The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
Its subliminally encoded into your daily pledge of obedience.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Mass Media Casualty

I think Peter Dutton has comfortably taken the coveted spot as the Government's Top Cunt. So much so that it's hard to say anything else about him, he's just a complete and utter cunt. It is the essence of his being.

And he thinks people should be comfortable with him being given the power to strip people of citizenship, even potentially rendering them stateless?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah, he's a right flog.
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
FINALLY we've had a Police shooting.
http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/sout … 7395764083

There should be an immediate inquiry to determine:

Why only one shot was fired - those officers had assault rifles with high-capacity magazines - why weren't they emptied?

How the second suspect made it to prison alive and unharmed.

We pay our taxes and have a right to know.

The dog's heart doesn't exactly look in the game either.


Last edited by Dilbert_X (2015-06-13 06:07:55)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Somethings not right here. The guy shot was white?
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
Yes, a white man holding a gun was shot, not a black man not holding a gun - its like bizarre-world.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Did they at least sprinkle some crack on him?
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
I guess that's another question for the enquiry, I hope so.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
That's pretty progressive of Australia. You know, shooting a white guy
Germans did 911
+427|6834|Disaster Free Zone

SuperJail Warden wrote:

That's pretty progressive of Australia. You know, shooting a white guy
Not liberal enough to kill him though.
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
Progress is one thing.

As a taxpayer I want to see:
- Crazy car chases filmed from helicopters
- Perps getting their face mashed into the pavement and being clubbed by five+ goons
- People writhing on the ground as they get tased
- Police cars with their lights flashing parked at funny angles across suburban streets
- Guys in black outfits running around yelling 'get down!'

Right now I just don't feel I'm getting my money's worth out of SAPOL, maybe I'll move to NSW...
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
yeah we got all those in NSW
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6775|Little Bentcock
Any news on those escapees? Apparently it's big news but I can't find anything on it.
Mass Media Casualty

Australia is going to have a Commissioner for Wind Farms tasked with addressing the terrible problem of infrasound and the health impacts linked to them. Tomorrow I expect the announcement of the Commissioner for Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel Beams.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Mass Media Casualty

Seriously Australia, I can't deal with your shit at the moment. It's literally impacting my health being exposed to it every day. I'd take some time off work but unfortunately it seems its impacting my colleagues in the same way so I'm stuck.

The utter overreaction about Zaky Mallah on Q+A is shameful. Mallah is an attention whore and an idiot but he was invited because of the unique perspective he brought to a relevant debate. The initial question he asked was perfectly reasonable too despite being shrouded in his own sad excuse-making and blame-distributing. All he did was express the concern about a minister being given judicial powers to determine guilt from evidence that never faces the scrutiny of a court. This has been a concern held by constitutional lawyers and Abbott Government ministers. Sure he was later provoked into a bit of a rant by Stephen Ciobo - who by the way didn't even attempt to answer the question before attacking Mallah for his past - but even the content of that wasn't particularly controversial. Is suggesting that radicalised youth may be influenced by pull and push factors really the sort of thing that Australian ears are too delicate to hear? Reminds me of when anyone who suggested the 9/11 terrorists may have been motivated to attack due to the United States' own actions was shouted down and condemned for daring to give voice to the fact that sometimes actions can have adverse reactions.

Coincidentally all this exploded on the same day the Government introduced its bill to strip suspected terrorists of their Australian citizenship with Tony Abbott flanked by no less than ten flags as he stressed how scared everyone should be of the bus load or so of Australian jihadists and insinuated the ABC was practically an arm of the ISIS propaganda machine by allowing a controversial person to give his opinion on a show that practically exists for this sole purpose, (last week it got Fred Nile to talk about LGBTI issues for fuck's sake.)

This bill by the way casts an incredibly wide net. It refers to people supporting, knowingly or unknowingly, terrorist groups - a term it leaves undefined for the minister's judgement - and pledges to assume guilt and automatically strip them of citizenship. It sees offences like "destroying commonwealth property" or "owning a terrorist related thing"  - thing is also undefined - as worthy of a person being stripped of their citizenship. The former of these offences currently carries a maximum sentence of ten years, it's essentially extends this "Allegiance to Australia" bill to cover vandalism.

