
Not to represent a significant statistic, but the vast majority of boomers I've talked with on the matter are impressed with the power and responsiveness in newer vehicles.

Who buying a 3 million dollar classic is going to care about how much it's going to be to fuel it? I mean, you're the one who brought it up as one of the cons. That's your burden to explain.

If you're into or getting into collecting cars on a significant scale, chances are you've got some disposable income to throw around. That attribute seems to speak more for this than generation.

Older commentary, take from it what you will: https://www.hemmings.com/blog/2013/07/1 … e-dying-no

I think rolling coal is less about throwbacks and more about a gimmick for culture war, at least when a driver uses it in public to make a point.

https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/05/busi … ovoke.html
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Who buying a 3 million dollar classic is going to care about how much it's going to be to fuel it? I mean, you're the one who brought it up as one of the cons. That's your burden to explain.
For the third time, its not the cost of the fuel, its the image it presents and the history it represents.

Golliwog dolls are cute, people don't collect them or have them on display these days.
I imagine the value has dropped quite a bit.

I like to think 'muscle' cars will go the same way, they're mostly shit-heaps after all.
Then again no-one seems willing to address their own consumption so we'll see.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2019-12-22 18:41:36)

Fuck Israel

dilbs wrote:

These are the people I'm talking about.
Sure they're nice cars, but $3million plus? in 20 years they'll be worth nothing because the fanbase has died.

Between an obsolete gas-guzzling deathtrap or a modern car I know which I'd rather have.
For the whatevereth time, but whatever. It's your opinion, modify it as you see fit. I'm sure the intent in buying and restoring an old roadster is completely in the spirit of practicality.

Of greater concern is the comparison drawn in your above post. I don't really know how you want me to rationalize it. Should Disney put old car disclaimers in copies of Herbie movies like disclaimers about racism get put in old movies with racism?
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
It may come to that, who knows?
In the future it will be seen as very strange that people were willing to burn fossil fuels grossly profligately only to whizz round and around in circles.
Probably the same for personal ownership of transport vehicles.
Maybe parents won't want their children learning about it.

And for the whatevereth time, I didn't say the cost of gas was the issue.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2019-12-22 19:46:56)

Fuck Israel

But you brought it up in terms of whether you'd want to drive a gas guzzling death trap vs. modern car. How am I supposed to read it? If I rebuilt something like a DeLorean, its majority of time spent outdoors would be at car shows, and not as a regular drive.

A Kansas officer claimed McDonald's employees wrote a derogatory term on his cup. He made it up, the police chief says
https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/12/30/us/m … index.html

The police chief said the department's investigation concluded that the incident was "meant to be a joke."

He did not release the officer's name, saying the matter was now "a personnel issue." He said the officer was a resident of Junction City and had been with the department for about two months. He is not facing any criminal charges at this time, Hornaday said.
Why wouldn't trying to get someone fired from their job not result in more severe consequences. If it weren't found out, I'm sure someone flipping burgers could afford to go without a few paychecks while they search for another job with THAT in their references.

I guess police get away with far worse. Shoot a guy five times, get facts withheld from the jury, get rehired for a short period of time before retiring on a PTSD pension.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Harvey Weinstein is a bad man. They should probably just shoot him.

Now that that is out of the way let's talk about his crimes. I refuse to believe these girls were naive enough to believe he just wanted to talk about movies in his hotel room at 9PM. Of course no means no and stop means stop. But the media does a disservice when they make some of his unfortunate victims seem like doe-eyed young stars. The casting couch is infamous and these ladies experiences aren't representative of the experiences of the vast majority of sexual abuse victims. I resent the inward gazing media's effort to make some extremely privileged stars into martyrs or the face of women's struggles in the 21st century. Especially since the biggest hurdle for women is economic and related to being able to support themselves and their children. 

