Seems I missed some gems in the last few pages,

uziq wrote:

larssen is from some working-class area in a place like belgium or the netherlands, i guess, two of the most racist places i have ever been to.
Well, uh, true I guess. I grew up in a rural working class area near the border, one half of the family generations of millworkers and farmers, the other half involved in our colonial history and having minor aristocratic roots. Funnily enough the 'gentrified' half seemed more racist to me (among other issues). Spent a lot of winters/summers in rural Switzerland, another even more racist place. You should consider visiting the Alps if you're of the opinion that the Belgians/Dutch are as bad as it gets. Accurate guess though.

uziq wrote:

i'm not surprised he has some unreconstructed red-neck beliefs.
This is exactly the attitude I was speaking of when I stated that the educated, well-off and insulated progressives prefer to blithely ignore social issues that have arisen due to economic migration. I wasn't talking about new migration in the 2000s, but the migration that happened in the '60s and '70s to fill low-wage jobs in western Europe and how this phenomenon has given rise to specific poor urban neighbourhoods. These are now populated by second and third generation descendants who are on average from lower wage households, who have less opportunity, who are often less educated, who by and large find themselves in an identity crisis of sorts and who are more prone to engage in and fall victim to criminal behaviour or influence tactics of less than savoury regimes (see European born Turks who are overwhelmingly pro-Erdogan). These same areas are now also places where new migrants often settle. As for the social issues, these are possibly among the worst in Belgium, where the white working class has also chosen to self-isolate by moving out of areas where migrants moved in. There are some neighbourhoods that have developed their own cultural identities and in which you're more likely to hear Turkish or Arabic than French or Dutch.

Personally I'd prefer to approach the issue from a socioeconomic viewpoint because I don't believe it will get us anywhere to hammer away on people's identity as the cause for our problems. Anywhere in the world it's true that as living standards and opportunities increase neighbourhoods become safer and people are happier. Proper social engagement and investment would help alleviate at least some issues. Though it should be underlined that prevailing cultural attitudes can complicate integration. Acceptance is a two way street and some migrant groups find it exceedingly difficult to live with western values and norms on for example social interaction or sexuality. They end up retreating among their own and reinforcing a type of social control and cultural conservatism that will inevitably disadvantage their offspring as well, repeating a cycle that will take generations to break. See for example the issues we have with legal/illegal somali immigrant communities, their shocking unemployment rate and the introduction of practices such as female genital mutilation.

I don't have the answers, and I've worked with refugees so I know that many of these people certainly have a right to be here, nonetheless their behaviour can cause concern. I have no argument when I see the Turkish community out in full force waving flags and shouting slogans when Erdogan wins an election or once again 'slams' European leaders. It's an example of the immigrants or citizens-born-to-immigrants in our communities  openly proclaiming their support for vile intolerance that is often aggressively opposed to Europe and the West. It makes many reconsider their views on multiculturalism and migration and doesn't help the process. I optimistically hope that these problems are temporal and that by the third, fourth and fifth generation any remaining nationalist ties will be gone, but it certainly makes you think about how we should prevent these influences in the future, or if that is at all possible.

Ironically Dilbert will read this and see it as a justification for his own intolerance. Anyhow, if the above is to be considered unreconstructed redneck beliefs then I suppose Europe should be considered one big redneck continent. Also, I'd like to be enlightened to how my views are of the uncivilised sort.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-02-16 13:05:09)


these people just talk 'so much sense' about the turks.

i wasn't specifically calling you a redneck, or your community, i mean an element of the reaction in a universal sense is xenophobia. people don't like living cheek by jowl with people from other cultures. in the long-view of globalism, this is really too bad. the 'keep england for the english' lot are sticking their heads in the sand, ditto with any similar movements in the netherlands.

