The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX
The only progress the average person wants is less work and more money. They don't give a shit about all this SJW crap.

When they experience more work and less money, and see people outside their clan but in their community doing no work and getting plenty of money they get pissed.
Fuck Israel
once again i'm going to have to ask you to show some actual substantive proof that polish migrant workers are either (a) adversely affecting the income/economics of british workers or (b) shirking work, doing nothing, laying about and claiming benefits, etc.

these are the oldest and most tedious tropes going. very few figures bear them out but the tabloids still faithfully reproduce them, factcheck-free, year on year. last i read, economic migrants actually put more back into the country's tax system than they take out.

https://www.oxfordeconomics.com/recent- … 250df6dbba

European migrants living in the UK contribute £2,300 more to public purse each year than the average adult, suggesting a net contribution of £78,000 to the exchequer over their lifespan in the UK.

In preparation for Brexit, the government asked its Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to report on the economic and social impacts of EU migrants in the UK. The MAC commissioned Oxford Economics to analyse the fiscal implications of immigration using the most up-to-date data and sophisticated modelling techniques.

The resulting study, The Fiscal Impact of Immigration on the UK, represents the most comprehensive assessment to date of the net contribution that all migrants make to the UK’s public finances.

The study finds that

- The average UK-based migrant from Europe contributed approximately £2,300 more to UK public finances in 2016/17 than the average UK adult. In comparison, each UK born adult contributed £70 less than the average, and each non-European migrant contributed over £800 less than the average.
- The average European migrant arriving in the UK in 2016 will contribute £78,000 more than they take out in public services and benefits over their time spent in the UK (assuming a balanced national budget), and the average non-European migrant will make a positive net contribution of £28,000 while living here. By comparison, the average UK citizen’s net lifetime contribution in this scenario is zero.

could it possibly be that the reason they are working harder, longer hours for poorer pay ... is down to the choices and decisions of their paymasters, managers, and elites? down to the politicians they elect, who enact austerity and trickle up economics? could it be that their hatred of the Other is ... xenophobia?!??

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-26 14:38:25)

The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX
The average person contributes little to the tax system. Low paid migrants with large families are typically net drains.

When they're sending their earnings and child support payments back to Poland they probably aren't contributing much.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

Technologically the Germans were way ahead of everyone else, by years or decades.
Without Hitlers poor strategy and poor decision making on technological issues they could easily have won the war.
But no, he decreed jet fighters should be used as bombers, a small number of heavy tanks should be built instead of a large number of light tanks etc.
Invading Russia, failing to have a heavy bomber force and putting resources into capital ships instead of aircraft carriers did not work out.
I don't generally like dealing with counterfactuals but this is a popular perpetuated myth. Germany could not have 'won' world war 2 ever, the whole thing was doomed and futile from the start. Which became all the more evident halfway through - the German armed forces were spread far too thin and had major issues trying to control the populations in the countries it occupied. Even if you were to argue that they could pull of a miraculous military victory (no), the oppression, desolation and economic reality would have given rise to violent revolts everywhere. It could not last. As for the military conflict, the Germans didn't have anywhere close to the amount of resources and logistical support the allies enjoyed. From 1942 onwards it became a matter of time until they were defeated. Any change in tactics, strategy, circumstances or equipment would only delay the inevitable. The only thing that could have theoretically saved their armed forces would have been the development of a nuclear bomb, but thankfully the German scientists were way, way off the mark on the conceptual design nevermind engineering one. Still, subsequently controlling a population that vastly outnumbered the nazis would have been impossible.

The empires of old which the nazis wanted to emulate were not built through the subjugation and attempted brainwashing of all the people who lived in one. Often it lasted through the fact that life as normal was allowed to continue within the greater whole. From the Greeks to the Romans, Persians or even Mongols nowhere attempts were made to enforce cultural uniformity let alone racial superiority, rather simply to support or install an elite that would pay tribute with the returned promise to let them govern and let life be. You'll see that deviations from this way of ruling are often part of the reasons for conflicts, strife and ultimately collapse in and of these empires.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I think it is naive of a lot of the left to think that if you can improve people's material conditions they will then become functioning members of society and not instead be still dysfunctional people but with more money. And training people to get out of the culture of poverty takes time, patience, and more authoritarianism than people are comfortable with or would be legal.
The first step to getting rid of a 'culture of poverty' is to actually lift people out of poverty.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-02-26 14:42:42)


Dilbert_X wrote:

The average person contributes little to the tax system. Low paid migrants with large families are typically net drains.