Let me reiterate that we should just shoot him.
read some of the testimony and spare us the ‘they knew what they were getting into’ rhetoric. he seems genuinely predatory and genuinely manipulative. add that to the immense influence and bullying/harassment and you have a very, very bad situation.

casting couch it was not. the sopranos actor who testified yesterday shared a car ride back with him from a larger event, after he casually offered. she went up from the lobby to her room. evening over. goodbyes had. 20 minutes later a knock at the door and a man 3x her size and strength is there, who barges into her room and immediately begins taking off his clothes.

the guy is a rapist and you should really grow up.

Last edited by uziq (2020-01-24 00:13:43)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Weinstein is clearly a predatory rapist, not much question really.

OTOH I did know a C-List actress who launched her career by finding out which hotel Jack Nicholson was staying at and throwing herself at him, when she was 17 and he was 50. Now she's worth $20m, not bad for a couple of nights with an old slob.

I guess we'll see what emails and texts he has on file. There've been enough rape cases thrown out recently when a message with "thanks for a wonderful night, lets do it again" has turned up.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-01-24 01:24:36)

Fuck Israel

a few years ago, i briefly dated a chinese girl whose dad is pretty high up in the communist party in hangzhou.

she was a little odd, but i put it down to cultural differences, etc. she'd been sent to a chef's selection of schools in america, design and fashion schools mostly, and had ended up in london. i think she had an arranged foster/host family for most of her foreign experience. despite years abroad, and basically being schooled for most her life in the States, she was ALWAYS fiercely patriotic. like i quickly ended up not talking to her about china at all, despite naturally being very curious, because the conversation would just be brickwalled or descend into the usual tit-for-tat curt exchanges. her views on china and the west were very strong and that was that.

typical stuff all round, in short, and she has been well on her way to settling down into an 'establishment' life in china, bit by bit, ever since. she hardly ever signs into instagram or WhatsApp anymore because i guess VPN and effort and awkward associations blabla.

anywaysss, she just signed in for the first time in months to write to me the following:

don't come to china and beware of chinese tourists
it's a hell here now and the wuhan local government is still hiding the truth
just to let you know, it will be worth than SARS
so for the first time i am starting to see this pandemic event as something that has serious political ramifications for china. all the pre-amble above is to say that i would never in a million years expect this person to express anything even remotely anti-chinese, but it sounds as if a real protest/panic is spreading there.

what's everyone's thought on the coronavirus?

it's interesting to me that china has set itself up as the most technocratic, state-centralised state on the planet, in which the compact between citizen and state has always leaned on ceding privacy/liberty to the government. they have the most advanced surveillance and tracking infrastructure on the planet. at the same time, they have a rigid culture of 'saving face', where they are extremely slow to admit any wrongdoing, firstly for the deep-seated social reflex, and secondly and more obviously because it quickly delegitimises the whole fucking state. that's a very tense paradox in which to throw a virus outbreak.

there seems to be two conspiracies going around: the wild meat videos (eating bats and mice etc) and the bio warfare lab story.
https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/20 … ed-chines/

Last edited by uziq (2020-01-24 18:04:33)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Your politically connected ex girlfriend sent you a panicked message regarding an epidemic and to stay away?

Dude you are now the protagonist of a postmodern novel. You must go to China and find her.

I've been following it. The new coronavirus supposedly less lethal than the early 00s SARS. That the WHO hasn't suggested travel restrictions (it didn't for A(H1N1) either, iirc). Scant comfort for more vulnerable people who are hit hard by these things. Where exactly it stands on mortality and contagiousness is still subject to ongoing data gathering.

I don't know about supposed connections to germ warfare. All the more terrible if that were the case.


4 Vaccine Stocks Making Big Moves Amid Coronavirus Outbreak
https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/news/4- … d=00000000

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Your politically connected ex girlfriend sent you a panicked message regarding an epidemic and to stay away?

