SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The more I read about Falangism, the more I like it. Fascism - racism + Catholicism sounds great. I plan to blog about this.
just don't mention it in spain or france or any actually catholic countries.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Funny you should say that. The American Catholics I spoke to about this like the idea of making Catholicism the state religion. The Polish and Irish people I spoke to think this is a bad idea.
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i am literally one of the last people who will ever use 'triggered' or 'safe space' in any context. i spent a large amount of my teens mercilessly flaming people online ffs. the cartoon was racist as fuck. sorry that you're too 'hurr durr liberals' and 'these violent blacks' in your beliefs to perceive other's viewpoints and possible offence.
Its funny, it seems like only yesterday the whole world came together to affirm the right of cartoonists to be 'racist as fuck' and offensive as they liked without fear of the consequences, it was a free-speech thing I think.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2018-09-19 02:20:34)

Fuck Israel
i can guarantee you that the 'whole world' definitely didn't come together on that, and most of the media have always found charlie hebdo completely distasteful and beyond the pale. people were in solidarity with satirists being murdered, not with the right to be racist. much was written about how hebdo was essentially an excuse for ignorant bigots to air their views with a sense of victimhood, for once. lots of small-town islamophobes and anti-semites with tricolore facebook profile photos. don't try and portray it as some unanimous thing where everyone thinks and had always thought that hebdo's cartoons were acceptable. most people never found them acceptable.

again, you're stretching it a bit. people proclaiming the right to free speech vs. being murdered by islamic fascists ... and an australian tabloid's right to invoke racist slavery-era imagery to harangue a tennis player. does this need to be explained to you?

Last edited by uziq (2018-09-19 06:18:10)

The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
Either you have free speech, and the right to offend people, or you don't.
The caricaturist slightly exaggerated her features, as caricaturists do. There were no slavery references there.
Its no use supporting the Charlie Hebdo goons and throwing this guy to the wolves.
Fuck Israel
you can have free speech and laws against inciting hate speech, you know. they do not cancel each other out.

also, again, i don't follow your huge assumption that everyone who is calling out this guy's racism is a lifelong hebdo subscriber and supporter.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Tying free speech to the defense of hate speech is so short sided. You are just radicalizing normal people against freedom of speech in totality. Then again most hate speech and general racism is a dead end anyway.
dilbert seems to think 'the right to offend' includes quoting slave imagery and the disgrace of institutional racism to put down someone in a tennis match. 'get over it, you're not special!'
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
Once again, no slave imagery was used, nor institutional racism, and the put-down was for her crass behaviour.
She has big lips and frizzy hair, anyone else with noticeable features gets caricatured for them too.

Put people like to distract from their own public misdeeds by finding a way to become the victim by invoking irrelevant ancient history.
Fuck Israel
if she doesn't have a point, why are you continually trying to misrepresent her point, or subtly denigrate the history? discrimination against african-americans is not 'ancient' history. she is not seeking sympathy for carthage. stop being so thick.
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
I'm not aware Serena Williams has made any point at all, her husband complained about racism and misogyny, not slavery references - you brought those in, and anti-semitism somehow.
Fuck Israel
i accused you of being anti-semitic in your weird mossad conspiracy theory. that was in another thread.

slavery references and racism are one and the same thing. the entire tradition of drawing racist cartoons of african-americans comes from slavery and slavery-era stereotypes about blacks. the whole point is that those depictions are a painful reminder of that history, those power relations. this isn't complicated. you can't split hairs between hate speech directed at african-americans and slavery. as if slavery was some quaint economical arrangement with no basis in racist ideology. please.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I find it funny that despite how much racism has been directed at Williams, she marries and has a kid with the whitest nerdiest guy she could find.
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I find it funny that despite how much racism has been directed at Williams, she marries and has a kid with the whitest nerdiest guy she could find.
Thats a pretty racist thing to do, when you think about it.
Fuck Israel
serena williams' husband has an armenian surname. 'the whitest guy she could find'. uuuuum ...
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
white by American standards

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2018-11-09 19:37:54)
he looks half-white, which he literally is. is the whitest man in america half-armenian?

his dad's side of the family came as emigrants fleeing ethnic cleansing ffs. that kind of scuppers your weird 'serena's inverted racism' point, doesn't it?

Last edited by uziq (2018-11-09 19:49:08)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Doesn't look Armenian. These are Armenians.

If you told me he was Italian. I would believe it.
you have some weird prosopagnosia-like problem when it comes to recognising race. weren't you claiming in this thread a page or two back that the serena racism thing was a joke because her opponent was black? when the girl has a japanese last name and looks like fucking mr miyagi. the guy definitely looks armenian, or at least from asia minor/the caucasus. dark, thick hair, dark skin, brown eyes, etc.

if you went to somewhere like tbilisi or (dare i say it in this context) istanbul, most guys would look exactly like this.

anywayyyyyy, the fact is you've twice tried to trivialise serena's claims to race abuse with a very shonky line of reasoning. i don't even care about the woman but you should at least make your claims coherent. trying to imply that she has 'sold out' her race to the 'white mainstream culture' or 'the Man' or something, as if she's cried wolf about racism and then settled down in new england with a WASP whose great-great-grandparents were off the mayflower or something. his family were fleeing ethnic cleansing and racist aggression more recently in history than serena's were on a plantation. dumbass.

Last edited by uziq (2018-11-10 01:31:51)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I was listening to a  "This American Life" episode about school shootings. It gets me pretty upset thinking anyone would want to hurt my kids (students). As much as I complain and shit talk them, I don't want anything bad to happen to them.

It gets me especially angry that we can't have gun control in this country because there is a huge amount of scared and weak white people who need guns to feel safe. Even worse is the cultureless group of whites who are so pathetic that they put their identity into their collecting of guns and ammo.

There are plenty of nice kids with bright futures who are going to die because we need to hold up the identities of these people.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7005|United States of America
I seem to recall that being rage-inducing listening to people with blinders on blaming anything but guns. Nah, we need more guns so nigh-untrained teachers can put down Timmy.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
So like almost all mass shooters, the New Zealand killer was a young white guy with no education, career, lover. Of course this was checks notes someone else's fault. The nearest group to lash out at for his lack of white girlfriend being the local Muslims. That's what it basically all boils down to. The whole spiel about white genocide is just window dressing for his personal failure.

Personal failure is what I would like to discuss. Why does mass murder by maladjusted men seem to be an uniquely white cultural trait?
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
Because maladjusted brown men don't have the planning skills, and maladjusted brown men commit mass murder in groups?
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Maybe. I think it is more likely that the 4chan, 8chan, Reddit, online FPS, Twitch etc. culture is uniquely toxic.

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