When they're sending their earnings and child support payments back to Poland they probably aren't contributing much.
read the report. they contribute more than the average UK citizen.

https://www.economist.com/graphic-detai … n-doing-so

looks like we're back at ground-zero of your argument, claiming xenophobia can't be denigrated because it's irrational and human nature and stuff, man.

With Britain’s population ageing, the country could do with an influx of younger members to its labour force. If net migration were reduced to the Tories’ target of fewer than 100,000 people per year by 2030, every 1,000 people of prime working age (20-64) in Britain would have to support 405 people over the age of 65. At the present level of net migration, however, those 1,000 people would have to support only 389. This gap of 16 more pension-aged people rises to 44 by 2050. The middle-aged voters who tend to support the Conservatives today are the exact cohort whose pensions are at risk of shrinking if their desired immigration policies were put into practice.
aren't you obsessed with population stats?

Dilbert_X wrote:

When they're sending their earnings and child support payments back to Poland they probably aren't contributing much.
i suppose it's so much better when it's home grown and the top 15% all send their taxable income to off-shore accounts. let's blame the net-contributing humble migrant plumber or medical researcher.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-26 14:45:34)

The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX
Do you have specific figures for Polish plumbers with four kids?
Fuck Israel
why does it matter when the average EU migrant is such a clear net bonus? it's not even close. they are clearly a huge asset to the UK labour force.

i could almost see your point if you were against migrants from the middle east/africa who come not directly looking for work but for shelter/a better life more generally. but even they end up making a net contribution in the long run, not to mention doing the shitty dalit-caste/invisible labour that english natives are hardly clamouring over.

would a specific example of a specific nationality/profession having an effect really be a strong argument in favour of your nativist piffle? really?

i mean you could at least flip the record and be a little original, and say that the uncompetitive british worker who doesn't contribute as much to their own national wealth is demoralised and depressed, maybe. but this shit that they 'come here and don't work, take our benefits, rely on the state' etc. is tedious in the extreme. it didn't work for pakistani shopkeepers and taxi drivers in the 1970s, back when your mates were jack booting around in national front bracers, and it doesn't work now.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-26 14:53:51)

The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX
Can we agree that non-EEA migrants are both a large problem and a net drain?


Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

With Britain’s population ageing, the country could do with an influx of younger members to its labour force. If net migration were reduced to the Tories’ target of fewer than 100,000 people per year by 2030, every 1,000 people of prime working age (20-64) in Britain would have to support 405 people over the age of 65. At the present level of net migration, however, those 1,000 people would have to support only 389. This gap of 16 more pension-aged people rises to 44 by 2050. The middle-aged voters who tend to support the Conservatives today are the exact cohort whose pensions are at risk of shrinking if their desired immigration policies were put into practice.
aren't you obsessed with population stats?
If a country can't survive without endless population growth there's something structurally wrong with it.
Fuck Israel
no, because the exact same report states that over their lifetime stay they will make a net contribution of £28,000:

and the average non-European migrant will make a positive net contribution of £28,000 while living here
and, again, they do jobs for wages that the locals do not want to take. let's all punch down on the office janitors in their ethnic dress!!!

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-26 14:58:22)


Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

With Britain’s population ageing, the country could do with an influx of younger members to its labour force. If net migration were reduced to the Tories’ target of fewer than 100,000 people per year by 2030, every 1,000 people of prime working age (20-64) in Britain would have to support 405 people over the age of 65. At the present level of net migration, however, those 1,000 people would have to support only 389. This gap of 16 more pension-aged people rises to 44 by 2050. The middle-aged voters who tend to support the Conservatives today are the exact cohort whose pensions are at risk of shrinking if their desired immigration policies were put into practice.
aren't you obsessed with population stats?
If a country can't survive without endless population growth there's something structurally wrong with it.
yes, that problem is called people like you who took every state-provided benison for free and then didn't contribute anything to it over your working life. free school, healthcare, university, job training ... moves to australia to complain about the net contributions of immigrating europeans. OK!

that problem is called middle-aged childless boomers who want the biggest possible pension pot to spend 40 years going on planet-destroying luxury cruises.

the problem is not net-contributing, skills-contributing migrant labour. retard.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-26 15:00:22)

The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX
Second, as a group of predominantly young adults,
the expected retirement costs associated with the later years of these migrants’
lives are reduced by the fact that a large proportion tend to leave the UK again
before reaching retirement.
Yes, easy to calculate a net positive contribution if you assume migrants are going to retire back to their home country, so their retirement and end of life healthcare costs are incurred somewhere else.