Dude you are now the protagonist of a postmodern novel. You must go to China and find her.
haha i said to my best friend it’s very movie-like.

these things are always worked up to a fever pitch ‘because Internet’ and information travelling quickly. but i don’t think i’ve seen a story in recent time where mainlanders are expressing so much dissent on wechat etc.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

what's everyone's thought on the coronavirus?
As a Hero of the Revolution and s depressive realist my thoughts are:

We're more than overdue for a pandemic, population is too high, the level of travel is insane. People travelling by train gave us spanish flu, how has air travel in tubes with recycled air not given us far worse? I'd have expected incurable TB or airborne AIDS to have got us by now.

If something horrible is going to come out of anywhere its going to be China, Vietnam or somewhere close by.

The Chinese are an ethicless inhumane bunch of creeps.

A people who believe in eating species which shouldn't be eaten - snakes, bats both of which harbour severe diseases to name two, that the more cruelly an animal is treated the better it will taste, that the best food comes from animals which are killed in front of you, dismembered while alive or best of all eaten alive probably will create a pandemic and will definitely deserve it.


Lets not forget the ultimate delicacy at a politburo banquet is not birds nest soup but human fetus in amniotic fluid. Fuck them to hell and hope they all die.

Apart from that gruesome farming practices, gross unregulated overuse of human medicines in animals and close proximity of farms to people - plus live markets and home slaughter really make it entirely inevitable that something horrible is going to be transmitted to the human population and spread rapidly.

As the closest western country to China and with a lot of travel between we should be worried and have nothing under control.
In barely the last few months has Australia started to crack down on people bringing in undeclared food.
https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2019- … k/11603336

Not sure why asians feel the need to bring in suitcases full of infected foodstuffs. 27 Tons detected in nine months is a hell of a lot, and thats just pork. They bring in tons of other weird stuff, larks bile in jars, live insect riddled mushrooms etc. Every time its "Velly solly, me not understand form in my language, here wrist - please slap!"

Do they really think of nothing but food?
"Finally I can have a good meal, I feel like I've been starving for two days. When you are in a gourmet city of course you have to eat Michelin [food]," she wrote.

"Just before I left, I had a low fever and cough. I was scared to death and rushed to eat [fever-reducing] medicine. I kept on checking my temperature. Luckily I managed to get it down and my exit was smooth."

Anyway, we are doomed and it'll be thanks to asians in some overcrowded shithole eating food no human should be eating.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-01-25 04:00:45)

Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I'd be scared if I were in China with 20 million quarantined, in the knowledge that it if gets out of hand the govt will run tanks over them.

Fuck Israel
how many viruses cross from cephalopods to mammals? a lot of the videos circulating are just basically racist stuff about ‘other cultures and their disgusting habits’.

and isn’t the west staring down the barrel of a superbug scenario, where antibiotics no longer work, because we pump our food supply full of them?

Last edited by uziq (2020-01-25 04:01:36)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
OK, live rats then, the delicacy in Guangdong apparently.

https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/healt … 105b0b5259

A bit of cat with your dog sir?

Perhaps some whatever the fuck this is as an appetiser


Yes we have a superbug scenario in the west, we're not doing enough, asians use industrial quantities of antibiotics in farming, fish-farming etc with no regulation.
Fuck Israel
again, all of that just comes across as cultural xenophobia, to me. 'look at this weird food!' there's nothing at all to suggest that bugs on sticks are bad. in fact, insects are a better source of protein, in terms of feeding a global population, than incredibly resource-intensive animal farming.

the video of the man eating half-alive mice, like the video of the bat in broth, have been in circulation for a while and are now re-surfacing with the virus. most of the talk on twitter suggests that the bat video wasn't even taken in wuhan, and was in circumstances of 'here, try this weird local delicacy' (here being somewhere other than wuhan, in this case). but of course these clips are now casually interspliced with footage of people collapsing in the streets to create an alarmist, and subtextually racist, narrative.

