target like she's a piece of meat. it's quite pathetic.
i didn't say anywhere that all roma are nomads or practice child marriage. please, please try a little harder.
like almost every other millennial, i think the wire is a good show. not sure i've said anywhere about it being representative of african american experience. wow, you caught me! accuse me of bias against italian americans because i like the sopranos!
actually most roma in the UK live in semi-permanent camps and parks of mobile homes, like trailer parks in the US. a small minority will move into regular housing. i see several roma gypsy areas like this every day that i commute to work. what do you know of it, based on wikipedia sat in new jersey? get a grip. if anything, you're selecting some random group for the sake of a highly spurious, trollsome argument and pretending to have some special sympathy or understanding of their situation.
much like women's rights when you talk about islam, you're a cynic who adopts 'causes' as chess pawns. you're concerned for women's rights or the roma when it suits a passing mood in D&ST, then in the next post you'll talk about a school assistant or some female target like she's a piece of meat. it's quite pathetic.
i didn't say anywhere that all roma are nomads or practice child marriage. please, please try a little harder.
like almost every other millennial, i think the wire is a good show. not sure i've said anywhere about it being representative of african american experience. wow, you caught me! accuse me of bias against italian americans because i like the sopranos!
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-09 10:50:14)
Are there any positive media representations of Roma in Europe at all? Aside from the shows about child marriages.

well there's been countless hours of adulatory footage dedicated to tyson fury in the last 2-3 months, to take one high-profile example off the top of my head, including documentaries following him around and exploring his family life. all positive, obviously.
Tyson Fury is not Roma. Do you even know what a Roma person is? Have you thought I have been talking about the Irish this whole time?

I don't see why you're trying to chase some 'gotcha' moment. Did you suddenly turn into an accepting liberal? What happened to your stance on minorities in the US. How about you watch some killer mike:
Last edited by Larssen (2020-03-09 10:58:04)
roma and gypsy are used interchangeably in western europe. there are relatively few ethnic Roma here. the same lifestyle is pursued by travellers, and i've assumed all along that you are referring to the same stereotypes/social attitudes.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Tyson Fury is not Roma. Do you even know what a Roma person is? Have you thought I have been talking about the Irish this whole time?
that TV show you just linked isn't about the roma either, you know.
are you really trying to catch me out on something that is part of, you know, my everyday lived experience? using wikipedia? all for the sake of pursuing a specious argument, for -- well for what? i'm still not even sure what your fucking point is. 2 pages of trying to tease out some repressed or sublimated hatred of the roma. wow. and the best you've got is that areas with recent historical struggles and ethnic cleansing in central europe still express stigma about the Roma.
you may as well claim that europe is still thoroughly islamophobic citing the serbs and srebrenica as evidence. you are a moron.
So this whole time you did think that I was talking about the Irish, wow. I never once said gypsy. I said Roma. Gypsy, the word you use, is actually considered the impolite and wrong name. I think it says a lot about your cultural blind spots to not understand the centuries long ethnic issue on your own continent. Why doesn't Social Justice Twitter follow Roma problems?

You are a dork. Killer Mike is obscure and ignored within the black community. The only time I have ever heard of him is when white liberals bring him up.Larssen wrote:
I don't see why you're trying to chase some 'gotcha' moment. Did you suddenly turn into an accepting liberal? What happened to your stance on minorities in the US. How about you watch some killer mike:

did you get that from wikipedia too? i said in my very first post 'gypsy-roma'. in western europe the term is generally 'gypsy' or 'traveller'.
you're trying to catch me out literally skimming things off the internet. it's hilarious.
you're trying to catch me out literally skimming things off the internet. it's hilarious.
What makes you think I need to read Wikipedia about this stuff? The fact that Gypsy is a slur for Roma is pretty well known to people who know what Roma actually are which apparently you never did.

What other terms have you been using wrongly this whole time?

it's not always offensive at all. many groups self-identify as gypsies or travellers.
i can tell you've never interacted with a member of the traveller community in your day-to-day life because you are talking bollocks.
as for not accounting for 'centuries-old' conflicts on the continent, it's true, i am not accountable for the social attitudes of slovakians or greeks. you asked me and larssen for our views and you got them.
i can tell you've never interacted with a member of the traveller community in your day-to-day life because you are talking bollocks.
as for not accounting for 'centuries-old' conflicts on the continent, it's true, i am not accountable for the social attitudes of slovakians or greeks. you asked me and larssen for our views and you got them.
Wikipedia probably has a section on why you are wrong regarding how Roma feel about what they are called. I can look into it later for you.
I have a theory: Social Justice Twitter, of which you are the only follower here, doesn't follow Roma issues because Europeans don't care for Roma. Americans don't bring up Roma since we have none so there is no one to carry their water and educate you as to what they literally are and what to call them.
Then why do you care about how Muslim are treated across the channe or about the mean things said about African Americans by me?Uzique wrote:
as for not accounting for 'centuries-old' conflicts on the continent, it's true, i am not accountable for the social attitudes of slovakians or greeks. you asked me and larssen for our views and you got them.
I have a theory: Social Justice Twitter, of which you are the only follower here, doesn't follow Roma issues because Europeans don't care for Roma. Americans don't bring up Roma since we have none so there is no one to carry their water and educate you as to what they literally are and what to call them.

you can find my twitter pretty easily and see who i follow. good luck finding 'SJW twitter'.
you are continually changing what you're saying, which is pointless. where have i said 'i care about how muslims are treated across the channel'? i said i don't have hysterical fears about islam taking over europe. i never claimed to be spending my spare time at a legal aid centre for refugees.
you're trying to catch me out as 'hypocritical' as if i'm professing universal brotherhood and liberal guilt for x, y, z issues, when i haven't. i've said the far-rights' obsession with the sex lives of migrants is creepy and weird, and i've said that sick misogynist pricks like yourself pretending to hate islam under the cover of 'women's rights' is deplorable and morally bankrupt.
you are continually changing what you're saying, which is pointless. where have i said 'i care about how muslims are treated across the channel'? i said i don't have hysterical fears about islam taking over europe. i never claimed to be spending my spare time at a legal aid centre for refugees.
you're trying to catch me out as 'hypocritical' as if i'm professing universal brotherhood and liberal guilt for x, y, z issues, when i haven't. i've said the far-rights' obsession with the sex lives of migrants is creepy and weird, and i've said that sick misogynist pricks like yourself pretending to hate islam under the cover of 'women's rights' is deplorable and morally bankrupt.