Mass Media Casualty

Coming out in November for PC.

Superb! Had a Hell of a lot of fun with Enemy Unknown/Within. Optimus Prime is also back as the faceless head honcho guy.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+1,106|6451|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

do want! the new recruiting system sounds interesting, though it seems like it'll make the typical a-team death a bit harder to recover from (well, unless you save scum...like me)
Mass Media Casualty

I play Ironman so always have to ensure I have an understudy squad ready to go. There's always a short period of mourning after losing one of my top guys.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
+1,106|6451|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Ty wrote:

I play Ironman so always have to ensure I have an understudy squad ready to go. There's always a short period of mourning after losing one of my top guys.
you remember the whale boat in enemy within? 4/6 of my a-team right there...but at least my MEC trooper and de facto team leader made it out. From what I read, it seems like carrying the wounded to evac is actually going to be a thing now, so hooray!
Mass Media Casualty

That was an amazing mission. I went into when most of my A team were out injured so I had a lot of newbies. When it kind of dawned on me what I needed to do, (i.e. get outa dodge,) it turned into a sort of blind panic. I had my support soldier fleeing back as fast as she could but getting trapped by the emerging Chrysalids so my Assault had to run and gun to catch up and save her while the rest were staging a controlled retreat from the ship. Tried to use my Mec to shield my injured Heavy but they got around him and killed her. After that I just fled with the rear guard and moved the front team to defensive positions to cover their retreat. Worked really well, only lost the Heavy and got away on the final turn.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Mass Media Casualty

Well I'm enjoying it. Next run through will have to be on Ironman and I'm going to name soldiers after bf2s.com pers and watch them most likely die horribly.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Aye up duck!
+440|6870|England. Stoke
Keep us updated.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America
I'm too scared to even do an Ironman on EU. I reckon though I may need to restart my 2 playthrough because I built a different structure before Resistance Comms and it just wasted so much time because I didn't know I needed that first.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You play EU4?
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America
Enemy Unknown

What I found aggravating about EU, apart from early game-breaking glitches, was the inability to at least auto-resolve parallel mission opportunities while I personally manage whatever combat seems the most important. If I'm sitting on top of a ton of money and other resources, I should be able to do it.

I understand that the infinitely scaling difficulty and fading international support is the game's way of telling you to conclude a playthrough decisively, but restricting deployments to the chronologically serial is an asinine way of doing it.

XCOM 2 looked interesting, but money withheld until I know more.
Mass Media Casualty

Got a few Sergeants now meaning I can give them bf2s nicknames.

Cowami, you're a Specialist and are emerging as my go-to squad leader . You're also a wee lass from Scotland.
DesertFox, you're a Grenadier, an irritable Frenchman with a big gun.
Coke, you're a Ranger from the UK and you look kind of like an old pirate.
Newbie I think you're a Sniper but you're injured so I can't remember. I think you're Belgian. And a girl.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

First XCOM game for me. Invest early in the guerilla war fare room -- having those two extra squad members makes a huge fucking difference.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America

chuyskywalker wrote:

First XCOM game for me. Invest early in the guerilla war fare room -- having those two extra squad members makes a huge fucking difference.

Ty wrote:

Got a few Sergeants now meaning I can give them bf2s nicknames.

Cowami, you're a Specialist and are emerging as my go-to squad leader . You're also a wee lass from Scotland.
DesertFox, you're a Grenadier, an irritable Frenchman with a big gun.
Coke, you're a Ranger from the UK and you look kind of like an old pirate.
Newbie I think you're a Sniper but you're injured so I can't remember. I think you're Belgian. And a girl.
Just make sure you give me a cigarette as lower face prop and make my attitutde twitchy.
Aye up duck!
+440|6870|England. Stoke

Ty wrote:

Got a few Sergeants now meaning I can give them bf2s nicknames.

Cowami, you're a Specialist and are emerging as my go-to squad leader . You're also a wee lass from Scotland.
DesertFox, you're a Grenadier, an irritable Frenchman with a big gun.
Coke, you're a Ranger from the UK and you look kind of like an old pirate.
Newbie I think you're a Sniper but you're injured so I can't remember. I think you're Belgian. And a girl.
Sounds good

Ty wrote:

Newbie I think you're a Sniper but you're injured so I can't remember. I think you're Belgian. And a girl.
Well sniper was my most-played in BF2, so it fits the bill. I guess I can handle being Belgian, but mijn nederlands is niet zo goed.
Mass Media Casualty

About to take a squad up against an alien facility. Will let you know how it goes.