A GBP28,000 net lifetime contribution is a) Barely above inflation noise level b) Likely to be blown away be a couple of years retirement and a hip operation.

So I call bullshit on these figures.
Fuck Israel
most european migrants do return home, it is a completely safe assumption. you just relied on some stereotype above about polish 'cheating tax' by 'sending money home to the wife and kids' ffs. so WHICH fucking scenario is it, dilbert?

what's the state pension like for a migrant worker?

i'm sure you have a better idea of the migratory working patterns than the institute enlisted by the government to do the official report.

and the same report puts the average british contribution at near net zero, so what does that say in relation in inflation, dingus?

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-26 15:07:35)

The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX
I worked in the UK for ~10 years, my university costs were minimal as they were capped at the time - total costs were barely above dole. I left for Australia so my state pension is capped at 2005 levels and there will be no healthcare costs.

I'm confident my net contribution is pretty solid, probably above the lifetime contribution of a non-EEA migrant even assuming the oxford figures are right - which they obviously aren't.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX
There's no prospect of non-EEA migrants going anywhere, the report conveniently skips over that one.

EEA migrants - pretty hard to project 50 years into the future - which the report very confidently does to prove a tiny net contribution.
Fuck Israel
university costs in the 'free' years certainly were not cheap -- that's the precise reason why we couldn't afford, almost uniquely in europe, to continue to roll-out free higher-education to the same level as our continental neighbours. the costs were incredibly high which was why student numbers had to be artificially kept so low. free tuition and, what, £1000 maintenance grant a year? not bad going, eh?

but yes, now you mention the dole, that wasn't bad either, eh? graduates could pretty much swoon about living for free whilst figuring out their 20s.

plus 18 years of primary and secondary education before that. did you pay full board, then? prep and onto repton, i take it? the amounts spent by the state, per child, per year, are quite simply astronomical.

plus 25 years of medical care, dentists, inoculations, check-ups, never a penny put against your name -- blimey!

i'd be wary about these incoming european plumbers and academics if i were you. you're a leech on the system, dilbert, next to them.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-26 15:24:28)


Dilbert_X wrote:

There's no prospect of non-EEA migrants going anywhere, the report conveniently skips over that one.

EEA migrants - pretty hard to project 50 years into the future - which the report very confidently does to prove a tiny net contribution.
a contribution which is +£28,000 more than the locals. if anything this strikes me as a good reason to get rid of large swathes of the natives, not the converse.

and your first part is absolutely not true. plenty of pakistani or indian families 'retire home' or buy up nice property/land in their home country. it's a very lucrative and very sensible thing to do when you've just spent 30 working years in a taxi-cab or serving tikka masala in the back of a poorly ventilated kitchen.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-26 15:18:56)

The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX
I'd expect migrants/temporary workers should make more contribution on average, since they won't include the old, sick, disabled, students etc while the local population does.

What does the report make of the wealth transferred abroad assuming people retire back to their home country? Its lost to the economy forever.
Isn't that worse than locals putting theirs into offshore accounts? At least that comes back eventually and the interest is spent in the meantime.

Seems like a shit report based on bogus assumptions to push forward an agenda.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-02-26 15:27:57)

Fuck Israel
ah, these reports always are when they don't accord with your own worldview. especially the ones commissioned by the government. weird how a government committed to cutting immigration numbers would commission a report which was so inconvenient for its manifesto, eh? never mind!

fanciful thesis that money in offshore accounts 'someday comes back'. look at an inequality trend over the last 40 years in the western world and tell me that trickle-down economics works ... one more encore for all time's sake! i suppose it's great if you're in the business of building superyachts, otherwise, probably not as reliable as PAYE contributions, eh?

people are welcome to take their savings to retire wherever they want, after a lifetime of paying taxes and contributing (and taxes and fees are leveraged when someone pursues that exit strategy). thankfully we don't live in france or a country like america that leverages exorbitant citizen's tax on people who want to spend their savings or handle their well-earned assets as they wish. isn't that what your fucking parents did? took their assets and earned cash out of the UK economy? christ sake you dipshit.

