I played with so I understand all [redacted]  wow classic gold herb/mine/quest place and horse spawn type/level/name, vanilla beta, vanilla, rerolled on all server. So I understand that servers that are private are like vanilla. Almost all herb and mining vein place aren't where they were, many missing and several extra place (don't know why they havent used gatherer databases for location and type), their type also distinct and the"rare" vein spawn mechanism is non existent (fixed gold or truesilver etc. location even tought in vanilla almost any mithril iron and such had a %chance to spawn their infrequent equivalent), pursuit item locations are different (by way of example tanaris Gahz'ridian ornament things near ogres have a different place on ground and many lacking ), about 80% of the dinosaurs spawn in another location, have different motion paths. On personal servers they usually respawn as kind and lvl their amount was usually random + / - 1 level, In vanilla.

Different behavior, quest mechanics particularly on quests are usually distinct and waypoints and avenues, for example most chicken escort quests have lil different waypoints and arbitrary ambush mobs spawn place as well as their number or lvl were different. Mob flee mechanics are distinct (direction and speed). Only those notice these who quested/leveled in vanilla 20-30+ character.

I will level slowly reading my quest text, leveling my careers and doing most dungeons a few time for the loot. This is what I love about vanilla, so you can do anything you need and hope to do more in case you discover the opportunity to do so. Fantastic luck in your adventures guys!? That's the beauty of Vanilla. You can enjoy it in so many ways. This is exactly what killed modern WoW Classic for me in my opinion, so the hardcore players left and they murdered WoW Classic for their hardcore playerbase, but [redacted] cheap classic wow gold  felt empty with them like me then quit also. For a match to succeed you have to appeal to casuals and hardcores, both groups need each other.The main point is a large chance is that Classic will have lots of the issues, and doesn't mean it was the manner it was in 40, just because it differs from Private Servers. We have seen that they are willing to alter some important things, although I'd hope that they would do a much better job.

Last edited by Rskingdom (2019-05-22 01:32:17)

Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5950|Catherine Black
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5950|Catherine Black
that word filter is still in place
oh my god, are ... gold bots coming back? jesus fucking christ, did i just read a fake post about wow classic gold in 2019?

THE FEELS!!!! it's coming home, baby!!!
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5950|Catherine Black
you doing classic? or are you too growned up?
i am absolutely doing classic. it's the only gaming experience i would willingly re-create (as great as cod1/2, bf2, tf2 etc were in their time; too competitive and too rage-inducing for an older me). i am so nostalgic about classic, sinking back into that world again for a bit and being lost to the old imagination. helps that i don't have to buy a new gaming rig to play it, too, which has been the main barrier of entry to gaming for the last few years for me. cs:go and whatever-the-fuck just aren't interesting enough, considering i played the earlier versions to death and they're prolly better anyhow.

wow:classic is my favourite game of all time. i made lasting friends in that game. it just feels like a game from an earlier, better era of gaming in general. before everything was a trophy cabinet or achievement-fest, before it was all cash-shops and micro-transactions. just a solid ... stable ... world and community for you to dip in and out of. i could legit see myself making it a regular game to play again. i'll never have 70-80 hours a week to throw at becoming the best PvPer rank14 zOMG on the server like i did when i was 16, but that's fine too.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5950|Catherine Black
shit.. I've been so tempted, but I've been saying I'll not get into it if I don't have people that are committed too get into it with. let's do some deadmines bro
i don't know how the fuck to use discord or whatever but yeah, assuming the port of classic to the new game engine doesn't cripple my circa 2012 PC, i am definitely going to burn the midnight oil playing that game.

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