The very model of a modern major general
+796|6993|United States of America

Jay wrote:

uziq wrote:

says a lot about jay that he thinks antifa are cowards when the right wing are literally massacring people in their places of worship. what do antifa do? turn up at right-wing rallies and get in street brawls? i guess they’re basically the same thing.

no addressing the BLM point. i guess we can agree they are not part of a huge ‘hard left’ movement.

and yeah, good point macbeth. leftists went to syria to fight ISIS, including a lot of western antifa. a well-known 20-something white girl from my city got killed in syria helping the fight against isis. but i guess both sides are part of the problem. divisive!
BLM I actually have some sympathy for. They have a strong case against the police state that the Progressives installed to keep them down.
Your political and economic IQ is nil.

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

You are a dumbass. Antifa and ancaps are not the same movement. Antifa doesn't care about the "non-aggression principal". Resistance to fascism is literally in their name. Antifa doesn't have an ideology or platform at all. Their unifying theme is resistance to the right. Anything beyond that is up to each individual.

There is also nothing brave about killing innocent people. If you want to be brave go to Syria like a lot of antifa and leftist did.
Please tell me how antifa, who espouse authoritarian socialist principles are anti-right wing? The left has defined the right as totalitarian in this country. There's a major disconnect between what is said and what actually is. The "right" that I belong to believes in the Enlightenment principles of freedom, individualism and self-determination. It's literally the opposite of fascism.

The real problem is that we're still using the definitions of right and left that emanated from Stalinist Russia when the communists were trying to distance themselves from the Nazis and Fascists. Somehow the Nazis and Fascists became right wing when their core beliefs are the same statist social-welfare state as the Progressives and Communists. Antifa and the "alt-right" are kissing cousins and have nothing to do with Conservativism. Antifa vs the alt-right is nothing more than LARPing red shirts vs brown shirts.
it's almost like you don't understand basic history.

communists and bolshevism came before nazism. nazism was a hard-right reactionary movement to 'defend' against the rise of bolshevism in europe. there were german socialist and communists before nazi germany -- and they were pretty successful, too. the 'definitions' didn't come out of stalinist russia and communists never had to distance themselves by 'smearing' fascists as right-wing. they were always a right-wing party of the bourgeois establishment, to defend itself against revolutionary rhetoric.

no one in this discussion at any point confused old-fashioned enlightenment lower-case 'c' conservatism with the far-right. we are discussing the fact that people are being massacred by far-right white supremacists in 2019. good for you that you read a book once about burke and smith and fancy yourself a conservative.

antifa are not 'authoritarian socialists' (whatever that is - maoism? stalinism?). antifa are literally and only anti-fascist. a very large contingent of antifa are anarchists. what the fuck are you talking about?!

Last edited by uziq (2019-03-16 11:34:05)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I was going to make a joke about Jay eventually calling antifa the actual fascist but he beat me to it.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

You are a dumbass. Antifa and ancaps are not the same movement. Antifa doesn't care about the "non-aggression principal". Resistance to fascism is literally in their name. Antifa doesn't have an ideology or platform at all. Their unifying theme is resistance to the right. Anything beyond that is up to each individual.

There is also nothing brave about killing innocent people. If you want to be brave go to Syria like a lot of antifa and leftist did.
Please tell me how antifa, who espouse authoritarian socialist principles are anti-right wing? The left has defined the right as totalitarian in this country. There's a major disconnect between what is said and what actually is. The "right" that I belong to believes in the Enlightenment principles of freedom, individualism and self-determination. It's literally the opposite of fascism.

The real problem is that we're still using the definitions of right and left that emanated from Stalinist Russia when the communists were trying to distance themselves from the Nazis and Fascists. Somehow the Nazis and Fascists became right wing when their core beliefs are the same statist social-welfare state as the Progressives and Communists. Antifa and the "alt-right" are kissing cousins and have nothing to do with Conservativism. Antifa vs the alt-right is nothing more than LARPing red shirts vs brown shirts.
it's almost like you don't understand basic history.

communists and bolshevism came before nazism. nazism was a hard-right reactionary movement to 'defend' against the rise of bolshevism in europe.

no one in this discussion at any point confused old-fashioned enlightenment lower-case 'c' conservatism with the far-right. we are discussing the fact that people are being massacred by far-right white supremacists in 2019. good for you that you read a book once about burke and smith and fancy yourself a conservative.
And what I'm saying is that they are in fact not far-right at all and more in line with the Marxism espoused by Georges Sorel and his call for nationalism, collective identity and symbolism, and violent action. Sorel is the philosophical granddaddy to Mussolini and the Nazis and that can be traced down to white nationalists today. The alt-right white nationalists are in fact left wing. Own it.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England

uziq wrote:

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

You are a dumbass. Antifa and ancaps are not the same movement. Antifa doesn't care about the "non-aggression principal". Resistance to fascism is literally in their name. Antifa doesn't have an ideology or platform at all. Their unifying theme is resistance to the right. Anything beyond that is up to each individual.