they are happy with their homeland and people reaping all the benefits of globalism, cheap clothes, cheap groceries, cheap services, etc. but then want to erect little picket fences rather arbitrarily around other aspects of life, e.g. don't like seeing people in other ethnic dress, feel intimidated around strangers talking other languages on the bus, etc. it very much reminds me of berger's 'the seventh man' and the idea that migrant labour should ideally be invisible labour. english people presumably aren't bothered when romanians or pinoys clean up their parents' soiled nappies in dementia homes, or wipe down the corridors of their august institutions in underpaid, non-unionised janitorial roles, out-of-office hours. the whole idea that the poles were 'taking jobs' seems to be absolutely questionable, and i'd like to see some stats really, because the opposite argument could be made that these migrant work-forces have kept an otherwise-uncompetitive english agricultural industry afloat. everyone likes their £0.80p 1kg bags of kale and no one likes working for £6.75 an hour at 5am in the morning. how curious!!!

in other words, ignorant natives want to perpetuate the economic and social advantages that they've derived from, say, imperialism or colonialism, they're used to their affluence and material comforts, and don't like the arrival of, say, the former colonial subjects. 'there are certain parts of France where you're more likely to hear algerian than french'. HEAVEN FORBID a french person has to think about algeria, and acknowledge algerians are valid co-citizens of the republic!!!

i'm still waiting for dilbert to show me how the poles were the ruin of the english people, how they caused economic malaise or stole jobs, etc. until then, justifying brexit because 'people were sick of poles' seems to be a questionable sentiment, and i'll continue calling it unreconstructed xenophobia.

there's something truly bizarre in the anti-multiculturalist lot pretending that the reasons for their furrowed brows is, well, it must be terrible to be a turk/pakistani living in an isolated community, you know, come on, i'm interested in their well-being!

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-16 14:00:39)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Jay, when you go to the Lutheran church and talk with the people there, try to think up a better reason why you rejected the other Christian denominations and chose one you had no experience with. The Lutherans would probably not be impressed to learn that you picked them because you think they are kinda like Catholics. You also need an excuse as to why you rejected Quakerism and don't want to be a Baptist. You are going to mention the private high school you went to.

Actually, forget I said anything at all. No matter what you are fucked. I mean: If you tell them everything you told us they are going to peg you as religiously unreliable or a tourist like the narrator from Fight Club. If you think up some lies then you are definitely damned because you joined a church on a lie and deceived the people who welcomed you in.

Now I am not telling you how to run your marriage but I would suggest you just join the Catholic church. Your wife would be more comfortable in the church she was raised in. (happy wife, happy life) If you are worried about a priest getting your kid, don't leave your kid alone with one (just like you shouldn't leave your kid alone with any male acquaintance). Your kid is more likely to come out LGBT or marry a minority than get molested anyway. I know your expensive house is located in a city full of Hispanics, so if you have to drive a town over to find some Italians, I won't criticize you for doing so.

And finally, if you really care about social prestige, Catholic high schools and colleges look really nice on CVs.Just look at the list of Lutheran colleges. I have never heard of any of these places.
hahaha truly the mental process of either a madman or an extremely proficient door-to-door bible salesman.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-16 16:42:06)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5576|London, England
I've broken him twice in the past week
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
yet again, can you justify why 'people hate poles'?

'people unlike them'
'resources diverted to immigrants'
'raping their daughters'
'conducting terrorist attacks'

what does any of this have to do with any european migrant worker, again? they pay more tax to the UK than you ever have, taking your free-grant education, every sort of investment and handout in a citizen that the state makes pre-25, and then skipping off to australia to pay your taxes elsewhere.

i brought up bricklayers and how much they earn to reject your claims that polish workers have wiped out UK workers. why, again, would i be insecure about someone earning more than me? when i lay out the very obvious reasons why that sort of work is not for me, i am 'sneering' at their noble labour; when i point to their good quality of life, i am 'envious' and 'insecure'. make up your mind please!

this is the same eristic dilbert bullshit that you pulled in the amazon discussion. 'oh you only hate amazon because they have affected your industry personally'. i disprove that silly claim and state i boycott amazon on principle. 'ohhh, you sneer at things out of principle and don't even care about their impact eh!'. is this how you prosecute an argument? fucking hell ... you are incoherent.

