So I have been reading more about this virus. It seems to be the consensus among scientist that there will be a big breakout in the U.S. eventually. California is the most likely place for it to happen considering the weather and the homeless population.
So 80% of the people who get the virus show no symptoms or have mild colds. 1-3% actually die from it. Most deaths seem to be older people and those already with chronic health problems. The major issue with the virus being only a mild problem in most people is that it will spread around more since people won't drop dead quickly like they would from Ebola.
If or when the outbreak takes places in America, it would be made all the worse by the fact that our social safety net is balls. Most Americans get no paid sick days. Your typical McDonald's worker doesn't get paid to stay home with a cold. We also do not have universal healthcare so expect more people to avoid getting treatment.
It would actually be kind of just to for our collective sin of greed finally drown us.
So 80% of the people who get the virus show no symptoms or have mild colds. 1-3% actually die from it. Most deaths seem to be older people and those already with chronic health problems. The major issue with the virus being only a mild problem in most people is that it will spread around more since people won't drop dead quickly like they would from Ebola.
If or when the outbreak takes places in America, it would be made all the worse by the fact that our social safety net is balls. Most Americans get no paid sick days. Your typical McDonald's worker doesn't get paid to stay home with a cold. We also do not have universal healthcare so expect more people to avoid getting treatment.
It would actually be kind of just to for our collective sin of greed finally drown us.