There is also nothing brave about killing innocent people. If you want to be brave go to Syria like a lot of antifa and leftist did.
Please tell me how antifa, who espouse authoritarian socialist principles are anti-right wing? The left has defined the right as totalitarian in this country. There's a major disconnect between what is said and what actually is. The "right" that I belong to believes in the Enlightenment principles of freedom, individualism and self-determination. It's literally the opposite of fascism.

The real problem is that we're still using the definitions of right and left that emanated from Stalinist Russia when the communists were trying to distance themselves from the Nazis and Fascists. Somehow the Nazis and Fascists became right wing when their core beliefs are the same statist social-welfare state as the Progressives and Communists. Antifa and the "alt-right" are kissing cousins and have nothing to do with Conservativism. Antifa vs the alt-right is nothing more than LARPing red shirts vs brown shirts.
it's almost like you don't understand basic history.

communists and bolshevism came before nazism. nazism was a hard-right reactionary movement to 'defend' against the rise of bolshevism in europe. there were german socialist and communists before nazi germany -- and they were pretty successful, too. the 'definitions' didn't come out of stalinist russia and communists never had to distance themselves by 'smearing' fascists as right-wing. they were always a right-wing party of the bourgeois establishment, to defend itself against revolutionary rhetoric.

no one in this discussion at any point confused old-fashioned enlightenment lower-case 'c' conservatism with the far-right. we are discussing the fact that people are being massacred by far-right white supremacists in 2019. good for you that you read a book once about burke and smith and fancy yourself a conservative.

antifa are not 'authoritarian socialists' (whatever that is - maoism? stalinism?). antifa are literally and only anti-fascist. a very large contingent of antifa are anarchists. what the fuck are you talking about?!
Using violence in order to enforce censorship and stifle dissent is anarchist? Calls for expanding the welfare state, nationalizing banks, redistributing wealth etc. These are anarchist? These seem like hard left statist positions to me.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
All of this left vs right talk is just obfuscating the fact that the western world finally has the active equivalent of the Islamic world's jihadism in the form of the alt-right and white nationalism.

Whether it fits in with the free market or collectivism is as useless as the debates about whether jihadism is "true Islam" or not.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7083|Moscow, Russia

Jay wrote:

anything i don't like is automatically left wing
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

All of this left vs right talk is just obfuscating the fact that the western world finally has the active equivalent of the Islamic world's jihadism in the form of the alt-right and white nationalism.

Whether it fits in with the free market or collectivism is as useless as the debates about whether jihadism is "true Islam" or not.
I don't think white nationalism was the draw for this idiot. I think it gave him an excuse, sure, but the real problem is he wanted to be famous and remembered among his idiot friends on 4chan. He's literally a walking 4chan meme. All he would've needed to make it complete was a Guy Fawkes mask.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Zee Ruskie
+295|7083|Moscow, Russia

SuperJail Warden wrote:

All of this left vs right talk is just obfuscating the fact that the western world finally has the active equivalent of the Islamic world's jihadism in the form of the alt-right and white nationalism.
the western world is finally getting a taste of its own medicine - the problems of the capitalism that were being shifted over to what you call "third world" are striking back now.

Whether it fits in with the free market or collectivism is as useless as the debates about whether jihadism is "true Islam" or not.
this^ is mostly true. as in, if you only arguing semantics and deal in identity politics you are not getting any closer to discovering the roots of the problem. however, it's also true that one needs somekinda way to categorize ones stuff to even get started.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

All of this left vs right talk is just obfuscating the fact that the western world finally has the active equivalent of the Islamic world's jihadism in the form of the alt-right and white nationalism.

Whether it fits in with the free market or collectivism is as useless as the debates about whether jihadism is "true Islam" or not.
I don't think white nationalism was the draw for this idiot. I think it gave him an excuse, sure, but the real problem is he wanted to be famous and remembered among his idiot friends on 4chan. He's literally a walking 4chan meme. All he would've needed to make it complete was a Guy Fawkes mask.
I said that in the other thread. It works with the same way with the jihadist too. Major difference is that the government made an effort to pressure corporations to deny the jihadist a platform. 8chan and 4chan have been constant sources of murder and mayhem that should be blocked by ISPs.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2019-03-16 12:13:51)
Zee Ruskie
+295|7083|Moscow, Russia

SuperJail Warden wrote:

should be blocked by ISPs.
not only it's technically impossible, also, when done by others (especially those you all hate on at behest of your so called "free press") it's called "censorship".
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

he is a useless moron but i think it’s suspect that the right-wing media try to distance themselves from it. lower end of the IQ scale and a waste of space, certainly, but this guy is the fucking core target group of most of the right-wing media and their inflammatory/sensational rhetoric. you can’t whip up the masses and then distance yourself when the ur-mass man turns up at a mosque with an assault rifle, parroting conspiracy theories and memes.
This guy is the target audience for the President of the United States, who incites his base to commit violence.