i've asked very simply for you to justify why knee-jerk brexit votes 'because poles' was in any way rational. it's all very good accusing me of being a snob, an effete prat, a proto-cummings (the biggest headscratcher of them all, but it's ok, i'll go with the cute thought; i guess you've opened a paper this week and this is your Big New Thought). but you haven't actually offered anything in support of those claims except the vaguest, most banal of all tabloid generalisations. so far you've only given me evidence of xenophobia? what am i missing here?

and is that 'you don't get arms like these' spiel your own personalised US navy seal copy-pasta? what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-17 01:27:09)


Trump (46.1%), Clinton (48.2%), who won the popular vote by nearly three million. I don't see the point in even bringing up "the average person." The electoral college made the final decision.

The American vote split down the middle. Yet again. What constitutes the "average person" in this argument, anyway? Do equal parts swing left and right? It seems nonsensical to reduce so many different kinds of people to this singular group.
it's the most basic rhetorical trick of the right to claim to be the inviolable 'voice of the people'. statistics and figures they're a little more hazy on.

when there is a returned result, e.g. 51:49 split in brexit, they then feel entitled to interpret the result in their own idiosyncratic way. of course, to dilbert, a question as vague and complex and unwieldly as 'europe: yes or no?' is really all about people being sick of multiculturalism, blair fucked it in the 90s, the great british people have risen up, the slumbering lion; they are sick of their daughters being raped, etc. etc. not anything that was said or came up in the political debates at just about any time (i mean, why would islamic grooming gangs be raised over the question of free-movement of labour within europe?) but hey, dilbert has the answer!

all i've asked to see is some simple analysis or coverage that points to the damage that EU migrants have done to UK workers. i am willing to listen. i've read plenty of pieces, for e.g. long james meek pieces based on farmers in lincolnshire and norfolk, who are grateful for EU labour, who would otherwise struggle for lack of british workers, etc. i've read up at least on part of the argument. all dilbert needs to do is show me some links and i'll read them. but, three pages later, they're still suspiciously missing. all we get is tabloid lines about 'takin back control' and 'sick of our country being taken from us'. OK!

nativism, ethno-nationalism, even eugenics and talk of population control -- all this is mainstreamed by the right today. it's common fare, normalized. dilbert is in all but name a proponent of 'great replacement' conspiracy theory. it would be nice to see some justifications for it rather than fear-mongering.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-17 03:42:20)


uziq wrote:

these people just talk 'so much sense' about the turks.
Vlaams Belang, Le Pen, Wilders and the AfD in Germany are extreme examples, but they have certainly influenced the public debate. Over the years mainstream parties have picked up some of their rhetoric. The political centre now routinely makes statements on immigration control or multiculturalism to appease that part of the voter base and avoid these parties growing larger than they already have. You will also see more 'reasonable' offshoots popping up in multiparty systems.

Yes, the long view of globalism undoubtedly tells us that multicultural societies are the way forward. It's already more than clear in global capital cities. But you'll notice that many of the people who vote for parties that want to put up picket fences don't necessarily do so because they deny this reality. Rather it's about controlling at what speed or under which conditions multiculturalism can be acceptable. In a multi-party system you'll often see otherwise reasonable people vote for extremes in the expectation that it will influence public debate. The fact that the political centre has incorporated bits and pieces of far right rhetoric is to them incentive to keep voting these parties so that they may get their way.

It's crucial also for the more progressive parties/people to not ignore these voices, the 'too bad' rhetoric may just usher in developments that we do not want to see. Mostly related to technological 'solutions' to the ills and growing pains of multicultural societies. You can see this in the debate on border control with Ireland - it's not possible yet but fully automated customs controls will be available in the near future and can seriously expand the powers of the state and reduce the amount of illegal or legal goods/people crossing borders.

