Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
very hot takes from the national review. your thoughts, insights and musings on this matter  etc etc.

the fact the article makes out that a unanimous decision by 11 supreme court judges is a 'constitutional coup' is an insult to intelligence. do you REALLY believe that the supreme court, a body that hardly ever produces a ruling without a dissenting opinion or lengthy obiter dicta, is acting in a partisan manner to support 'constitution-destroying remainers'? i mean, come on. it's hardly even worth comment.

we are in a constitutional crisis, without question. but we are not the US and do not have a religiose or theological attachment to written, fixed constitutions. the ruling of the supreme court obviously broke new ground -- that is why it was sent there in the first place -- and it is a credit to the flexibility of our system that it was able to do so. to accuse the highest legal authority in the land of being somehow questionable, bias, or 'the lords hath returneth' (whatever this cod pantomime phrase is even meant to mean ...) is just stupid.

doesn't surprise me at all that you've turned into a national review reader in your 'age and wisdom' though, jay. way to go. articles that cite the claremont review of books as a legit source, i mean lmao. a review set-up as a mouthpiece for neoconservatism of the worst and most partisan kind. you're really getting at something!!! how long til you're quoting leo strauss in his infinite wisdom?

Last edited by uziq (2019-09-26 03:13:06)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
At least we now know where Jay parrots his opinions from.

The Supreme court did its job and interpreted existing law as it saw it, in an area no-one had really looked before.

How often does the US Supreme court commit a 'constitutional coup' or 'create new law'? Would it be OK if a US newspaper described them all as 'enemies of the people'? Does the President get to decide when Congress functions and when it doesn't? This is all ridiculous.

Johnson and others thought they were being super-smart and came unstuck, as they deserved to, but they'll still be able to brazen it out as Corbyn is too weak to bring about an election.

Meanwhile there is very likely not a deal which will satisfy Parliament, the EU or the ERG so its back to stalemate, unless Johnson can push through a no-deal Brexit. Europe could force a no-deal brexit at the deadline - I'm not sure if thats what Europe wants, they have to run out of patience at some point, even though it would be calamitous for them too.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2019-09-26 03:24:44)

Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i don't know why you keep making out i am some ultra-remainer or corbynite type. i have never voted for corbyn and have been willing to move forward with brexit, so long as saner heads prevail than those who are currently leading things off a cliff at present.
I saw an opportunity to change one word in a sentence and took it.
Fuck Israel
hilarious to me that jay is accusing me of being somehow a crypto-anarcho-syndicalist, or biased and partial in my criticisms of the government's behaviour, and then he is meanwhile all the time getting his commentary on brexit from an openly partisan, proactively political mouthpiece like the national review. i mean a rag whose authors hold 'william f. buckley' chairs at nowhere universities/think tanks. what an incredible lack of self-awareness.

cute presentation though. it is a LITERAL demonstration of what i was talking about vis-a-vis people receiving their information online and via social media, by subtly (or in this case, not so subtle) political sources. no wonder jay took such issue with my comments about 5-second soundbite videos influencing people's politics. look at the fawning presentation here (just look at the careful choice of header images):

stories about johnson from recent events
https://www.nationalreview.com/news/uk- … -unlawful/ (plucky, smiling, unperturbed)
https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/ … just-done/ (deferential, decent, in good humour)

mention corbyn!
https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/ … -politics/ (mad, hysterical, irate, scary bloke!)

still, there's always a handy digest written by the serial fraudster conrad black, who has been thoroughly rejected by the british establishment for his unsavoury behaviour. just in case this whole brexit thing gets too confusing and you want a précis:
https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/ … of-brexit/

some amazing analysis here, including that this goes back to the 'spanish armada' and that the great powers of nationhood since the '16th century' have been 'britain, france, spain' and ... 'turkey'. i mean i guess this all makes sense and good reading if you're historically illiterate and a moron.

