i agree, in a globalised world it makes most sense for us all to stay in our borders, only eat our own local produce, and for every country to isolate and protect its labour markets. even better if we can produce our own electronics, automobiles, heavy industry, chemicals and raw materials, etc, completely self-sufficiently -- just like north korea, really.
on the bright side, the ozPhone will be a great success, i'm sure. you've got plenty of the rare earth minerals. just make sure you don't use it to communicate with anyone from outside your race, language, or national border -- it'll only contaminate the country.
everyone stay put in closed-off, hermetic little ethnostates: your rival nation next door will trade you their best material and techniques! mutual self-interest and xenophobic mistrust is the best basis for prosperity -- just look at the UK and europe's imminent new trading relation.
on the bright side, the ozPhone will be a great success, i'm sure. you've got plenty of the rare earth minerals. just make sure you don't use it to communicate with anyone from outside your race, language, or national border -- it'll only contaminate the country.
if only people had stayed within their own borders for the last 2,000 years! we wouldn't have problems like the french huguenot refugees bringing with them advanced craft techniques to the UK, or the dutch orange revolutionaries their advanced hydroponic crop-farming techniques which literally changed the food-supply of countries like the UK by upscaling its potential yields tenfold; or the transmission of the body of western knowledge across networks of medieval monasteries, thanks to travelling and itinerant scribes, scholars and churchmen; or the modern equivalent of vast, international collaborative science projects like CERN, or any current-day university department, really; or the rise of great commercial powers like the hanseatic league in northern europe or the City of London. it's not nationalism that has caused the biggest wars, it's polish plumbers working abroad for 15 years.Dilbert_X wrote:
If people stayed within their national borders and traded most of the problems of the last 2,000 years would not have occurred.
everyone stay put in closed-off, hermetic little ethnostates: your rival nation next door will trade you their best material and techniques! mutual self-interest and xenophobic mistrust is the best basis for prosperity -- just look at the UK and europe's imminent new trading relation.
Last edited by uziq (2020-02-27 04:32:20)