FixedKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
larssen: seeing a tv show that put a spotlight on the human cost of a nuclear power plant tragedy and the risk of more tragedy due to a bigger disaster caused by an explosion about 10,000 time larger than was really realistic made me rethink my support for nuclear power
dilbert: that show was dumb, they tried to say there would be a 2-4 megaton hydrogen bomb, but simple physics says otherwise. Why would you rethink your support for nuclear power based on a show with bad physics
larssen: I'm going to deny what I originally said and change my position on everything several times to prove I was right to start with even though I never said it but I'm still right
dilbert: if you saw bad stuff about coal or diesel, would that blow your support back to nuclear power?
me: whiny sarcastic comment
dilbert: what did i say that would make you think that?
Last edited by Dilbert_X (5 years, 8 months ago)
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