and what is culture? do you think it's something intrinsic, ahistorical, not affected by material change or circumstances?
please outline your theory of culture, because it sounds fixed and static, and further uniform and homogeneous, which is like no culture i have ever studied. the fact we talk, for one thing, about 'blue collar' and 'white collar' workers when addressing americans should hint to you that the idea of a 'white' culture is a highly problematic monolithic category. i wonder what could possibly induce people of the same race simultaneously to hold differing attitudes and outlooks? make u think!!!
there's something uniquely toxic about a guy tut-tutting at islam whilst complacently talking up his own culture, when a fierce culture war has had to be waged for the last 60 years by women, often at great cost and sacrifice to their personal and professional lives, to attain what rights they do have. i'm sure feminists would be very grateful that you're appropriating their narrative to justify moronic islamophobia. you're like the stereotype of far-right dunce who goes out in the streets protesting and waving signs about 'the dangers of islam', and then goes home and expects his wife to have the dinner ready, the clothes ironed, the kids ready for school ...
please re-write your essay response in no more than 500 words. the examination lasts 30 minutes. we recommend you spend 10 minutes on this first question.
please outline your theory of culture, because it sounds fixed and static, and further uniform and homogeneous, which is like no culture i have ever studied. the fact we talk, for one thing, about 'blue collar' and 'white collar' workers when addressing americans should hint to you that the idea of a 'white' culture is a highly problematic monolithic category. i wonder what could possibly induce people of the same race simultaneously to hold differing attitudes and outlooks? make u think!!!
cute theory. except almost all of the political systems, institutions, philosophical thought and other heirlooms of 'great western culture' were developed at a time before women were enfranchised or considered as equal citizens, and instead had the status of property. the west had no problem developing and advancing without counting women's vote at the ballot box. in fact, the west only developed to a wider degree such a noble and laudable attitude towards women after about 1960 (and what was gained from the suffragettes onwards was often done so by violent protest and force), so we're really ahead of the islamic world in this race! further, women still are not equal citizens now, not in terms of earnings or even in terms of basic reproductive rights and control over their own bodies in the States, so you're making a bit of a huge gloss there. in any case, your little theory is utter twaddle.White and Hispanic people live in societies where women have options and can choose their futures. Muslim societies mistreat women. This has impacted their development.
there's something uniquely toxic about a guy tut-tutting at islam whilst complacently talking up his own culture, when a fierce culture war has had to be waged for the last 60 years by women, often at great cost and sacrifice to their personal and professional lives, to attain what rights they do have. i'm sure feminists would be very grateful that you're appropriating their narrative to justify moronic islamophobia. you're like the stereotype of far-right dunce who goes out in the streets protesting and waving signs about 'the dangers of islam', and then goes home and expects his wife to have the dinner ready, the clothes ironed, the kids ready for school ...
please re-write your essay response in no more than 500 words. the examination lasts 30 minutes. we recommend you spend 10 minutes on this first question.
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-08 13:38:19)