RPK-74 Whore

Hyper wrote:


not to mention the most kills evar with one rack of f15 bombs

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA man those bots must be stupid. Why do they all stay in one spot so you can bomb them all at once though? Dont they move?
Platinum Star whore
+365|6825|Middle of nowhere

k1LLr_M wrote:

Anyone seen BF2mine?  Google search it if not...it's good for a few laughs.
best BF2 movie EVAR!!!

AT3am_Murd0ch wrote:

LT.Victim wrote:

Also.. If your in a Tank or something and u want to drive, just shout out "Bail out" They will instantly get out
You dont even have to do that, just get into the vehicle and hit the appropriate 'F' key - which in this case means 'Fuck off outta my seat!'...
Do a roll/loop in a chopper and the gunner jumps out.

RDMC(2) wrote:

Hyper wrote:

me v 31 bots
figured i was gonna be a one man team i may as well command
32 bots Ur nr. 33
31 i am #32

LordDragonclaw wrote:

Hyper wrote:


not to mention the most kills evar with one rack of f15 bombs

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA man those bots must be stupid. Why do they all stay in one spot so you can bomb them all at once though? Dont they move?
they move once ya start capping
until then they basically circle jerk

Last edited by Hyper (2006-05-24 17:39:47)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

You do know on the flip side of it it means pure pwnange in the forms of grenades and explosives eh?

Yeah bots are like good little doggies, I made them bail into the Dalian Sucker all the time.

hahaha polar. That must be awesome.

I was playing around with this earlier, 48 bots vs me. Laggy as hell, but the time I killed 20 in one shell with arty was pretty fooking sweet.
when you create the co op game put the max players on 1 and the bots all the way up and start the server.
when you join and spawn it will be a reagular singleplayer game only with an ass load of bots on the game.
I set mine to 1 player needed to start game and it was insane. Bot ratio was 100, 42 bots, and their skill was 10. SET SPAWN TIME TO 1 SECOND FOR INSANE FUN!

I made a video of my experience:
(I thought the music would be very fitting)

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid … 3845896024

Now you all know the true fun of co-op

usmarine2005 wrote:

At least the friggin bots know how to capture a flag.
Yeah man, i was playing my regular server called PTG city maps and nearly the whole team were just camping all the time, not even attempting to get flags, recently i have always had the unlucky draw of teams, i always end up on the losing side nowadays and my wl has gone from 1.10 to 1.02, fucker.
Omfg dude, tell me about it,

I went one on like, 63 against the bots and got my ass kicked almost, lol. Just tank whored and eventually won, but they were even on about half difficulty, (around 60 i think) and they still kicked ass! Fun as hell though, i could spend hours playing with a friend and us just killing the fuck out of bots.

LT.Victim wrote:

Not only are they team players, If you chuck a nade into a bunch of friendly bots (Like a flag) They will all book it out of there.. No teamkills for me. Also.. If your in a Tank or something and u want to drive, just shout out "Bail out" They will instantly get out.. and, if you close to a enemy bot, he might try to knife you, so watch out cause theres nothing worse then getting owned by a computer.. lol
They will also try to shock paddle you.. and will shoot at you if you pull out a knife.
What smells like tuna??
+115|6694|inside your nose.
Lol i wanna try it.. Sounds AWESOME!!
gonna have to try that out, sound like some good fun
BF2s AU Server Admin
+315|6728|Melbourne, Australia.

LT.Victim wrote:

if you close to a enemy bot, he might try to knife you, so watch out cause theres nothing worse then getting owned by a computer.. lol
Speaking of which -
I should quit bf2 .
Mind you I was only knifing and ended up with something like 70 knife kills 15 deaths

Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

Man Jack, thats Emabrassing

Try going by yourself and the bots on Karkand. Get a SAW, sit at the Hotel stairs and mow everyone down.

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