The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

it's almost like these 'patriot' right-wingers, talking about 'progressives undermining real democracy', are almost always 1%'er financiers who stand to profit from disruptive politics and deregulation ...
What was it Rothschild said? "When there's blood on the streets everyone needs to work together for the common good"?
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Jay wrote:

French annoys me with his be like me I'm a real man because I do triathlons or whatever schtick. I agree with him maybe 25% of the time.
My manager does triathlons and he's a gutless hypocrite.

Cares very much about global warming - Flies from Australia to Ireland for a triathlon.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

it's almost like these 'patriot' right-wingers, talking about 'progressives undermining real democracy', are almost always 1%'er financiers who stand to profit from disruptive politics and deregulation ...
What was it Rothschild said? "When there's blood on the streets everyone needs to work together for the common good"?
please – please – don't make this about jews. you were doing so well! a whole page of discussion!
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Just an example of a 1% financier this time
Fuck Israel
in this case the brexit debacle is being conducted by a bunch of gammon-faced venal englishmen just fine, not a jew among them as far as i can see. Rees-Mogg has his own venture capitalist firm and farage is a city trader through and through. do a quick google search for his pals' activity on the currency exchange in the hours leading up to the referendum result. some very intriguing hedging ...

rotten lot, no semitism required for that.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
I don't doubt there are hidden agendas and people are going to make an absolute killing out of this.
There's no reason Eton and Oxford toffs would give a shit about the EU or the average person's interests, historically leaving the EU has been on the Labour agenda.
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

I don't doubt there are hidden agendas and people are going to make an absolute killing out of this.
There's no reason Eton and Oxford toffs would give a shit about the EU or the average person's interests, historically leaving the EU has been on the Labour agenda.
The UK’s most senior civil servant is under pressure to investigate Boris Johnson’s financial backers following cross-party claims that unnamed individuals stand to benefit from the prime minister’s willingness to pursue a no-deal Brexit.

John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, has written to the cabinet secretary, Sir Mark Sedwill, asking if there may be a conflict of interest in Johnson’s acceptance of support from hedge funds that could gain from an economic shock.

Earlier on Saturday, Philip Hammond, the former chancellor, suggested Johnson was pursuing the interests of financial backers set to gain from a no-deal Brexit, in a major escalation of tensions in the prime minister’s own party.
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 … it-inquiry

the ex-chancellor is impugning the prime minister for vested interests. quite incredible stuff.

https://twitter.com/nicktolhurst/status … 6980542464

Just now from interview in BBC radio 4 #WATO. Link to follow.

Rachel Johnson, the Prime Minister’s sister, believes her brother may be cracking under the intense pressure of the billionaires shorting the £ & UK economy on understanding they’ll be a no deal brexit.
the PM's own brother quit the cabinet. his sister is now going on the BBC and saying that he is under pressure from billionaires and his hedge fund pals. quite incredible stuff.

meanwhile the main architects of no-deal brexit, e.g. farage and rees-mogg, are explicitly financiers and people with significant investment interests. farage's background is in the city and rees-mogg owns his own investment firm. all of them based offshore, of course.

truly appalling venality from the usual right-wing 'let the market fix everything' lot. they stoke up divisive rhetoric and fire up the working-class prole patriots, so that people are smashing MPs windows and going around in the streets shouting about 'traitors', and meanwhile they're selling off the national jewels and strip-mining assets.

Last edited by uziq (2019-09-28 09:57:56)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:


Oh my God that crowd of old people.
funny how it's always the right-wing with the incendiary rhetoric and violent metaphors, isn't it? wonder if anyone can find facebook groups full of remainers talking about violence, riots, revolution, etc. in order to achieve their aims.

farage on the eve of the brexit vote outcome: 'we have just achieved a bloodless revolution without a bullet being fired'.
https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politic … 79751.html

an MP was literally shot and brutally stabbed to death in the street whilst out campaigning in the referendum vote. the guy who murdered her kept shouting 'traitor'!

Who voted for Brexit? Individual and regional data combined Eur. J. Political Economy:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/a … 8018301320

We find that voting Leave is associated with older age, white ethnicity, low educational attainment, infrequent use of smartphones and the internet, receiving benefits, adverse health and low life satisfaction. These results coincide with corresponding patterns at the aggregate level of voting areas. We therefore do not find evidence of ecological fallacy. In addition, we show that prediction accuracy is geographically heterogeneous across UK regions, with strongly pro-Leave and strongly pro-Remain areas easier to predict. We also show that among individuals with similar socio-economic characteristics, Labour supporters are more likely to support Remain while Conservative supporters are more likely to support Leave.
it seems that pumping low-IQ, low-ambition, low-hope morons with vitriolic rhetoric leads predictably to increased instances of violence. but of course, the right-wing will distance themselves from such talk. the left are just as bad!!!

a story from 2 days ago:
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 … s-phillips

Last edited by uziq (2019-09-28 12:33:01)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
It's funny in a sick sort of way that people are offing politicians and throwing their lives away over something so low stakes. I mean it would be bad for the British economy to Brexit but there would be nothing stopping you from living a happy and productive life either way it goes.
i think that applies to almost everything, really. there is no good reason to resort to violence or such rancour. but this is the psychological effect on people over time, a sort of siege mentality settles in and they're ready to do anything. politicians set the tone and the effects are weirdly distorted and magnified until you get some loser on the very fringes of society who decides to go and kill someone.

didn't this happen in america? someone using gun targets to describe a politician's campaign tour? then she was shot in the face? actions have consequences: who knew?