Last edited by uziq (2019-09-26 03:40:39)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Whats their take on mentally ill Swedish children?
Who is manipulating them more? Their parents or people who hate freedom?
I think we know that if climate change were real it would be scientists saying it, not children.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2019-09-26 03:43:18)

Fuck Israel
you can't trust scientists, like judges, to be objective. here is an article written by a William F. Buckley Fellow at a political institute that openly advocates for culture wars and neoconservatism. i am an accomplished skeptic.

she did have this to say shortly after her supreme court aperçus, though:
https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/ … tally-ill/

While debating the progressive pundit Christopher Hahn on Fox News, Knowles described Greta Thunberg (who, as is well known, has Asperger syndrome) as a “mentally ill Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international Left.” Hahn immediately interjected, “Shame on you.” The network later admonished Knowles, dubbing his remarks “disgraceful” and releasing a statement that apologized to Thunberg and viewers.

But were the comments awful?


Moreover, common sense and decency require that we respond in good faith when we do think that someone has used the “wrong” word. Because this stuff is tricky, folks. And each of us is flawed.
tl;dr: my friend, who is a really swell guy, should be treated with decency when being called out for dismissing a person with asperger's as a 'mentally ill child being exploited', because, after all, we all have flaws!

some good training in sophistry going on at the 'national review institute'. bravo!

Last edited by uziq (2019-09-26 03:56:35)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

Trained singer - well that clinches it.
Fuck Israel
it's kind of weird how the right-wing has this pattern of putting young women pundits right up centre stage. there's a weird sort of sexual race-purity ideology going on at times, not referring to madeleine but more so those 'lauren southern' types who get huge followings essentially because they are busty blondes with guns and loud opinions. slightly creepy when you consider the average demographics of sites like that.

i'm not questioning her qualifications, anyway, which i'm sure are standard journalistic fare. my point was that it's obviously explicitly political and takes a pretty extreme angle on brexit ... which was exactly what jay was accusing me of being? confusing tactic.

e: looked into it. seems she taught secondary-level education in scotland for under a year, and then felt well-enough informed to write an excoriating piece on the 'standard of the education system in scotland', which she framed as an explicitly political failure. she must have done it for under a year because she enrolled in NYU's journalism course the same year she graduated. she then went on to write a piece for the spectator, pandering to the audience favourites about 'safe spaces' and 'campus snowflakes' there. which has obviously landed her a plum job recycling the same three right-wing tropes for the national review. lots of all too willing hacks willing to ride the waves of the 'culture war' as a shortcut to success, eh.

Last edited by uziq (2019-09-26 04:41:25)


uziq wrote:

hilarious to me that jay is accusing me of being somehow a crypto-anarcho-syndicalist, or biased and partial in my criticisms of the government's behaviour, and then he is meanwhile all the time getting his commentary on brexit from an openly partisan, proactively political mouthpiece like the national review. i mean a rag whose authors hold 'william f. buckley' chairs at nowhere universities/think tanks. what an incredible lack of self-awareness.

cute presentation though. it is a LITERAL demonstration of what i was talking about vis-a-vis people receiving their information online and via social media, by subtly (or in this case, not so subtle) political sources. no wonder jay took such issue with my comments about 5-second soundbite videos influencing people's politics. look at the fawning presentation here (just look at the careful choice of header images):

stories about johnson from recent events
https://www.nationalreview.com/news/uk- … -unlawful/ (plucky, smiling, unperturbed)
https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/ … just-done/ (deferential, decent, in good humour)

mention corbyn!
https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/ … -politics/ (mad, hysterical, irate, scary bloke!)

still, there's always a handy digest written by the serial fraudster conrad black, who has been thoroughly rejected by the british establishment for his unsavoury behaviour. just in case this whole brexit thing gets too confusing and you want a précis:
https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/ … of-brexit/

some amazing analysis here, including that this goes back to the 'spanish armada' and that the great powers of nationhood since the '16th century' have been 'britain, france, spain' and ... 'turkey'. i mean i guess this all makes sense and good reading if you're historically illiterate and a moron.

Oh my days that last piece is so beyond terrible. The analysis, the writing, whatever point he's trying to make. Just what the F?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
National Review is on my news site rotation including The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Slate. I mostly just like reading the comments on National Review to see what the subscribers to the "largest conservative magazine" actually think.