It has cast a wide net to cover as many eventualities as possible. And while understandable from a Government's perspective given they don't want to later find out what they want to do is illegal by their own laws, (as they have found with their offshore processing laws which they are rapidly amending at the moment before a scheduled High Court hearing,) I have to ask how often anyone really thinks there will be a need to strip someone of their citizenship? Even at the moment Australia is only dealing with as many as a hundred or so of their citizens possibly fighting for ISIS. Of those how many people would really return to Australia? Most will be killed or will never come back to Australia for fear of being prosecuted. I imagine the real need to strip a terrorist of their citizenship might come up about ten times. Yet apparently it's worth all this fuss and the significant erosion of natural justice and the rule of law. A foot in the door.  A test to see just what people will accept. Terrorist losing their citizenship is okay. People who fund them is okay. People who express support for them is okay. Maybe the Government will find people are okay with vandals being targeted as well. Protesters too maybe. Anyone who suggests a view that someone else could argue sympathises with terrorists.

I'm not one for conspiracies or the slippery slope argument but the net has been cast far too wide for my comfort.

I'm not even an Australian citizen but this has made me feel deeply uneasy. It goes against so much of what a modern nation should stand for. Every bit of rhetoric that comes from the government is steeped in language that stresses how scared everyone should be while wrapped in ten layers of the Australian flag and accompanied by outrage over anyone expressing a contrary opinion and condemning them as being "against Team Australia". While it isn't directed at me, (I'm still subject to it,) I am fucking sick of being told I should be scared and accept everything the Government wants to do without question. I can't see how so many Australians seem to be comfortable with it. Are Australians really so scared of terrorism that they attack free speech and are comfortable with the rule of law being disregarded?

And all of this is made so much worse by the fact that the Opposition and it's leader are hopeless ineffective Muppets that will roll over at any hint that them doing so would improve their polling position or any hint that actually standing up for something might leave them open for criticism.

Sorry about that. I'm just sitting here having to listen to this stuff and it's put me in a lousy fucking mood.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
you should try shopping on esty. that will put you in a better mood
Brah UK has worst laws Ty.

I see the legislation as extending current treason laws.
Mass Media Casualty

I think the touted intent of the laws is fair enough - if you leave your country and go fight for ISIS you can fuck right off - my concern is with how it is being done. There's not a particularly strong argument for their necessity, people are being scared into accepting them. If you raise issue with them you're presented as a terrorist sympathiser who wants terrorists to return to Australia and start plotting attacks. They're not being exposed to proper scrutiny with the Government stressing the urgency of getting them passed because IMMINENT THREAT LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU TERRORISTS ARGH! I mean this is a pretty drastic measure which should only apply to a very small number of cases, imposing automatic citizenship stripping powers and letting the Government decide when they apply isn't the kind of thing that should just get waved through.

And probably most concerning, they're being given a very wide wide a net so the Government gets as much wriggle room as possible ensuring they don't unintentionally act illegally by their own laws. Now I don't think that suddenly vandals and controversial social commentators or owners of shahada flags, (remembering that the sight of one in Martin Place was enough to get the DT screeching DEATH CULT CBD ATTACK!) are suddenly going to lose their citizenship but the fact that they conceivably could under this incredibly poorly defined legislation does worry me.

I'd love for someone to convince me otherwise and ease my concerns. I keep remembering that this is a Government that has a track record of interpreting everything in ways that justify them doing whatever the fuck they want regardless of whether it violates human rights, international law, or even Australian law.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I do agree the courts should be the ones reviewing whether or not someone should be revoked of their citizenship. But the treason law has been in place since 1947 and given the power to a .gov minister.

The main reason of revocation of citizenship can be boil down on giving other intel agencies their location and we won't have any responsibilities to them when they get hit by a drone strike given by an ASIS agent.

