Aye up duck!
+440|7029|England. Stoke
No i read the tweet myself so nothing to do with the media i'm afraid.
And also nothing to do with the quotes you mention.

Last edited by coke (2018-09-17 07:12:40)

Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia
you lost me there then. which twit are we talking about again?
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Aye up duck!
+440|7029|England. Stoke
+513|3772 … r-verzilov

don't forget, we live in 'mirror' societies. the evil capitalist west is the twin of russia. we frequently poison protestors.
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
No, we let Mossad cut their wrists.
Fuck Israel
what happened to david kelly is a national disgrace and an avoidable tragedy, but only a mental anti-semite like you could somehow tie israel to it
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
I forgot, criticising Israel and the actions of its security services is now anti-semitism by definition, I should try to keep abreast of current events.
Fuck Israel
i've heard the predictable conspiracy theories that the uk establishment/blair/MI5 had david kelly assassinated. but mossad? israel? i just googled it and the only sources for this are, also predictably and more depressingly, far-right fringe websites and individual blogs. how the hell do you connect the state of israel with it? ok, sorry, you're not an 'anti-semite'. you're an anti-zionist who apparently sees a malign jewish hand in all world events. is that better?
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
Thats a lot better, thanks.

Israel was behind a large part of the 'intel' showing Iraq had WMD, and Mossad does have a history of murdering people who they find trying.
Fuck Israel
david kelly worked with mossad in the 1990s. he was considered an expert ally. your theory is basically racist paranoia.
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
Of course, Mossad has no history of turning on people who have helped them in the past.
And thats exactly the reason they (and others) wanted him out of the way, he was the one person who could and did say their 'intel' was bunk.
Fuck Israel
Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia

coke wrote:
but... but but but... that's exactly the post i was talking about. btw, how did you read it again - do you speak russian? or used goole translate or smthng? because, as i mentioned earlier, zakharova posted nothing you claim she'd posted. she was moking bellingcat clowns and their supposed ability to gather secret info through social media and confirmed exactly nothing in that post.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Aye up duck!
+440|7029|England. Stoke

Shahter wrote:

coke wrote:
but... but but but... that's exactly the post i was talking about. btw, how did you read it again - do you speak russian? or used goole translate or smthng? because, as i mentioned earlier, zakharova posted nothing you claim she'd posted. she was moking bellingcat clowns and their supposed ability to gather secret info through social media and confirmed exactly nothing in that post.
Yeah of course...
You translate it for us then please.

Last edited by coke (2018-09-18 10:52:34)

Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia
uh-huh. just like i said - you've been had.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia

coke wrote:

You translate it for us then please.
i'm not the best translator - ffs, i have trouble wrapping my own thoughts in proper english, let alone that of russian mia's press secretary, but here you are (left punctuation and... ehm... stylistic stuff intact. as much as i was able to anyway):

zakharova wrote:

After «Bellingcat» (there were co-authours of this sensation but let’s leave that be for now) published  today that, according to the “FMS* database”, Petrov and Boshirov are GRU agents, I’ve no doubt that they (Bellingcat) have close ties with special services. More so, here we are most likely looking at a special organization which under pretense of doing investigations purposefully leaks disinformation.

So, did you just hack the FMS database today? London made their claims about Petrov and Boshirov a long time ago. And they came under suspicion even earlier. “No info” was available all that time? No, there wasn’t. Because the line of thought was there’s no such people at all. That’s precisely what the police claimed when they published the photos. And then these people were suddenly found. Told their story about their interest in spires. And then - bam, “FMS database” has been hacked. Spires - that’s about art, so to say. With a actual database – that’s another story.

But, the main question is this: why was it easier for “Bellingcat” to “hack a database” overnight, than dig up AT LEAST ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE “proving” Petrov and Boshirov’s involvement in the poisoning?

Let me remind you: it’s the same “Bellingcat” that for years have been monopolizing the “right to truth” in investigating the Malaysian Boeing crash over Ukraine. So much data they have posted that not just some private company, but a whole think tank wouldn’t  have been able to gather!

So, why didn’t “Berllingcat” over 5 months reveal anything in the form of photos, screen shots, videos of Petrov and Boshirov doing something questionable?

That’s why.
*FMS - federal migration service
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
it's fascinating how stupid your average muzhik russian is. the official interview/interviewer kept angling the questions towards their sexuality, not focussing on why they went to a tiny place that most russians have never heard of, twice, during a 3-day visit to london, but why they were staying in single beds and 'spending so much time together'. now average russians think that they went away to such a niche, out-of-the-way place because they were gay. lol. real classy, russia. play on popular homophobia and gay stereotypes to cover up an extra-judicial killing.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia

uziq wrote:

the official interview/interviewer kept angling the questions towards their sexuality
really? simonyan "kept angling"? she asked them once about what their relations to each other were, i think. and they didn't want to talk about that. "sexuality" wasn't mentioned or implied at all. actually, simonyan specifically told them that in her opinion nobody cared about that.

now average russians think that they went away to such a niche, out-of-the-way place because they were gay.
now many "average russians" do you know? or are you again basing your opinion on second hand info from your bloody media? i'm pretty average, as are most members of my social circle, and none of those whom i asked thought the dudes were gay - and find insinuations to that effect ridiculous.

not focussing on why they went to a tiny place that most russians have never heard of, twice, during a 3-day visit to london but why they were staying in single beds and 'spending so much time together'.  lol. real classy, russia. play on popular homophobia and gay stereotypes to cover up an extra-judicial killing.
are you sure it's not you who are playing on popular stereotypes about russians here?