My brother gifted me 'The Strange Death of Europe' by Douglas Murray so that I may understand his views... I only got about 50 pages in before having to put down this book. Nonetheless it's what a large portion of the public sincerely believes, and many of the ideas in there you'll see espoused by the likes of Dilbert as well.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-02-17 06:05:44)

Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5576|London, England
It's never going to be accepted. Multiculturalism will always cause friction and tension. Assimilation is the only way immigration works. I don't mean assimilation in the one sided adaptation to the dominant culture sense; it's give and take. One hundred years ago Italians and irish and jews were not accepted as "white" here in America and excluded. Now there's a pizza shop on every corner and they're no longer living in ethnic neighborhoods apart from everyone else. They assimilated and the dominant culture included them.

Multiculturalism basically wants to entrench those ethnic neighborhoods in order to maintain the cultural differences. It has put these differences up on an altar to worship. This, like identity politics at large, is a breeding ground for tension and racism.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
the goal of multiculturalism was assimilation and integration, not 'entrenched ethnic neighourhoods'. what are you talking about? we can analyse the failures of the projects from about 12 different angles, and there is a lot of blame to be apportioned, to be sure, but let's at least get the premise right in the first place. the idea of pluralistic democracies is not to create ghettos. in france all citizens in the republic are considered equals regardless of their patrimony or ethnicity or religion; this seems to me a good ideal.

the slogan of european multiculturalism was very much taken from france's 'modèle républicain d'intégration', the key-word being integration, not balkanization. it's obviously had a great many unintended consequences, which isn't unheard of for any political policy tbh. but can we stop twisting its legacy into 'oh, they invited in people to steal natives jobs and live in bubbles'?

there is a difference between old-fashioned ideas of assimilation, i.e. move here and adopt the parent culture whilst abandoning your heritage tout court, and multiculturalism, which aims to create respect and freedom for people to continue practicing their private beliefs or identities whilst also and simultaneously belonging to a national culture. the jury is out on how to go about it, or how successful it can be.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-17 08:21:28)


Larssen wrote:

My brother gifted me 'The Strange Death of Europe' by Douglas Murray so that I may understand his views... I only got about 50 pages in before having to put down this book. Nonetheless it's what a large portion of the public sincerely believes, and many of the ideas in there you'll see espoused by the likes of Dilbert as well.
the jeremiad is a well-worn genre and has been for a very long time. it's the same captive audience who enjoyed reading things like spengler back in the day. the narrative of the world being in flames, or under imminent threat, or at risk of permanent decline -- but here's a saviour! here's a redeemer! is endlessly seductive. 'the strange death of europe' is the 2020 version of 'the decline of the west' (published in 1918 ...). these polemics all have the same themes, and the same pseudo-scientific bugbears; and they're all conveniently blind to, or sympathetic with, variously, empire, slavery, eugenics, class hierarchies, inequality, the worst and most entrenched parts of the status quo that never did a damn thing for the average prole. funny, isn't it?

we've tried all these nativist, nationalist, ethno-centric projects before and they all end up in the same place, floundering in the same way. the minority elite and ruling class, regardless of their 'racial' sympathies and commonalities with the body-politic, end up fleecing the country in blind daylight and doing next to nothing to help the working stiff; trump is the latest example of a gated-community populist. i guess the dilberts of this world just can't stop thinking about all the young girls they never got being taken by tall dark strangers from abroad. it must really play on their minds.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-17 08:30:50)

It's also a terrible book with lots of falsehoods, ill-defined concepts, anachronisms and fundamentally faulty reasoning. Do not recommend. It's very concerning that it got many rave reviews, from supposedly reputable publications as well.
these people control the media, or the main part of it, the tory broadsheets, the tabloids, the news, the traditional institutions like the BBC, more or less. they set the agenda and their ideas receive a wide airing. this week we've had richard dawkins and the editor of the spectator speak up in support, or at least broaching the topic, of eugenics. they're mainstreaming all this shit again as if it's going to be any better this time around.

