The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Maybe its poetic that NSW, Vic and QLD are getting a hammering, they've been obnoxiously slow in changing their ways.

Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Looks like SA is about level with the UK at any given time, so nur.

Fuck Israel
the UK's failings on the climate crisis are manifold, and it doesn't help that we just elected the least effective option for the next 5 years. very glum news, indeed.

however, our island isn't on fire and we don't have a fire-and-brimstone preacher bringing actual lumps of coal into the parliament to pull PR stunts for his mates in industry.

so i'd worry a little more about your adopted 'home of white civilization'.

cool site, by the by. bookmarked.

Last edited by uziq (2020-01-01 05:13:39)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
People should just stop living near forest. Same thing with people living in floodplains.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
It was a choice between a bad choice and a bad choice.

At least the Liberals are competent on the economy and the budget, thats about it.

Australia can solve the fire problem by thinning out the forests and not building houses in them, apart from that Australia is doing a lot better than many countries on CO2 reduction.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
No biggy, hopes and prayers will fix this

2019 was Australia's hottest and driest year on record
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-01-02/ … d/11837312
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

I know you shouldn't judge people om how they look and talk but how do they vote? They remind me of the people in the Midwest who get hit with Tornadoes and beg for relief but keep voting R regardless.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2020-01-02 13:16:54)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Judging by how they look, talk and behave those are likely green-voting hippies, living in the woods in uninsured wooden shacks and trailers.
When the fire rips through they're dumbfounded that they lose everything so it has to be someone elses fault.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-01-02 13:23:49)

Fuck Israel
lol the forced handshake. never seen a guy literally dive down to forcibly grab someone's hand before. very odd behaviour.

and the man that started cajoling her and moving her away to defuse the bad PR apparently was embroiled in a court case, suing a nun for 6 years. apparently she was representing some indigenous people who were bullied and harassed by the guy in some public official capacity (the nun won).

stay classy, australia.

meanwhile dilbert routinely talks about the idiocy of party democracy in the States, and will dismiss a bunch of people as 'green voters' based on their appearance as if that means a fucking thing in these circumstances. in the full clip you can hear a kid shouting 'OK boomer' at the car, which is hilarious, and would ordinarily please our resident grinch.

Last edited by uziq (2020-01-02 13:43:48)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Whatever, they're clearly ferals. Similar to the states where people live in trailers and are surprised when a tornado takes them away.
Fuck Israel
i agree, poor people, who contribute least to climate change and to the exploitation of and profiting from natural resources, deserve their lot. let's be snide and dismissive of them when the PM bought out by big coal turns up for a PR exercise. heh heh, they live in trailers and have green hair! too bad you chose to live there and look different, move to the suburbs suckers!

you truly are a fucking goon.

Last edited by uziq (2020-01-02 13:54:01)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"Every single time this area has a flood or fire we get nothing. If we were Sydney or north coast we would be flooded with donations and urgent emergency relief."
Sounds like a red stater complaining about people in the cities. "Every single time this area has a flood or fire we get nothing. If we were New York or California we would be flooded with donations and urgent emergency relief."

This brings me back to an earlier point I made. People shouldn't live near forest.
Look at that beautiful urban sprawl.
what exactly is the risk of forest fires in verdant upstate new york? isn't it under snow for half the year?

it's true but it's a sort of moronic and blithe point to make. the patterns of extreme weather are getting worse -- much worse -- for reasons outside of their control. and it's not as simple as them just upping and moving, is it? they wouldn't be poor people living in shit-shacks in the middle of nowhere in the first place, if it was.

there are plenty of people living on flood plains in the UK that were probably planned for an acceptable level/frequency of damage, and approved thus. but when that disastrous flooding comes every year, then obviously the picture changes. there's living in an at-risk area ... and then there's 'living in a hellhole under drought circumstances during the hottest recorded year ever'.

in either case, the finger-pointing and victim-blaming is distasteful whilst the crisis response is still ongoing. the PR spectacle of the climate denialist turning up to shake hands with people whose lives have just been reset, all to get a good bit of coverage so he can continue minimising the level of the crisis in the media, should be called out. it's not the time to say 'told you so' to the rednecks, not with how asymmetrical and exploitative that 'walk and talk' camera opportunity is. you have a guy who is literally responsible for making the climate crisis worse, for encouraging fossil fuels and denying the ill-effects, using poor rubes for damage control.

i suppose you blamed the people of new orleans after katrina as well. they should have known the levees would break. sad!