We've seen enough times now how Jay gets his history from talking heads on the internet, and his life journey is remarkably close to that of this NZ nut.
Fuck Israel
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

he is a useless moron but i think it’s suspect that the right-wing media try to distance themselves from it. lower end of the IQ scale and a waste of space, certainly, but this guy is the fucking core target group of most of the right-wing media and their inflammatory/sensational rhetoric. you can’t whip up the masses and then distance yourself when the ur-mass man turns up at a mosque with an assault rifle, parroting conspiracy theories and memes.
This guy is the target audience for the President of the United States, who incites his base to commit violence.

We've seen enough times now how Jay gets his history from talking heads on the internet, and his life journey is remarkably close to that of this NZ nut.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

uziq wrote:

lmao wow. feels like only yesterday we were discussing kids arguing with kind old senators. now we have video footage of a senator giving a kid a quick jab to the face.

good work you fuckin savages.
That kid had the most perplexingly neutral expression while slapping that egg upside Anning's head.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6993|United States of America
My youngest cousin is 20 and not doing anything with his life, so he's decided to join the army. My parents went to his going-away party this weekend and apparently got weirded out because he said "It's great! They're gonna pay me to shoot people" and when an older lady said "don't say that", he correct it to "shoot and blow up people." Hopefully that drains out with the boring everyday life of the military, but at least he's got a different surname if he does become a mass murderer.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5666|London, England
It's called bravado. It goes away shortly after boot camp.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

It's kind of the standard joke. People have been saying it forever, thinking they're geniuses for it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
After they get back from shooting people most veterans seem to develop checks notes suicidal depression.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6993|United States of America
My parents seem to have been rather shocked by it. It doesn't help that my cousin literally is a very quiet guy who keeps to himself, so that sort of bold statement is out of character. We'll see.

DesertFox- wrote:

My parents seem to have been rather shocked by it. It doesn't help that my cousin literally is a very quiet guy who keeps to himself, so that sort of bold statement is out of character. We'll see.
Well you know your cousin better than any of us but I still think Jay is right.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

Dilbert_X wrote:

Isn't this exactly Jay's 'journey'?

Last I heard he was ranting about immigrants taking over his town, trying to convince his neighbour to set up a white separatist group, buying an auto shotgun and growing his own vegies.

Jay wrote:

bought a 2018 Subaru

Come to think of it, in a months time I'll be driving through the Melbourne CBD with five firearms (three of them semi-automatic) and ~1,000 rounds of ammunition in my Subaru.
Wish me luck.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2019-03-18 05:58:09)

Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Shahter wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

should be blocked by ISPs.
not only it's technically impossible, also, when done by others (especially those you all hate on at behest of your so called "free press") it's called "censorship".
I don't think I have ever argued censorship is wrong here. At least not since 2010ish.

Complaints about censorship in America are usually grounded in the freedom of speech clause of the first amendment. Appealing to the Constitution is like the last thing I would do.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Members of the Indiana State Teachers Association testified Wednesday before a state education committee that elementary school teachers had been shot “execution style” with pellet guns as part of an active shooter training conducted by the local sheriff’s office, according to the Indianapolis Star.

According to an account from the association, “four teachers at a time were taken into a room, told to crouch down and were shot execution style with some sort of projectiles” during the January training at Meadowlawn Elementary School in Monticello, Indiana.
According to their account, the officers told the teachers to kneel against the classroom wall before unloading a round of pellets from an airsoft gun without any warning. “They told us, ‘This is what happens if you just cower and do nothing,’ ” one of the teachers told the Star. “They shot all of us across our backs. I was hit four times. … It hurt so bad.”
The account from the teachers association also indicated that they had been told not to warn others what was in store for them. “The teachers were terrified, but were told not to tell anyone what happened,” the group tweeted. “Teachers waiting outside that heard the screaming [and] were brought into the room four at a time and the shooting process was repeated. … ining.html

That's actually funny.

It's still so weird to me hearing about this attempt at normalizing surprise murder drills in a supposedly first world country, and then life carries on as normal. Fucking surreal.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
Police in Germany have arrested 10 people on suspicion of planning an Islamist attack.

The arrests were made after some 200 police officers carried out raids in the states of Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate.

The men had plotted to "kill as many 'non-believers' as possible" using a vehicle and guns, prosecutors said.

A 21-year-old man from Offenbach, near Frankfurt, and two 31-year-old brothers from Wiesbaden are the main suspects.

"They had already made contact with different arms dealers, rented a large vehicle and collected financial assets to use for the purchase of guns and the execution of the planned murders," a spokeswoman for the prosecutor's office said.

The suspects are aged between 20 and 42 and several are German nationals, the spokeswoman added.

No doubt the poor dears were triggered by being surrounded by white supremacists who cruelly gave them refuge, citizenship, welfare, the opportunity to work, freedom to practice their religion etc.

When you think about it white supremacy and facebook are the two evils here.

Or maybe its that some Germans are still being unreasonable about converting to Islam?

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2019-03-23 02:10:02)

Fuck Israel

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