Republicans back Israel so much because Israel kills Muslims. The 9/11 attacks were the worst thing (after Israel) that ever happened to the Palestinian people.

yeah okKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
there's always been underlying support for Israel from a chunk of the Rupub base, specifically the moral majority dumbos like Pat Robertson.Jay wrote:
Republicans are suddenly very pro Israel because they smell all the money available from disgruntled zionists fed up with the pro Palestinian positions newly adopted by the Democrat base. Jews always voted democrat until Bush jr. Now they're split. See: Sheldon Adelsonpirana6 wrote:
Israel buys zillions of dollars worth of military equipment/contracts/etc. We get money but it's sorta behind the scenes so not many people know that's the main reason we support them.
Love the "Jews always voted democrat" line though. Classic John Galt
republicans and democrats both back israel so much because the pro-zion lobbyists are a massive faction, both in terms of political clout and in terms of funding. sounds vaguely conspiratorial and anti-semitic – jews and their money connections – but it really is like that. plus both political parties need the media for any electioneering traction, or any real sway and influence over the body politic, and being anti-israel is definitely not 'on message' with that cabal either.SuperJail Warden wrote:
Republicans back Israel so much because Israel kills Muslims. The 9/11 attacks were the worst thing (after Israel) that ever happened to the Palestinian people.
I can only surmise by your limited response that you agree with me and rescind you're incredibly broadstroke generalization about dems and repubs. Maybe you should go back to that store and bag your groceries again to brush up on your stereotypes.Jay wrote:
yeah okKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
there's always been underlying support for Israel from a chunk of the Rupub base, specifically the moral majority dumbos like Pat Robertson.Jay wrote:
Republicans are suddenly very pro Israel because they smell all the money available from disgruntled zionists fed up with the pro Palestinian positions newly adopted by the Democrat base. Jews always voted democrat until Bush jr. Now they're split. See: Sheldon Adelson
Love the "Jews always voted democrat" line though. Classic John Galt
[Url[/url]KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I can only surmise by your limited response that you agree with me and rescind you're incredibly broadstroke generalization about dems and repubs. Maybe you should go back to that store and bag your groceries again to brush up on your stereotypes.Jay wrote:
yeah okKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
there's always been underlying support for Israel from a chunk of the Rupub base, specifically the moral majority dumbos like Pat Robertson.
Love the "Jews always voted democrat" line though. Classic John Galt
Jewish Americans overwhelmingly voting for Democrat Presidential nominees means that there's no underlying support among Rupublicans for Israel? That's some real sound logic dude.Jay wrote:
[Url[/url]KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I can only surmise by your limited response that you agree with me and rescind you're incredibly broadstroke generalization about dems and repubs. Maybe you should go back to that store and bag your groceries again to brush up on your stereotypes.Jay wrote:
yeah ok
So... average of 75-80% or so voted Democrat for president since Coolidge... I wasn't stating an opinion, I was stating a fact. My intent wasn't to put down Jews in any way. Leftists chose Palestine and are losing Jewish votes and money because of it. I fail to see what you found offensive about that statement of fact.
you don't understand why the logic of Zionism excludes pluralism and, subsequently, democratic egalitarianism (hint: the theology of the Jews is not the same as the Kurds). there is nothing in the ethnic or religious identity of the Kurds that would say their state would be similarly clerical/confessional and thus intolerant and absolutist. the kurds are one of the few sects of Islam (or the middle-eastern religious shitfuck generally) who actually have a good chance of holding down a secular and mostly executive-bureaucratic state. not to say there wouldn't be conflicts with neighbours, as the whole region is fairly poxed with factionalism and geopolitical game-making, but there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the idea of a Kurdish state. Zionism from the very outset has been an exclusionary ideology: the only thing drawing and binding together the disparate Jewish communities, from Russia to America, is the fact of Israel's sovereign Jewish (new) homogeneity.SuperJail Warden wrote:
The western media's reflexive support for anything Kurdish reminds me of the support for Zionism before the establishment of Israel. People in the west won't be happy until we have to support a new state and nationality that has a problem with every government they live in and every nation around them.
The ignorant belief that everyone deserves their own country has killed thousands of Americans and millions of Muslims. All for a country that will inevitably get nuked once terrorist get their hands on nuclear weapons.