So basically you're saying non-citizens should have the same rights as citizens?Ty wrote:
It's a surprisingly similar situation.Jay wrote:
You'd think aussies would be a bit more thoughtful regarding deportation seeing as how most of their ancestors were tossed out of the UK as undesirables. Shitheads.
Peter Dutton's all about "these foreigners are undesirables and we don't want them here" but as I said a lot of them, I'd say most of them, are Australian in everything but documentation. The first fellow I mentioned, the main photo of him being used in the media he's wearing a South Sydney Rabbitohs jersey. No-one who identifies as a New Zealander would do that even if they were one of the few weirdo Kiwis who like rugby league.
They are deporting people they don't like through a loophole. And as immoral as that is I can understand the desire, but speaking as a New Zealander in New Zealand, I don't want to deal with Australia's reject Australians. They have no support structure here meaning they will be living on welfare, (which Australian legislation disqualifies them from in Australia because fuck New Zealanders.) A number of them would have left behind families. A lot of them would have been damaged at the hands of the Australian corrections and immigration system. A lot of them do not see themselves as New Zealanders and have no connection to the country at all. What do you think they'll do? Suddenly turn into model citizens?
Australia is irreparably fucking up a lot of people and are dumping them on us because they think they should be able to. And John Key may be complicit because he wants to ride on the coat tails of Australia's turn back the boats policy in case any refugee boats turn up here but as far as I'm concerned the situation reeks.
You're saying non-citizens should get a free pass to commit crimes with no sanctions?
If I lived in NZ for a while and learned the haka would that give me all the rights of a New Zealand citizen and a free pass do to as I pleased?
If they're dumb enough to not get their documentation in order what is supposed to be done with them?
They aren't 'reject Australians' by any stretch, they're New Zealanders who thought they deserved a free pass for some reason and are now aggrieved they haven't got one.
I don't give two shits about these guys either. … -visa.html … fight.html
Non-citizens committing crimes can expect to be deported, boo-hoo.
Fuck Israel