The X stands for
+1,811|6177|eXtreme to the maX
I suspect it wasn't the gift, it was what was behind the gift which cost his career.

He didn't run the "it was a bottle of wine, so what" defence, hence there was a bit more too it and he didn't want to be questioned on it.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
AWH is under investigation for corruption and political bribery to secure a lucrative contract that was to pay out millions to stakeholders, some of which are politicians with clear conflict of interest.

Being Premier and under investigation for his government's involvement it is not a good idea to deny a "gift" being received when clear evidence is provided. It basically states that you were involved and are trying to cover your arse. It's almost an admission of guilt and I daresay this is not the last he will hear of it.

Abbott would've been a lot smarter to have distanced himself from O'Farrell instead of defending. Then again, Abbott isn't exactly renowned for his wisdom or ability to think on his feet.
The X stands for
+1,811|6177|eXtreme to the maX
So that's two state premiers who won't be turning out for the royals.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Mass Media Casualty

I'm surprised O'Farrell wasn't able to talk his way out of it. It is an understandable oversight really, a Premier is just elected, he has people congratulating him left right and centre, I understand he was dealing with some family matters at the time as well. Also from what I understand of O'Farrell and his prolific thank-you note writing he's the type of person to sit down and write thank-you notes before worrying about bureaucracy. It's a mistake to not declare the gift on pecuniary interests and it certainly looks bad but it's not unforgivable. Adding that he effectively lied under oath to ICAC adds a lot of weight to it but it's not something a federal MP wouldn't have been able to weasel out of, (unless they're peter Slipper and their party hates them.)

I was actually quite encouraged to see the "I don't remember' line falling flat on its face and I hope Arthur Sinodinos was paying attention. There's only so much pleading ignorance can do, especially in situations where there is really no excuse for it. It seems to be the default position for any politician facing allegations and you get so tired of it. As far as Australian Water Holdings is concerned the money that was thrown around, the deals, and the self-given salaries really isn't something you could be forgiven for forgetting about.

So O'Farrell's toast with three NSW Liberal MPs yet to go to ICAC, (Hartcher, Spence, and Webber,) this could get fun. Feeling more and more in favour of Christine Milne's idea to set up a federal version of ICAC though, the whole machine is rotten - it's not restricted to parties and it's not restricted to states. Whether its business lobbyists or union power-brokers, the influence and the deals and back-scratching is pretty awful.

Also Jaekus is right about Abbott, he should have distanced himself. The thing is Abbott understands the ability for ICAC inquiries to be used to smear a party - he did it himself quite gleefully mid last year when Ian Macfarlane and Eddie Obeid were front and centre.


So he's going to support O'Farrell and anyone else caught while cracking down harshly, (and patronisingly,) on anyone who tries to do exactly what he did and suggest any development is evidence of corruption within the LNP. Hypocritical, but not dumb.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
O'Farrell can't play the innocent card any more, and this proves why:

Job offer after wine gift

Two weeks after receiving the bottle of Grange Hermitage that would lead to his resignation as premier, Barry O'Farrell was preparing to appoint the man who bought the extravagant gift, businessman Nick Di Girolamo, to a well-paid position on a government board.

A May 3, 2011, email from the director general of Mr O'Farrell's department, Chris Eccles, introduces Mr Di Girolamo to senior departmental officers as ''our replacement board member''. Attached is a biography and photograph of Mr Di Girolamo forwarded by Mr O'Farrell's then chief-of-staff, Peter McConnell.

When Mr Di Girolamo's name was raised for a board appointment in the May email, Mr O'Farrell had failed to declare that only two weeks earlier he had been the recipient of a $3000 gift from Mr Di Girolamo.

The email raises further questions about the former Premier's claim that he cannot remember the lavish gift, which the Independent Commission Against Corruption this week revealed was delivered to Mr O'Farrell's then Roseville home on April 20.

The name of the board to which Mr Di Girolamo was to be appointed in May 2011 is not known and he was not installed on a board that year. But documents show that by March 2012, Mr Di Girolamo was considered for a directorship of Sydney Ports Corporation.

Briefing notes to treasurer Mike Baird - sworn in as Premier on Thursday - reveal a selection committee which included the former Greiner government minister Robert Webster, then a senior executive at recruitment firm Korn/Ferry, ranked Mr Di Girolamo last out of six candidates.

He ''has legal experience but in relatively narrow areas of practice. Does not have relevant industry experience and does not fill the current skills gaps on SPC's board. Likely to be suitable for other smaller boards''.

Three months later an opening arose when corruption allegations forced the resignation of the now jailed union boss Michael Williamson, who had been appointed to the State Water Corporation in the last days of the Labor government by treasurer Eric Roozendaal.

Mr Baird and then finance minister Greg Pearce signed off on the appointment of Mr Di Girolamo to a three-year $100,000 directorship of State Water Corporation.