Last edited by Shahter (2018-09-18 13:14:43)

if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
right. she asked one little question and it was quickly batted away and forgotten about by the media. not a distraction at all. russian people didn't even bat an eyelid on that gay question.

"The LGBT community has come out in defense of Petrov and Boshirov," was the headline on Life News, subsequently reposted by a range of pro-Kremlin outlets.

"Instead of dangerous killers -- timid gays," wrote a columnist in Zavtra, a nationalist online newspaper. Moskovsky Komsomolets proclaimed the interview "The GRU's coming out".

In the evening, flagship news channel Rossia 24 broadcast a sarcastic report about Salisbury's spirit of "modern European tolerance," portraying it as a place overrun with gay clubs and parades.

Amid the fallout, Simonyan took to Twitter with comments that served to add grist to the rumor mill.

Noting that the two men "didn't hit on me" during the interview, she wrote: "I don't know if they're gay or not gay. They're stylish, as far as I can tell -- with little beards and cute haircuts, taut trousers and jumpers that tighten around impressive biceps."
please don't treat everyone as if they are stupid as your average russian peasant. for the record, trump uses the exact same rhetorical technique as this, and to similarly stupid effect. it's called apophasis - to mention by not mentioning. 'i don't think it's important to mention it anyway, i'll just ask a question about your sleeping arrangements in a serious interview about an international diplomatic incident'. 'it's not for me to comment on whether they are gay, but ... here's a bunch of eyebrow-raising suggestive details to strongly raise the idea'. riiiight. please.

and, sure, i'm playing on a 'bad stereotype' about russians' casual homophobia. i mean, i guess a stereotype based on your actual law must be wildly inaccurate. … aganda_law

Last edited by uziq (2018-09-18 13:54:54)

Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia
ah, so it's russian media that's been playing the gay schtick, and you actually haven't a clue about average russians' take on this? i thought so.

and re your remark about homophobic laws in russia - that had already been brought up on these forums and i beleave i pretty much dismantled the whole idea. i'll let you find that thread yourself.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
well at least you can agree, then, after all, that your media are un-free as fuck and peddle the pro-krelim pro-putin line. it must suck to live in a country where evidently all your main media don't reflect the public's thoughts and attitudes at all. almost like living inside a simulated reality, eh? doesn't it insult your intelligence to have all these shows and papers discussing the assassins' sexuality, and running 10-minute news segments on how salisbury is a 'hotbed' of gay sin and immorality?

Last edited by uziq (2018-09-19 01:43:56)

Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia

uziq wrote:

well at least you can agree, then, after all, that your media are un-free as fuck and peddle the pro-krelim pro-putin line.
well, duh.

it must suck to live in a country where evidently all your main media don't reflect the public's thoughts and attitudes at all.
we are fine, thank you.

almost like living inside a simulated reality, eh?
my reality is not shaped by the media - not directly anyway.

doesn't it insult your intelligence to have all these shows and papers discussing the assassins' sexuality, and running 10-minute news segments on how salisbury is a 'hotbed' of gay sin and immorality?
sometimes - when i forget that media is just another tool of the ruling class to project their power over the masses. i'm old enough to remember actual soviet propaganda, and how gorbachev and yeltsyn turned it around 180 degrees and everybody lost ther minds.
many among us seem to have recovered by now and are pretty much inoculated against that shit. you in the west, on the other hand...
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
yes, it's the west who are swayed by evil capitalist propaganda and you alone who has the perspicacity and post-soviet sagacity to see through it all!

glad that you've finally conceded one of the utterly fucking obvious points we've been hammering out this past few pages. so much for the 'mirror' image. russia has zero press freedom and openness of information. getting that out of you was like pulling teeth.
Zee Ruskie
+295|7095|Moscow, Russia
i didn't concede anything - i never said there was any freedom of the press in russia. just as there's no freedom of the press anywhere else. the 'mirror' image is the result of power struggle between russian capitalist elite and that of the west. i thought i made my stance on this pretty obvios, tbh.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
except there is literally freedom of press in the west. reporters can investigate what they want without fear of being shot in the street. there are many non-government aligned and politically independent news organisations. there are many volunteer, not-for-profit, charity organisations prominent in the media, with no 'capitalist' distortion or 'market' pressures to please their press baron owners. this is literally the case. objectivity and the independence of the fourth estate are still aspired to here; the political class and those in power are regularly held to account. in russia they are basically organs of putin, much like mainstream media in berlusconi's italy.

stop fobbing it off with this asinine, emo teen 'under capitalism, all truth dies' rhetoric. you are not the Joker.

Last edited by uziq (2018-09-19 08:04:19)

Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6108|Catherine Black
You guys have literally been arguing for over a month, can we switch gears?

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