Edit: Went pretty well.


Almost balls'd up the first engagement by missing nearly every shot. Chuy did best with a graze. Only thing that saved major pain was Cowami hacking a turret to give Advent something else to shoot at. Vipers proved the only dangerous adversary, strangling Chuy and poisoning Desert Fox and Ty. They'll have to sit out the next mission which brings back in Coke and a couple of un-assigned squaddies.

Might need to dial up the difficulty. Can't have all missions going that well.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

Fuckin' vipers. Focus fire those fuckers erry time.
Mass Media Casualty

Well that next mission went horribly. Coke was bombarded and shot twice without cover but somehow survived. Newbie was going to emerge as the great saviour but missed both shots on a flanked target and Warden missed her sniper shot on the same target which was finally put down by Cowami. Meanwhile the other Specialist attracted everyone's fire and only got hit once so good for him.

At the moment Cowami and Newbie are the only uninjured non-rookies I have. Should make things interesting.

Edit: Yay, immediate terror mission. Ty healed up. Three soldiers with experience and three rookies. Should be fun.

Edit: Well the rookie and the corporal got knocked out by Berzerkers, the sniper squaddie panicked, Cowami got strangled, shot, and slashed by a Faceless and only seven civilians survived but the squad's back at base in one piece. Cowami's out for a while though and shaken. The Japanese Specialist got promoted to Sergeant and earned his nickname so please welcome Ultrafunkula to the squad.

One more mission for today and I think that'll do me.

Rescue mission. Save the scientist, slightly increase armour research time.


I don't know what's happening off screen to the left.

Just realised - for the time being at least, Coke is Captain Kirk.

Edit: Mission success. Coke and Ty got chewed up. MVP went to Desert Fox.

Turning the difficulty up for next time. These people paid for blood.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Aye up duck!
+440|6870|England. Stoke

Ty wrote:

Coke was bombarded and shot twice without cover but somehow survived.
'Cus I'm a hard bastard innnit.

Ty wrote:

Just realised - for the time being at least, Coke is Captain Kirk.
Mass Media Casualty

Black Site time. Please welcome Jay to the squad. Jay is a purple-haired British chick with psychic powers. This is her first mission so would be good if she doesn't die.


Edit: Basically if you're a Ranger in my XCOM team, you're not going to get back to the Avenger without shedding some blood. Coke and Ty both took the brunt of the attacks. Coke would have been uninjured if Cowami, (who was promoted as my first Colonel,) could hit a simple overwatch shot. need to equip her with a scope. Ty got mulched by a gang of Codexes but somehow survived on one health.

I didn't use psychic soldiers on my first run through so was interested to see what Jay could do. Definitely had an impact with three kills on her first mission. Will use her more often.

Newbie has turned into a badass now she has a few good moves as more a scout than a sniper. She only attacked three times during the mission but had a kill count of six.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

Just got to the last mission, and hoooooooly fuck did that difficulty curve turn into a fucking difficulty cliff. Jesus.
Mass Media Casualty

So I've turned up the difficulty and.... yeah... it's more difficult.

Poor Chuy.


One of those missions where you encounter only one squad until you get to the objective and suddenly three squads swarm you. I went from getting through two heavy turrets and a squad of Advent to fighting two Vipers, an Andromedion, a stun lancer, two Archeons and two Mutons. And I had to destroy the relay.

You'll be happy to learn though that he actually survived. Though he only grazed and stunned the Viper he did free Newbie and he dodged the Andromedian AND the Archeon. The Muton managed to knock him out cold though which was a shame 'cause I could have REALLY used a Ranger. But it did mean he was relatively safely out of the fight.

The rest of it was essentially dodging and using acid and poison to gradually wear the aliens down. Finally got through them sans the Andromedian but Jay psychic'd the pilot dead and Cowami hacked the suit to shut it down so Desert Fox and Warden could leisurely take it out.

Everyone back at base alive. Immediately sold a lot of crap to buy power armour.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
Aye up duck!
+440|6870|England. Stoke

Ty wrote:

Coke would have been uninjured if Cowami, (who was promoted as my first Colonel,) could hit a simple overwatch shot. need to equip her with a scope.
Can't rely on any of you fuckers
+1,106|6451|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

coke wrote:

Ty wrote:

Coke would have been uninjured if Cowami, (who was promoted as my first Colonel,) could hit a simple overwatch shot. need to equip her with a scope.
Can't rely on any of you fuckers
suck it!

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