one of the top advisors just hired to work in no 10 for boris is very vocal about innate racial intelligence and forced sterilisation for the underclass ffs. this is the tone and overton window being set by the government of the country, who throw 'migrants' under the bus so they can prosecute their quack ideas and enrich their pals.

funny dilbert raises dominic cummings to accuse me of being like him. if you want to see people cut from the same cloth, i.e. eton, oxford, straight into establishment roles in politics, law, policy, etc. look no further than the toffs like douglas murray speaking out in the 'name of the people'. … s-20981604

In a column in The Spectator in 1995, the Prime Minister said "blue collar" men in Britain were probably "drunk, criminal, aimless, feckless and hopeless, and perhaps claiming to suffer from low self-esteem"
but i'm the snob, apparently, and dilbert is well in support of this lot pursuing the most extreme interpretation of brexit to get rid of the brown people.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-17 08:59:05)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

It's never going to be accepted. Multiculturalism will always cause friction and tension. Assimilation is the only way immigration works. I don't mean assimilation in the one sided adaptation to the dominant culture sense; it's give and take. One hundred years ago Italians and irish and jews were not accepted as "white" here in America and excluded. Now there's a pizza shop on every corner and they're no longer living in ethnic neighborhoods apart from everyone else. They assimilated and the dominant culture included them.
Wouldn't the fact that we have Italian pizza shops instead of more cheeseburger places prove that societies can adjust to new cultures rather than it being proof of Italian assimilation?

I think the Italian and Irish model of assimilation also won't work for everyone. Not every immigrant is lucky enough to be light skinned with straight hair. I wasn't joking when I said that a fresh of the boat Pole would be considered more American than a 10th generation black to a vast swath of America.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Take three people and put them in a room. A Hawaiian born and raised in LA, a Puerto Rican born and a raised in NYC, and a Russian born and raised in Moscow. Which one do you think would be most welcome at a Knights of Columbus bar in South Jersey?

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-02-17 09:30:59)
you can't accuse people of unexamined xenophobia, and encourage them to moderate or change their views in the interests of future society. no, you have to pander to their ingrained prejudices, otherwise you're a 'snob'. multiculturalism has failed and it's all the fault of the immigrants, not the small-town yokels who wrinkle their nose at the idea of learning a second language or trying a new food.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Anyway back to the trannies

Dave Chappelle says tranny jokes. The trannies are now trying to get him canceled.

"The trannies." Ooh, spooky generalization. Just like much the rest of this thread.
The X stands for
+1,813|6324|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

yet again, can you justify why 'people hate poles'?
I don't have to justify it, the average person is xenophobic, the average ant is xenophobic,  you still can't rationalise it because it doesn't fit with the worldview you've been indoctrinated with.
the slogan of european multiculturalism was very much taken from france's 'modèle républicain d'intégration', the key-word being integration, not balkanization.
France is a nice example, with Marine Le Pen getting 1/3 of the vote in the last election.

Whoever picked NYC as a great example of assimilation/integration didn't make a great pick. Not when the Italians are living in enclaves and talking and behaving as if they're extras in a godfather film and indoctrinating their kids in a peasant sect, not when the jews are dressing and living as they would in a medieval ghetto, speaking their own language, eating their own food, running their own police force, not marrying outside their own ethnic group, same for the Irish etc.

Multiculturalism doesn't work because no-one wants it. Its inherent to want to be part of a clan, self-isolate and fight the other clans for territory and dominance. All your ranting and posturing isn't going to change it.

you have to pander to their ingrained prejudices, otherwise you're a 'snob'.
multiculturalism has failed and it's all the fault of the immigrants, not the small-town yokels
You're a snob, get over it.
Fuck Israel
"Its inherent to want to be part of a clan, self-isolate and fight the other clans for territory and dominance."

this is your biggest weakness as a thinker. you are full of pseudo-scientific bullshit that doesn't accord with any of the actual thinking in the related disciplines.

