That's all very fair for you to say. I still haven't heard any suggestions about how to defeat ISIS or contain Putin from anyone here. Occasionally Uzique will pop up and talk about Assad being great for Syria though.

lelDilbert_X wrote:
Get a resolution through the UN
Last edited by MajorSpittle (2015-12-29 08:09:23)
Ignoring the issue won't stop terrorist attacks from happening or refugees from coming. Your idea will make things worse and prolong this.MajorSpittle wrote:
We just need to leave isis alone so they can fight their own batshit crazy religion over there.
This is the path to moderation for the sand people.
Hopefully they go after the Saudis and Iranians. This is a ME problem best solved by the Israelis, Europe, Africans, Asians, Russians, UN, Indians, mooslems.......
America should just be concerned with making money off of the war by selling weapons to both sides and bitching about how bad all the other countries are like European countries do when the US tries to unfuck that part of the world.
The US has consistently worked to fuck that part of the worldMajorSpittle wrote:
when the US tries to unfuck that part of the world.
You seem pretty convinced of whatever yours are already. Why do you need our input?SuperJail Warden wrote:
That's all very fair for you to say. I still haven't heard any suggestions about how to defeat ISIS or contain Putin from anyone here.
Shadow Dogg Pound dropping knowledge. Did you read this article?Doctor Mantis Toboggan wrote:
not our fight. never was.
DerpThe 2003 war in Iraq may be considered the greatest error in American policy since the Civil War. Its ramifications are earth-shattering and will impact us and our safety for generations. It may completely unravel the entire Middle East forever. Depose Saddam perhaps, but after 2003, the Iraqis did not want us there. They had sectarian grudges to settle and even if we had begged, we would still have been embroiled in heavy combat and with well over 10,000 dead soldiers and Afghanistan in the hands of the Taliban.
i don't think assad is good for syria. i think he's the least bad thing for syria, which is different. as a corollary i just don't think there's anything we can meaningfully do. i call it realistic. you keep trotting out solutions that sound like the story-arc to a season of 24.SuperJail Warden wrote:
That's all very fair for you to say. I still haven't heard any suggestions about how to defeat ISIS or contain Putin from anyone here. Occasionally Uzique will pop up and talk about Assad being great for Syria though.
so you're criticising someone who killed a lot of civilians in the name of realpolitik and citing henry kissinger as your moral backup.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Assad has killed more civilians than anyone else in the war. He is bad for Syria. The rebels are perfectly able to provide services and security in their zones of control. Henry Kissinger agrees that the country needs to be balkanized.