But the threat out there is real yes it is overplayed, but Australia is really over-represented in a western country with people joining ISIS.

Our intel agencies fucked up when they didn't pick up ISIS flags being used during teh 2012 muslim protests.
Mass Media Casualty

Australia is over-represented when it comes to people joining ISIS and I think a discussion needs to be had about why that is. That's not going to happen if when someone suggests push factors may be having an impact, (as Zaky Mallah was, albeit in an incredibly stupid way,) everyone does their nut. Tony Abbott's just announced an enquiry into the Q+A program, saying heads will roll and suggesting that Government MPs would be boycotting the show, (as if that means anything from a man who last appeared on the show nearly 1,800 days ago despite a standing invitation.)

The false outrage of this whole situation has really affected me. It just seems evil how opportunistic and greasy it is. We all know Abbott's feelings on the ABC, to turn this non-event  - which was really just a result of free speech operating as it should - into such a circus just feels so deeply deeply wrong to me. The fact that so many people are ignorantly being swept up in the frenzy created by things like those News Ltd front pages and the rhetoric from Abbott and not actually understanding what they are meant to be so offended by just adds to it.

I need to go find something to hit. I've had my head in Australian media and politics for five years now and I've seen some stupid things that have angered me significantly but I don't think I've ever been this pissed off about what's been happening. Possibly a result of low blood sugar. Fucking Junk Free June.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

Ty wrote:

The false outrage of this whole situation has really affected me. It just seems evil how opportunistic and greasy it is. We all know Abbott's feelings on the ABC, to turn this non-event  - which was really just a result of free speech operating as it should - into such a circus just feels so deeply deeply wrong to me. The fact that so many people are ignorantly being swept up in the frenzy created by things like those News Ltd front pages and the rhetoric from Abbott and not actually understanding what they are meant to be so offended by just adds to it.
I think Tony is smart enough to know how to 'take down an enemy'. He has successfully pulled off politically brilliant stunts. Think about it, a man who stood next to a ditch the witch and bob brown's bitch sign attacking a female PM has SOMEHOW not only kept his job but won the election and got her booted from her own party.

Of course it's stupid to suggest the ABC shouldn't have gotten him to go on Q+A. I'm surprised they didn't take that opportunity and 'show' Australia the threat of islamic extremism and convince the populace. That guy IS THE poster boy of pursing their new citizenship laws.
Mass Media Casualty

Is he though? Zaky Mallah is hardly Man Monis running around saying ASIO is reading his thoughts. Most of his ramblings have been critical of ISIS and Islamic extremism despite him having his own fairly radical position himself. His main problem on Q+A is that he's clearly a bloke who couldn't make a point with a pencil sharpener making him an easy target for Ciobo to bait into making a tit of himself. That and he used the opportunity to try and make excuses for his own past idiocy.

Also I don't think Tony is a particularly shrewd wheeler-dealer. He has had a number advantages which has helped him achieve success, including an incredibly compliant commercial media, but even then he comes across to me as an under-achiever. He took the Liberal leadership by just one vote. He lost an election after actually winning more seats than Labor and failing to court MPs from conservative seats. His greatest asset in winning the following election and undermining the prime ministership of Julia Gillard was Kevin Rudd and Labor faction in-fighting and he still only secured a swing of around 2%. In all his time as one of the most aggressive opposition leaders he only ever shut down two Government initiatives and one of them, (Malaysia solution,) was more because the Greens didn't want to play ball. His polling has been poor from almost day one despite his opposite being the paperweight bereft of all conviction that is Bill Shorten.

Now all of that certainly wasn't down to luck but I don't think it presents a picture of an outstanding political strategist or a noteworthy intellect.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX
So whats your suggestion Ty?

Vote for fascist fuckwits who are at least trying to run the country?

Vote for corrupt faux-trotskyists who are out to line their own pockets and fuck the country?

A few years ago ABC would have put Mad Monis on. Putting someone like Zaky Mallah on is appalling judgement and gives Abbot a huge pile of balls to kick goals with.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6775|Little Bentcock

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