that seems to be filleting neoconservatism so that it's not neoconservatism at all, though.
Neo-cons are supportive of some economic intervention especially if it supports their foreign policy goals. You can justify a NHS and some more as necessary for having a healthy beacon of democracy.
When I mean some compromise on civil rights, I mostly mean when it comes to police and drugs. Spying, extraordinary rendition, Gitmo, drones strikes, and maybe even waterboarding would be okay with me if I could buy some weed for a weekend party safely.
It's too bad Jeb lost.
When I mean some compromise on civil rights, I mostly mean when it comes to police and drugs. Spying, extraordinary rendition, Gitmo, drones strikes, and maybe even waterboarding would be okay with me if I could buy some weed for a weekend party safely.
It's too bad Jeb lost.

i know you're trolling
To do that they would have to let go of religion. Until then God hates fags and abortion is murder.SuperJail Warden wrote:
neo-cons supported an expansion of the social safety net and some compromise on civil rights.

You don't think jeb would be better than Trump?uziq wrote:
i know you're trolling

no i mean i don't seriously think you'd be okay with government torture just so long as you could score weed. as an ethical position that's about on a level with a chimp reaching for a banana.SuperJail Warden wrote:
You don't think jeb would be better than Trump?uziq wrote:
i know you're trolling
Fine. No torture of foreigners. Everything else is still cool.

Torture of domestic citizens is okay.

You know what I mean. No torture for anyone. Drone strikes and Gitmo are still on the table but only for foreigners. That has always been my position. I like neo-con foreign policy beliefs.

it has always worked so well.
so you agree with neocon policy beliefs but then queef over ISIS/syria and deplore the situations there.
hmm. checks out.
so you agree with neocon policy beliefs but then queef over ISIS/syria and deplore the situations there.
hmm. checks out.
we could do a lot of good there. the biggest reason iraq failed was because of iran and syria's influence. iran continues to be a problem that needs to be addressed.

iran and syria were arming and training insurgent groups in iraq. fact

yeah iraq didn't fail and devolve into an insurgency because you fired its military and did nothing except piss off all the wrong people. right o. it was those damn iranians.SuperJail Warden wrote:
we could do a lot of good there. the biggest reason iraq failed was because of iran and syria's influence. iran continues to be a problem that needs to be addressed.
well, you have the curiously blind hawk's eye of a neocon. you're almost there.
No homo, you mad homo sonuziq wrote:
yeah iraq didn't fail and devolve into an insurgency because you fired its military and did nothing except piss off all the wrong people. right o. it was those damn iranians.SuperJail Warden wrote:
we could do a lot of good there. the biggest reason iraq failed was because of iran and syria's influence. iran continues to be a problem that needs to be addressed.
well, you have the curiously blind hawk's eye of a neocon. you're almost there.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
I am ready for Bernie's political revolution and democratic socialism. Incrementalism and compromise with the right has been proven not to work and they won't respect it once in power themselves.

Why bother compromising when the left refuses to compromise as well?SuperJail Warden wrote:
I am ready for Bernie's political revolution and democratic socialism. Incrementalism and compromise with the right has been proven not to work and they won't respect it once in power themselves.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Its always the other side which won't compromise isn't it?
Fuck Israel
it’s cute when mouth-breathers like war man talk about ‘the Left’ as if they have ever had any political influence or power. these are the sort of people who are still mad about the New Deal. or apps on their phone having the pride logo. wow the beastly monolithic left!!!
Remember that in neo-con-speak 'compromise' means 'accede to everything without asking for anything in return'.
Fuck Israel
and 'the Left' means anything that even considers the slightest reform or identity-based gain to the status quo in, oh i don't know, the reagan–thatcher era.
I thought 'the Left' meant anyone who didn't believe in the overarching right of corporations to do what they wanted - for the greater good.
Fuck Israel
Gotta stick it to them Western liberals