$75 for a one year olds birthday cake... wtf?
It was probably less than that and he just lied for extra $$
Found out from my mom that my sister is blood type O+. Pretty cool stuff
I don't know what I have though so it may or may not benefit me in an emergency depending on whether mine is + or -
I don't know what I have though so it may or may not benefit me in an emergency depending on whether mine is + or -
If your sister is indeed Rh+, you should be positive as well. There's no way for her or you to be negative if you have the same parents, and O+ can give to A+, B+, AB+, or O+.
Only when both parents are Rh negative, you can be sure that all children are negative as well.DesertFox- wrote:
If your sister is indeed Rh+, you should be positive as well. There's no way for her or you to be negative if you have the same parents, and O+ can give to A+, B+, AB+, or O+.
In all other combinations it can be either.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rh_blood_g … m_antigens
If I read correctly on another site, AB+ can receive from anybody as well.DesertFox- wrote:
If your sister is indeed Rh+, you should be positive as well. There's no way for her or you to be negative if you have the same parents, and O+ can give to A+, B+, AB+, or O+.
I've got a coworker who's O- but they fucked up at the donation clinic she went to and she almost passed out so she's probably not ever going to do it again even though they keep begging her in the mail over and over.
Could it be that she passed out due to lack of blood?_j5689_ wrote:
I've got a coworker who's O- but they fucked up at the donation clinic she went to and she almost passed out so she's probably not ever going to do it again even though they keep begging her in the mail over and over.
Because I really can't imagine any way that she could have *received* blood in a donation clinic.
I once donated blood plasma and for my body weight, they would take 800 ml plasma (but return the red blood cells).
Still, I had a near black out and had to lay down for a minute.
that's why they give you free cookies and juice!
How did they fuck up? Maybe she just almost passed out because they were drawing blood_j5689_ wrote:
If I read correctly on another site, AB+ can receive from anybody as well.DesertFox- wrote:
If your sister is indeed Rh+, you should be positive as well. There's no way for her or you to be negative if you have the same parents, and O+ can give to A+, B+, AB+, or O+.
I've got a coworker who's O- but they fucked up at the donation clinic she went to and she almost passed out so she's probably not ever going to do it again even though they keep begging her in the mail over and over.
Don't if you get the wrong blood its less of a "pass-out" sort of event and more of a "death" event. That's why the types matter so much.
I may be wrong.
I may be wrong.
Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, immune mediated (fatal)-1 per 250,000-600,000
I can't remember the entire story, but she made it sound like it was drawing too much for too long or something like that and long story short, she's never donating again
oh. nm then.DesertFox- wrote:
Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction, immune mediated (fatal)-1 per 250,000-600,000
The married girl I liked at work got fired last night. I think she came in late too many times and she called out sick on Saturday which was probably the nail in the coffin. It'll be nice not to have the stress at work anymore but I wonder if I'll miss the attention later.
The worst thing about donating is that they pester you to donate again. I keep getting mail from an Indian tribe and phone calls from the police union to donate. The worst one is my school. They call and mail me. Apparently I made a $75 pledge to the school's endowment that they want to collect on. I feel like I am being chased by debt collectors._j5689_ wrote:
If I read correctly on another site, AB+ can receive from anybody as well.DesertFox- wrote:
If your sister is indeed Rh+, you should be positive as well. There's no way for her or you to be negative if you have the same parents, and O+ can give to A+, B+, AB+, or O+.
I've got a coworker who's O- but they fucked up at the donation clinic she went to and she almost passed out so she's probably not ever going to do it again even though they keep begging her in the mail over and over.
You might but its better to have less stress. You'll only miss the attention for the first couple weeks, then you'll get over it._j5689_ wrote:
The married girl I liked at work got fired last night. I think she came in late too many times and she called out sick on Saturday which was probably the nail in the coffin. It'll be nice not to have the stress at work anymore but I wonder if I'll miss the attention later.
Solid 6.5 hour workday today. Power went out after the first half hour for ~4 hours, and then we got treated to a 2 hour lunch and told we could go home early. Everything went better than expected.
Moved to city. Got job. Am real adult.
You aren't a real adult until you have a wife, children, and mortgage.
or a mahogany book case full of books that aren't about atheism, engineering, or how to get laid
uziq wrote:
or a mahogany book case full of books that aren't about atheism, engineering, or how to get laid
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
There are books about getting laid?
Why have I only been learned this now.
Why have I only been learned this now.
Fuck Israel
A new Chinese buffet opened up near my job. It is really nice there. Best buffet I have ever been too. A lot of children there though. It really annoys me when a kid grabs one of the pizzas. Why did you come to a buffet to eat a pizza? I would be angry at the kid if I was their parent. Totally waste of money to bring them there.