One (among many) of the reasons I turned away from right-wing media in the first place is the frequent appeal to anger and the us-vs.-them dynamic. I think the longer spent outside a cesspool like that, the more you can perceive its poisonous, divisive effect on people.

Completely one-sided soapboxes streaming their way through half-attentive minds and into the subconsciousnesses of commuters, telling them they should feel angry and isolated. And then people act surprised some odd years down the road when someone acts on it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

i think that applies to almost everything, really. there is no good reason to resort to violence or such rancour. but this is the psychological effect on people over time, a sort of siege mentality settles in and they're ready to do anything. politicians set the tone and the effects are weirdly distorted and magnified until you get some loser on the very fringes of society who decides to go and kill someone.

didn't this happen in america? someone using gun targets to describe a politician's campaign tour? then she was shot in the face? actions have consequences: who knew?
The guy who shot our politician was a schizophrenic and there is zero proof he was encouraged by any right wing media.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England
The guy who shot Steve Scalise was legit motivated by hate though. The Palin thing was just a coincidence.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Its wildly out of control and very dangerous, not sure who is responsible for pushing US-style us-vs-them binary thinking and hate mentality onto the British electorate.
Fuck Israel

SuperJail Warden wrote:

uziq wrote:

i think that applies to almost everything, really. there is no good reason to resort to violence or such rancour. but this is the psychological effect on people over time, a sort of siege mentality settles in and they're ready to do anything. politicians set the tone and the effects are weirdly distorted and magnified until you get some loser on the very fringes of society who decides to go and kill someone.

didn't this happen in america? someone using gun targets to describe a politician's campaign tour? then she was shot in the face? actions have consequences: who knew?
The guy who shot our politician was a schizophrenic and there is zero proof he was encouraged by any right wing media.
thanks for the correction, i didn't know that re: schizophrenia.

james wood reading 'these old etonians'. very good stuff.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Oxford and Eton seem to throw out an incredible number of shitballs.

Anecdotally Oxford were the only pistol team I shot against who cheated, and they cheated repeatedly.
Fuck Israel

I don't suppose much of the known world gets conquered through fair play.
an interesting twist to this is that johnson and co. are ruling out any sort of alliance or deal-making with the brexit party, who are on the ascendant and competing for the same votes that are keeping the 'modern' (that is, atavistic) conservative party in power. johnson claims 'the conservative party does not do deals' (they who succeeded to power in a coalition with the liberal democrats and who have only survived in parliament by allying, uneasily, with the radical-crackpot DUP in northern ireland ...) it seems we are set for a showdown over the 'hearts and minds' of the little englander.

farage has been taking out a flurry of full-page adverts and newspaper wraparounds lately (just don't ask where all the money is coming from ...)
https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 … ssion-pact

the rhetoric has stepped up lately, with johnson's bad signalling. a 2-page advert in the daily telegraph now.


johnson is only clinging to power by echoing the rhetoric and message of the brexit party -- except the dictatorial politics have lost him every single parliamentary vote thus far (a 7-streak) and lost him a court case in the supreme court. he is clearly running out of bluster and track with this brexiteer argument, and will be badly rumbled and found out October 31st, where, to keep to his word and keep to his brexit party/faragist base, he will have to leave with no-deal; except parliament have passed a law stating explicitly that this will be illegal, and he is already dangerously close to being found in contempt of court over the prorogation issue.

we are heading for an absolute meltdown. the opposition can't agree, the left are fractious and lost in factional in-fighting (as ever), and the right can't decide which fantasy of the past to restore.
Is it possible for Boris to attach demands to his request for delay? The law says nothing about the content of the letter, he could still use that to force the EU to accept no deal.

I don't think he truly wants no deal but so far nothing has made sense so might as well assume the worst.
i think current speculation is around the idea that he will, as legally obliged, write to the EU to request an extension ... but will also send a second letter, outlining all the reasons why he thinks it is a bad idea for them. thus they can conveniently say that the EU have rejected the UK prime minister's earnest request, etc. etc.
so the building in manchester where conservative conference 2019 is being held, where they're talking endlessly about 'getting brexit done' ...


see it

after a decade of austerity they're now promising to build 40 new hospitals (there's only money for 6; they've been mercilessly slashing the public purse's budget and semi-privatising the NHS for years). of course there's no medium or long-term strategic vision here, they just know that the NHS plays well with the voting base and always elicits warm fuzzy feelings. forget our economic programme of the last decade! let's throw some money at the NHS and get a few headlines to make this brexit storm cloud pass.

what a bunch of mountebanks.

Last edited by uziq (2019-09-30 08:31:04)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
The endgame is the NHS will be owned by American pharmaceutical companies and Putin.
There's no other potential source for the money.
Fuck Israel

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