''[Mr Di Girolamo] has legal and water sector experience,'' the briefing note to Mr Baird states. ''He is currently a director of Australian Water Holdings and Chairman of the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry''.

Mr Di Girolamo began as a director of State Water Corporation in July 2012.

Two years earlier, in October 2010, AWH donated $10,000 to the campaign of the then opposition water spokeswoman Katrina Hodgkinson, a Nationals MP who holds the rural seat of Burrinjuck - hundreds of kilometres from north-west Sydney.

After the 2011 election Ms Hodgkinson was appointed water minister with responsibility for State Water Corporation. She has previously said the donation was made to the Nationals and not her personally. The Nationals have since announced they would return the donation.

For weeks leading up to his resignations this week, the former premier has done his utmost to distance himself from Mr Di Girolamo, but a Herald investigation paints a different picture.

As a result of the current sensational corruption inquiry, Mr Di Girolamo is a walking pestilence with politicians from both sides of the fence eager to dissociate themselves from the one-time head of AWH.

But it wasn't always like that. Although he vehemently denied under oath receiving the $3000 bottle of wine Mr Di Girolamo sent him on April 20, 2011, a handwritten thank-you note from Mr O'Farrell confirmed he had not told the truth.

Apart from thanking Mr Di Girolamo for the "wonderful wine", Mr O'Farrell also thanked him for ''all [underlined twice] your support.'' That support included a successful fund-raising dinner hosted by Mr Di Girolamo at the five-star restaurant Rockpool in early December 2010, only months before the election. AWH, which was by now one-third owned by the family of corrupt former Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid, tipped in $30,000 for this event.

If the bottle of wine had not arrived on that April day just before Easter, 2011, as Mr O'Farrell claimed, Mr Di Girolamo had the perfect opportunity to ask him about it when the pair, and others, had dinner at Flying Fish restaurant on May 11.

This dinner was the result of a charity auction on February 16 where Mr O'Farrell had donated himself as a dinner prize. This was where the now infamous photo on Mr O'Farrell hamming it up with Mr Di Girolamo and Ipswich's Labor mayor Paul Pisasale.

The prize was part of a fund-raiser put on by the Italian Chamber of Commerce, of which Mr Di Girolamo was president, to raise money for Queensland flood victims. The guest of honour was Mr Pisasale whom Mr Di Girolamo and Eddie Obeid jnr had been lobbying to win a contract to provide water infrastructure to a new housing estate near Ipswich, in Queensland. The $120,000 AWH spent on their Ipswich plans, including on ''chauffeur services'', was billed back to government-owned utility Sydney Water.

Mr Pisasale's register of interests reveals six occasions when AWH entities provided hospitality such as dinner.

AWH records show that at the fund-raiser a payment of $2727 was made for ''Live auction won by NAD [Di Girolamo's initials] for dinner with Barry O'Farrell.''

Mr O'Farrell's office may not have been aware of Mr Di Girolamo's successful bid as they recently told the Herald: "The charity auction item was purchased by several prominent Australian-Italian businessmen. Mr Di Girolamo was not one of them."

When asked by the Independent Commission Against Corruption counsel assisting, Geoffrey Watson, SC, if he had a recollection of a dinner at Flying Fish with Mr Di Girolamo, Mr O'Farrell seemed unwilling to mention his name. "With, with members of the Australian Italian Chamber of Commerce," he said.

Mr Watson persevered: "Was he one of them?" Mr O'Farrell replied, "I think so."
The rise and rise of Nick Di Girolamo

August 12, 2010: O'Farrell has an hour-long meeting with Nick Di Girolamo, Arthur Sinodinos, Brad Hazzard and Peter McConnell (chief of staff to O'Farrell) about Australian Water Holdings.

September 28, 2010: O'Farrell writes a letter of support for Di Girolamo's business.

December 3, 2010: Di Girolamo throws a fund-raiser dinner for Barry O'Farrell at Rockpool.

February 16, 2011: O'Farrell photographed with Di Girolamo at the Italian Chamber of Commerce Queensland flood appeal dinner. Di Girolamo pays $2727 in a ''live auction'' for dinner with O'Farrell.
March 26: O'Farrell wins the election and becomes NSW Premier.

April 20: Di Girolamo sends a $3000 bottle of 1959 Penfolds Grange Hermitage to O'Farrell's Roseville home as a congratulatory gift. O'Farrell writes a note to Di Girolamo, thanking him for the gift.

May 3: Peter McConnell forwards Di Girolamo's resume to the head of the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Chris Eccles. Eccles forwards the resume to senior staff, noting Di Girolamo is ''our replacement board member''.

May 11: Di Girolamo, O'Farrell and others dine at Flying Fish for the dinner bought in February.