The amount of articles about campus free speech issues is annoying. And I am really bothered by the fact that they just have to a run articles about how whatever awful thing a famous figure said "wasn't actually awful and their freedom of speech needs to protected". Like they ran at least 3 articles about how it was wrong to fire the guy from SNL because he said racist things about Asians. Is being crude and putting people down really how you get to a culturally conservative nation?

Their articles on history especially foreign history border on historical abuse too.

Larssen wrote:

uziq wrote:

hilarious to me that jay is accusing me of being somehow a crypto-anarcho-syndicalist, or biased and partial in my criticisms of the government's behaviour, and then he is meanwhile all the time getting his commentary on brexit from an openly partisan, proactively political mouthpiece like the national review. i mean a rag whose authors hold 'william f. buckley' chairs at nowhere universities/think tanks. what an incredible lack of self-awareness.

cute presentation though. it is a LITERAL demonstration of what i was talking about vis-a-vis people receiving their information online and via social media, by subtly (or in this case, not so subtle) political sources. no wonder jay took such issue with my comments about 5-second soundbite videos influencing people's politics. look at the fawning presentation here (just look at the careful choice of header images):

stories about johnson from recent events
https://www.nationalreview.com/news/uk- … -unlawful/ (plucky, smiling, unperturbed)
https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/ … just-done/ (deferential, decent, in good humour)

mention corbyn!
https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/ … -politics/ (mad, hysterical, irate, scary bloke!)

still, there's always a handy digest written by the serial fraudster conrad black, who has been thoroughly rejected by the british establishment for his unsavoury behaviour. just in case this whole brexit thing gets too confusing and you want a précis:
https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/09/ … of-brexit/

some amazing analysis here, including that this goes back to the 'spanish armada' and that the great powers of nationhood since the '16th century' have been 'britain, france, spain' and ... 'turkey'. i mean i guess this all makes sense and good reading if you're historically illiterate and a moron.

Oh my days that last piece is so beyond terrible. The analysis, the writing, whatever point he's trying to make. Just what the F?
as i said, this is the world we are living in now, accelerated by new technologies, which old establishment politics is not keeping up with. who cares about the old democratic ideals of open information, rational debate, checks and balances on power, etc? the right-wing are in a race to the bottom to galvanise clickbait, reaction-hungry articles, and will handily accuse the courts, judges, official science, and hopelessly out of date ‘traditional’ journalistic or academic sources to get at it. the colleges are full of cultural marxists! the green movement is an international leftist conspiracy! socialists are trying to undermine direct democracy! it all reads like the political pamphlets of the 1930s only given a new online, web-based, social media feed proliferating form.

horrendous, sub-term paper shite like the above ‘commentary’ by shysters like conrad black gets published with nary an editorial fact-check. when you have a captive audience of people like jay hoovering up every word without any cross-checking, why spend time on fripperies like truth and integrity? in the flurry of narrative-building, you can just paint anyone with a different opinion as a crypto-anarchist or ‘progressive’ radical, anyway.

it is a source of real and enduring amusement to me that jay, once so full of ideals, pepped up and provided for by government largesse, is now going down the right-wing rabbit hole of borderline conspiracy theory. i mean the guy is fully conversant in all the talking points of the paranoiac, beyond-fox fringes. great stuff.

Last edited by uziq (2019-09-26 05:28:35)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, funny that we're supposed to take seriously the moronic bimbos Fox puts up as pundits but not an educated child.

Also I have finally come to the disappointing conclusion that the blond Aryan is not the master race after all.




I've wasted my life.
Fuck Israel
lmao. the floppy-haired blonde look is definitely out of fashion for a while.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Trump is the punishment for our sin of not totally capitulating to the Republican party in the past. If only we had done everything the GOP wanted in the past, they would have never had had to resort to unleashing him on us all.
down with the corrupt establishment politicians, down with corrupt overweening european bureaucrats, etc.

https://www.theguardian.com/politics/20 … tudy-finds

Brexit party members earn more from second jobs than any other group in the European parliament, according to transparency campaigners who are warning about potential conflicts of interest.

An annual study by Transparency International showed that Nigel Farage is no longer the best-paid British MEP by second job. Now in seventh place among the 227 MEPs with outside earnings, Farage earns about €360,000 (£319,000) a year from his media company, Thorn in the Side.

