uziq wrote:
your counter-arguments never really highlight anything, do they? 'people are stupid and they deserve to be punished'. yes, the idea of a representative democracy sounds good to me, thanks for echoing the painfully obvious. it's almost like i'm complaining about the undermining and subversion of the world's oldest representative documentary.
The oldest representative democracy decided to implement Brexit, Parliament and the British people did it with careful consideration, you don't like it, bad luck.
i don't know, knowingly going ahead with plans that are going to restrict the supply of fresh food to a nation, drive up prices across the board, lead to fuel and medical supply shortages, etc., sounds a little more than 'relatively trivial' to me. it sounds like a govt is taking us into post-ww2 rationing living again voluntarily, because of an ideological reason. it is the exact opposite of what elected officials and a government are entrusted to do. that's bad enough for me.
This is something the free market really will resolve, the prices of a few things may go up, or down. Otherwise situation normal.
you keep backtracking and retroactively applying the no-deal scenario now to EVERY single decision made in this process since the referendum was called. you'd make a fucking terrible historian. MPs didn't approve a referendum with this scenario on the table then; the fucking leave campaign didn't campaign based on the assumption of a no-deal 4 years ago (and its chief architects and campaign leaders have said as much): yet you continually say 'tough luck, no deal is what you asked for and it's what yer gonna get'. when it patently wasn't. your wrongheadedness is infuriating. we are here as the result of 4 years of (failed) negotiations, in which multiple possibilities have been taken or foreclosed. stop acting like no deal brexit is some fait accompli that we all thrust upon ourselves as soon as the MPs called a referendum. it is fucking moronic and a total child's eye view of how politics works.
You keep droning on with this idea that everything was contingent on a deal. I don't remember it.
Can't see any mention of a deal or no deal here … _en_1.htmlI've seen no mention of it anywhere in the official paperwork really, if you can find something knock yourself out. … tages.htmlAnyone who thought there was a snowflakes chance in hell of getting any kind of deal which was less painful than remaining in the EU out of the people running the EU would have had a child's eye view of the world.
and the decision of a country to go to war 15 years ago is completely unrelated to this topic. your constant references to blair and his 'precedent' for johnson are whatabouttery at its finest. you talk about me posting in this thread because i have some 'personal butthurt', but jesus christ man you mention BLAIR and JEWS in every single thread without hardly even bothering to dress them up with the topic as pre-text. the sheer gall of you accusing me of being 'personally butthurt over my career' (what a random broadside that was; are all brexit critics just worried about a pay rise?) when you cannot shut the fuck up about blair/iraq and israel, is astounding!
You're presenting Brexit as the worst and most corrupt calamity to hit the UK in a generation, its not by a long shot.
we get it, your family left the UK in the 90s because of some pedo-ring-police-corruption-jack-straw-tony-blair-WMDs-weren't-real-mossad-did-it controversy. we get it, you've been embroiled in some feud against your 'home you don't recognise anymore' and mired in some legal battle against the blairite establishment. or whatever. you are a fucking joke to accuse me of having some 'personal butthurt' over brexit.
So why is it such a big deal for you? Compared with engaging in an illegal war which killed hundreds of thousands of people and cost billions for no clear reason - for example.
the only people to frequent this forum in two decades who could even hold a flame to your petty personal grudges are ATG and lowing.
you are a textbook crank.
You're the one who keeps ranting about this as if its the end-of-times.