Last edited by uziq (2020-01-02 14:25:24)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It makes me upset to see anyone lose their home.

But people in rural areas vote for conservatives who do not want to help them or anyone else. In the U.S. people in shit hole towns will complain about their polluted water and rural hospitals closing but still vote R every chance they can get. They care about immigrants, NFL players, and trannies more than their economic well being and personal safety. And even if the conservatives were doing real work for them they would turn around and try to stop the government from helping others the first chance they get.

You may think I am callous but I also donate to the Red Cross when big disasters happen. I do a lot more for these people than they would ever do for me.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
If people choose to live underwater they shouldn't be surprised when they get inundated, same as people who choose to live in forests in teepees and take drugs shouldn't be surprised when they're burned out.

Far too many buildings were built on flood plains in the UK with no control at all, there was no risk assessment, the people buying them took the risk, often in ignorance.
Fuck Israel
so now the people in the video were living in teepees and taking drugs? i guess you infer this from the fact that they don't dress in khakis and covet target pistols. stay classy, dilbert.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

so now the people in the video were living in teepees and taking drugs? i guess you infer this from the fact that they don't dress in khakis and covet target pistols. stay classy, dilbert.
I feel like what you wear on your torso is more important than your legs. The people in that video had graphic tees with Led Zeppelin and Deadpool. I don't own any graphic tees. I would never wear one.
dilbert listens to lady gaga and aha. he goes to stadium concerts. he definitely owns merch. the man is in no position to judge someone on their appearance, or perceived lack of style/sophistication. and to somehow suggest that people 'deserved it' in an almost uniquely terrible tragedy, because they are poor and without style, would be grotesque even coming from a coastal city sophisticate-type, let alone some asocial internet miser like Dilbert.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Didn't say they deserved it, I said they made their choices and they shouldn't go whining to the govt.

Sorry, but you built a matchwood house in a forest which has burned on a regular basis for millennia, this is not the govts fault.



https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-12-02/ … t/11757082

Climate change is a factor obviously, but its not the job of govt to support the unsustainable.
Fuck Israel
it is the government's job to provide emergency services and adequate support, though.

how long has it taken to mobilise the military? to get the fire chiefs together? to take actual leadership?

the people in the video were complaining about the lack of sufficient fire-engines? support? continual de-funding/neglect over the years? these are all political decisions. what is it with a government rolling coal with the aus economy to rake in huge amounts of money but not funding infrastructure or emergency services?

people on low incomes, disability, etc. are disproportionately affected by these events. the fact that you impugned their voting decision and dicked on them because of their clothing and assumed 'lifestyle' says a lot about your gracelessness.

Last edited by uziq (2020-01-02 16:43:03)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
People decide to live in remote areas an hours drive from the nearest town then complain the govt doesn't provide them with all the services they believe the taxes they don't pay should provide.

No fire service in the world can stop a forest going up, not one bigger than many european countries.

And actually it isn't a govt obligation, most of the fire services are voluntary and administered at state level, they are under no duty to put your house out if it catches fire.

This probably isn't an ideal place to live if you're going to expect to rely on govt services and not take any responsibility for yourself.


Honestly its like living in the middle of the Cairngorms and griping the govt hasn't placed a GP within walking distance.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-01-02 17:31:39)

Fuck Israel
where are you getting this from that they don't pay taxes and are idly waiting for the government to do everything for them? is this just more snide prejudice because you don't like their haircuts?
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Its a wild guess.
Fuck Israel
what's it like, being contemptuous of people who are going through a tragedy or hardship? is it lonely at the top dilbert?
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Where have I been contemptuous? All I've said is people shouldn't complain to the govt and expect the taxpayer to bail them when they've made bad choices - like building a shack out of kindling and not insuring it.

At the other end of the scale I know plenty of people who buy colossal 4x4s and caravans then whine non-stop that the govt should subsidise their fuel.
I know a family who do nothing but drive at every opportunity, they're mixed up in the evacuations now. I've estimated they burn ~10,000l of diesel a year driving huge distances only to sit and do nothing.

Hope you had a nice time guys, camping in a forest on the other side of the continent.



Hope it was worth it

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-01-02 20:36:10)

Fuck Israel

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