May 27: Di Girolamo, O'Farrell, McConnell and Greg Pearce meet in Parliament House to discuss Australian Water Holdings.

March 2012: Di Girolamo put forward for a directorship of Sydney Ports Corporation but ranked least-appropriate candidate.

July 2012: Mike Baird and Pearce sign off on Di Girolamo's appointment to a $100,000 job on the State Water Corporation board.
The X stands for
+1,811|6177|eXtreme to the maX
WTF Guys my taxes are paying for this shit

That makes me angry - Jesus fuck me in the arse and give me hipster AIDS angry.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,811|6177|eXtreme to the maX
Obama is right though, Australia is better than America
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
lol south australia
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6785|Purplicious Wisconsin

Dilbert_X wrote:

Obama is right though, Australia is better than America
When everything in the country is out to kill you, I'd say that is a shitty country, but that's just me personally.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
+1,338|6246|Sydney | ♥

War Man wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

Obama is right though, Australia is better than America
When everything in the country is out to kill you, I'd say that is a shitty country, but that's just me personally.
you definitely put the man in warman
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,053|6694|Little Bentcock
And the man he puts in warman is called Barry
The X stands for
+1,811|6177|eXtreme to the maX
Better everything in the country is out to kill you than everyone.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Mass Media Casualty

So Scott Morrison eh. Just when you think he can't be more cartoonishly evil he makes a boat load of refugees disappear - either that or engaged in refoulement by given them back to the very regime they were fleeing from - and reveals this as his "Australian Border Force" logo.

Just when is he going to drop the charade and reveal himself as Cobra Commander.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
The X stands for
+1,811|6177|eXtreme to the maX
We could fuel up the boats and send them to NZ.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The U.S. is having its own illegal immigrant fuss right now. Protesters blocked off and prevented a few buses full of illegal children and their mothers from being moved into a detention and processing facility in their town.

It looked like one of the protest of school integration in the south.
The X stands for
+1,811|6177|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

It looked like one of the protest of school integration in the south.
Turns out they were right though.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
They brought it on themselves. Shouldn't have started a war.
Mass Media Casualty

People ask me why I have little interest in NZ politics and a lot of interest in Australian politics. Yesterday is why.

Is anyone surprised that Abbott can't deal with the Senate? I know Clive Palmer injects a certain degree of absurdity that's difficult for anyone to deal with but really, Tony has always been a hopeless negotiator. Winning more seats in the 2010 election he couldn't form government despite toying with the idea of selling his arse. He had Tony Windsor and Rob Oakeshott, MPs from rural areas that usually vote National and he didn't do it. With a hung Parliament he didn't once pass anything himself or stop Labor from passing anything they wanted to - only the Greens ever managed to do that and they certainly took no prompting from Abbott. When Gillard reneged on Andrew Wilkie's poker machine thing Tony couldn't get him on side. I can't actually think of a single thing Tony's successfully negotiated on.

Now he can't even get the carbon tax repeal through Senate. And while some of the problem was Clive's theatrics, a key strategic blooper was their second-time-lucky motion to gag debate and bring on the vote early. Had they more time they could have debated over the Palmer amendment and got it though for their much desired gloating press conference. But despite having the time, the ability, the support, and the mandate, their bizarre carbon tax repeal lust got the better of them. They wanted their result immediately and their incompetence meant they lost it. It'd be hilarious if it weren't so pathetic. Actually it's still pretty funny.

I wonder if there'll be any idiotic celebrating when the carbon tax repeal passes the House of Reps this time?
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Even the High Court has turned against him. Which is beautiful to watch happen.
The X stands for
+1,811|6177|eXtreme to the maX
It used to be the case that Labor had reasonable ideas and shit implementation, the Coalition had shit ideas and reasonable implementation.

Now no-ones got nothing.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Abbott is showing his true colours, which is one colour, and that is diarhera brown. It's sad to see the Australian G Dubya elect with added stupidity, but hey, we got it. This whole country is a massive facepalm right about now till around 2016.
The X stands for
+1,811|6177|eXtreme to the maX
At least Bush wasn't a Catholic.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Mass Media Casualty

Hey Dilbert, you still in the Sturt electorate? You may yet see Christopher Pyne be turfed out on his arse, there are some polls suggesting he's going to go the same way as Sophie Mirabella. That'd be nice to see.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
The X stands for
+1,811|6177|eXtreme to the maX
Have you seen the alternatives?


This will blow your mind - I still think the coalition are a less shit option than labor.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Mass Media Casualty

Do you mean in general or just in Sturt?

Worse than Christpher Pyne? You've piqued my interest, what sort of people-garbage are we talking about here?

Hopefully news that Pyne is vulnerable might inspire some upstanding independent to throw their hat in the ring a'la Cathy McGowan.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

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