i'm not saying i fancy any of this cuisine myself. and it's probably likely that that the virus crossed over from snakes/bats to humans, at least as best as we know (excepting the conspiratorially-minded fact that there's a SARS/coronavirus lab in wuhan). but does it have to become tabloid-level 'look what these people eat!' nobody is getting bubonic plague from eating grubs and insects.

the whole topic of china eating live animals and strange delicacies, bird's nest soup, shark fin soup, etc. is fairly well-trammelled. i don't have any disagreements there. file next to 'traditional medicine' that sees bears in cages farmed for bile and whatever. it's beyond stupid. but of limited relevance to a pandemic.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Ebola and AIDS are both believed to have been transferred from animals through Bush meat. Rats, bats, and monkeys are animals with the highest disease crossover potential and not a part of Western cuisine anywhere from Warsaw to Rio de Janeiro. Probably rightly so for those foods.

The stand worth of food is funny considering it has lobster, some type of squid, and other seafood. Almost all seafood is consumed in the west. Lobster, Calamari, shellfish etc. The big issue it seems from the picture is that they aren't partially buried in ice like you would see at an American fish market.

As for actually bizarre Western food, you couldn't get me to eat blood sausage. It's also the one food banned in Christianity.
the one food banned in christianity? catholics observe all sorts of rules banning various meats, according to day or banned by custom.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

the one food banned in christianity? catholics observe all sorts of rules banning various meats, according to day or banned by custom.
You can't eat certain foods during lent. Yeah. You are not allowed to consume blood as a food though. The early Christians agreed to keep a total ban on that going.
the history of foods considered clean and unclean is very interesting. but the early church fathers were selling out when they abandoned old testament/torah proscriptions. they were just making a sales pitch, not making christianity somehow ‘wise’ and all knowing. i’m not sure how much relevance it has to food standards in china.

dilbert rambling on about that food stand is funny, yeah. some of those foods are considered a delicacy and ‘posh’ food in the west — hardly an abomination. and i get tired of people playing on the ‘they eat cats/dogs!’ argument. in some countries the population of feral cats/dogs is a public health crisis in itself. and our sentimentality about mammals is not exactly consistent with any health principle. in england to eat horse is monstrous; across the channel the french enjoy horse. india considers cows sacred; anglos mulch them into gourmet patties and post them on instagram. i honestly don’t have much issue with the thought of eating cat or dog. it just seems like a vaguely sub-standard type of meat, not unlike eating rabbit or fowl.

chicken, pork, beef, etc all carry potentially life-threatening pathogens but we in the west don’t blink an eye. so the dog and cats argument puzzles me.

how animals are slaughtered and how hygienic is the food product is obviously a separate, and very relevant, issue.

Last edited by uziq (2020-01-25 08:04:07)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
We are discussing bizarre food. Blood sausage is really strange. It's also part of the cuisine of you and Dilbert's culture.
blood sausage is only eaten in northern states and northern parts of the UK. this is a bit like associating creole cuisine with someone in maine. the UK is made up of diverse groups of people with very different diets.

the only time blood products are served in the UK as a whole is i guess at christmas time. which is always a hard pass for me.

don’t polish-, german-, dutch- etc americans have blood sausage products?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

blood sausage is only eaten in northern states and northern parts of the UK. this is a bit like associating creole cuisine with someone in maine. the UK is made up of diverse groups of people with very different diets.

the only time blood products are served in the UK as a whole is i guess at christmas time. which is always a hard pass for me.

don’t polish-, german-, dutch- etc americans have blood sausage products?
Blood sausage is an obscure food in the U.S. You would have an easier time finding fresh goat probably. The food is still popular with some Caribbean Latin Americans but I have only ever seen it being sold in "Little Dominican" type neighborhoods and not regular places that cater to everyone. I can only remember my mother ever eating it once when she got it from some place in NYC. As for the Polish, I don't know. I don't visit their delis.

It seems like poverty food to me. Like you are so desperate you eat blood.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-01-25 08:14:15)


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