your knowledge of human nature and society is 'scientific' in the way that late-19th century 'scientistic' ideology was scientific, i.e. not at all. it's a wonder you don't start talking about phrenology when you're not busy bemoaning world population like thomas malthus or describing how human beings 'strive for dominance' in modern cities like apes. nobody in anthropology talks like this. it is illiterate. it's unfortunate that a lot of people with a lot less sagacity than darwin have misapplied his ideas to so many areas of completely fallacious thought, from economics through to 'evolutionary psychology'. it's all been proven to be cod bollocks, again and again, of course, but simpering fascists like you just can't resist the 'races struggling against one another in natural conflict' narrative.

the furore today about dawkins' eugenics comments and the nonsense being issued by cummings and his advisers on his blog, regarding 'scientific' solutions to the usual problems, is very apposite. and the rejection given by prof adam rutherford may as well apply to you: … 5189054464
here is a twitter thread.

2/n like Cummings, he appears to be bewitched by science, without having made the effort to understand the areas he is invoking, nor it’s history. ...

Instead this resembles the marshalling of misunderstood or specious science into a political ideology. The history here is important, because this process is exactly what happened at the birth of scientific racism and the birth of eugenics. 12/n ...

I am all for scientifically minded peoplel advising government. In fact I am all for scientists advising government. From this perspective, Sabisky and indeed Cummings look bewitched by science without doing the legwork 11/n ...

‘I’ll know my song well before I start singing’. If Cummings wants some real scientific advice, he should ask scientists. Cos it’s a hard rain's a-gonna fall 13/13
super ironic that you accuse me of being like cummings when you're the man full of ugly little pet hatreds pretending at 'facts'.

as usual the gloss of scientific thinking, 'objectivity', 'egalitarianism', 'voice of the people', 'anti-snobbery' etc etc ad nauseam is just a smokescreen for a bigoted worldview that doesn't like foreigners. i've seen absolutely zero to put me in the wrong for calling xenophobia out for being xenophobia. /shrug

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-17 16:19:42)

The X stands for
+1,813|6324|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

"Its inherent to want to be part of a clan, self-isolate and fight the other clans for territory and dominance."

this is your biggest weakness as a thinker. you are full of pseudo-scientific bullshit that doesn't accord with any of the actual thinking in the related disciplines.
I suppose its pure coincidence that this site is based around a video game which consists of picking or being assigned a clan, then fighting to the death for that clan to achieve territory and dominance?

Wholly irrelevant that the main basis of extracting stats was to compare e-peenors as a measure of how successful each individual was in fighting for said clan and therefore their position in the hierarchy of the clan?

Its instinctive, and as instinctive in you as anyone else.

You can quote all the high-falutin theories you like, they don't match reality and as such are wrong, however many other wrong theories they reference in their bubble-like circle-jerk.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6324|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i've seen absolutely zero to put me in the wrong for calling xenophobia out for being xenophobia. /shrug
Xenophobia is the normal state of affairs, have a read through world history.
Fuck Israel
i think i'm a little more familiar than you with world history, thanks.

if you think human beings went to war because of 'xenophobia' then i really suggest you read some world history.

start with the recent conflicts of the 20th century, they'll come with pictures if you're lucky and won't tax your poor overheating head.

and wow, amazing evidence for your theory ... people enjoy games, grouping up in teams and competing against other players in games ... the games have guns ... it's white people versus brown arabs ... wow you're really getting at something here. that sure scotches all the pesky science that contradicts your view!

trying to justify hating muslims in the UK, in 2020, because 'it's human evolution and instinct' is pseudo-scientific bollocks of the highest order. it's really that simple. 'i'm sorry, i can't help being rude to strangers and ignorant of their culture, it's in my nature and we've been like this for 20,000 years'. lmao.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-17 16:54:49)

The X stands for
+1,813|6324|eXtreme to the maX
Like I said, you can't rationalise it but thats the way every country has been and is reverting to.

We've had a brief blip during which there's been an attempt to foist multiculturalism on the populace, its close to being dead and buried.

Muslims, jews, chinese etc certainly hate us and want to displace us, why would we open our borders to them?
Fuck Israel

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