The Brexit party’s London member Ben Habib is the EU’s best-paid MEP. Elected in May, Habib declared €960,000 annual earnings from First Property Group, the property fund manager he founded.

Three other Brexit party MEPs make the top 10 ahead of Farage. At No 3 is Ann Widdecombe, who declared a second income of €240,000-€480,000 a year. The former Tory minister and reality TV contestant makes between €5,000 and €10,000 a month writing her Daily Express column, with a further €20,000 a month coming in from speaking and broadcasting.

The Brexit party chairman, Richard Tice, has annual earnings of between €264,000 and €360,000 from his business interests.
it's almost like these 'patriot' right-wingers, talking about 'progressives undermining real democracy', are almost always 1%'er financiers who stand to profit from disruptive politics and deregulation ...

the lords hath returneth! fear the judges who are staging coups!
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7031|Purplicious Wisconsin

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Trump is the punishment for our sin of not totally capitulating to the Republican party in the past. If only we had done everything the GOP wanted in the past, they would have never had had to resort to unleashing him on us all.
Trump was basically a democrat in the 1990's, man.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I bet that will be the republican excuse in 6 years when he is out of office and this whole thing ends in a disaster.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7031|Purplicious Wisconsin

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I bet that will be the republican excuse in 6 years when he is out of office and this whole thing ends in a disaster.
And what if this whole thing doesn't end in disaster?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
If you look at everything he's been doing in the past 3 years and don't already believe it's a disaster you've got sawdust for brains.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

National Review is on my news site rotation including The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Slate. I mostly just like reading the comments on National Review to see what the subscribers to the "largest conservative magazine" actually think.

The amount of articles about campus free speech issues is annoying. And I am really bothered by the fact that they just have to a run articles about how whatever awful thing a famous figure said "wasn't actually awful and their freedom of speech needs to protected". Like they ran at least 3 articles about how it was wrong to fire the guy from SNL because he said racist things about Asians. Is being crude and putting people down really how you get to a culturally conservative nation?

Their articles on history especially foreign history border on historical abuse too.
I honestly just read it for Kevin D. Williamson and Jonah Goldberg. Dougherty is ok sometimes. The rest are meh.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

National Review is on my news site rotation including The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Slate. I mostly just like reading the comments on National Review to see what the subscribers to the "largest conservative magazine" actually think.

The amount of articles about campus free speech issues is annoying. And I am really bothered by the fact that they just have to a run articles about how whatever awful thing a famous figure said "wasn't actually awful and their freedom of speech needs to protected". Like they ran at least 3 articles about how it was wrong to fire the guy from SNL because he said racist things about Asians. Is being crude and putting people down really how you get to a culturally conservative nation?

Their articles on history especially foreign history border on historical abuse too.
I honestly just read it for Kevin D. Williamson and Jonah Goldberg. Dougherty is ok sometimes. The rest are meh.
Oh and Kyle Smith
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

National Review is on my news site rotation including The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Slate. I mostly just like reading the comments on National Review to see what the subscribers to the "largest conservative magazine" actually think.

The amount of articles about campus free speech issues is annoying. And I am really bothered by the fact that they just have to a run articles about how whatever awful thing a famous figure said "wasn't actually awful and their freedom of speech needs to protected". Like they ran at least 3 articles about how it was wrong to fire the guy from SNL because he said racist things about Asians. Is being crude and putting people down really how you get to a culturally conservative nation?

Their articles on history especially foreign history border on historical abuse too.
I honestly just read it for Kevin D. Williamson and Jonah Goldberg. Dougherty is ok sometimes. The rest are meh.
Oh and Kyle Smith
Kevin and David French are the only ones I make sure to always read. I also listen to French's podcast.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

Jay wrote:

I honestly just read it for Kevin D. Williamson and Jonah Goldberg. Dougherty is ok sometimes. The rest are meh.
Oh and Kyle Smith
Kevin and David French are the only ones I make sure to always read. I also listen to French's podcast.
French annoys me with his be like me I'm a real man because I do triathlons or whatever schtick. I agree with him maybe 25% of the time.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

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