I'd expect migrants/temporary workers should make more contribution on average, since they won't include the old, sick, disabled, students etc while the local population does.
also what does that even mean? from the migrants' perspective they are moving to a foreign country to pay 20% (or more) of their income tax towards caring towards a nation of unhealthy, undernourished, under-exercised strangers. they pay the same tax bill and contribute to things like the NHS for the benefit of their host country. what's the problem here? imagine being a healthy, well-nourished dane and having to watch english chavs waddle about eating microwave meals -- and then paying more than them towards their own health care!

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-26 15:37:27)

The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX
Dipshit? Moi?

It gets better, my father is on a gold-plated index linked govt pension, so all the taxes he didn't effectively pay are being directed here.
Fuck Israel
there’s nothing new about little englanders packing off to ‘a place in the sun’ to go and boil their gammon on the costa del sol or gold coast — and definitely nothing original about them taking their unreconstructed, tut-tutting tabloid opinions with them, along with a fatal lack of self-awareness.

you chagrin an average worker migrant for uprooting themselves to move somewhere else, make a net contribution, and then retire where they please; all the while your own family situation represents a no doubt higher net loss to and capital flight from the home economy. but let me guess: it’s the presence of the humble migrant worker who made you leave in the first place!!! the logic is always so circuitous and elegant.

let’s just admit that you’re a little xenophobic runt, you know it’s irrational but it gives you as much pleasure as the 10,000th re-run of ‘only fools and horses’ that you swinish expats watch whilst slowly cancering under the sun.
The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

let’s just admit that you’re a little xenophobic runt, you know it’s irrational but it gives you as much pleasure as the 10,000th re-run of ‘only fools and horses’ that you swinish expats watch whilst slowly cancering under the sun.
I'm 6'2", lets move past this now.
Fuck Israel
and a midget in spirit. i've never seen someone so mealy-mouthed in all my life.

the NHS is hugely understaffed, a large proportion of staff members who fill in the numbers are highly-qualified, polyglot, happy-to-pay-net-contributions europeans.

UK academia is staffed with the cream of the crop of researchers across europe and the world, rightfully so, who contribute to our leading research and intellectual life.

for all the scaremongering about cowboy rogue traders from abroad wiping out the good honest british stock, british tradespeople have had nigh on two decades of wage growth, they now make significantly more than university graduates and many other sectors who have experienced wage stagnation. so much for the predatory undercutting of chippy polish firms.

non-european economic migrants come here and have the gall to take jobs as taxi drivers and office janitors, no doubt robbing the good honest british stock of their opportunity to get off the couch, turn off the daytime television, and work for below a living wage on a zero hours contract. no doubt no british businesses, schools, universities, offices, etc. can possibly be benefitting from this exploitation in all but name.

apparently your parents wanting to sell-up their semi in kettering and move to australia is a-OK, but a migrant who works for 20 years and wants to return to their homeland in their own retirement is 'robbing' the country blind. but oh wait, the ones who don't retire and move back are doing wrong, too, because after a working lifetime of paying national insurance contributions and income tax to a second, adoptive home, then they're going to have the gall to retire and, obviously, break a hip at some point.

is there any scenario in which you'll accept someone from another country – and we're talking same-race, same-religion, same broadly european culture, here – moving to another country and contributing, becoming a member of that society, joining a local community, being part of its civic life and continued existence? any, that is, except for your own royal prerogative, because obviously you were nothing but a blessing and a boon to australia (how could it be otherwise?) and, besides, english people emigrating abroad aren't having any impact on local economies anywhere, they're just the best thing to ever happen.

you are so poor in spirit and imagination that i honestly pity you.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-27 01:48:26)

dilbert: the whole world is doomed and going to hell in a handbasket because of the crackpot views of a bunch of superstitious cults in the middle-east, it’s outrageous we pander to these irrationalities in 2020.

also dilbert: nativism is irrational but i just can’t help it, don’t be a snob about people’s crackpot ideas about scary foreigners, i’m actually quite in support of nationalism and get wobbly-kneed and teary-eyed whenever i look at bredon hill and think of the destiny of my race. these irrationalities have never sent the world to hell in a handbasket ... twice ... in the last century.
The X stands for
+1,816|6378|eXtreme to the maX
If people stayed within their national borders and traded most of the problems of the last 2,000 years would not have occurred.

People who earn even average wage don't make a net contribution. People earning less don't either, however academics fudge the figures.
Yes the average Brit needs a poke to get off their backside, hopefully Brexit is it.
Fuck Israel

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