The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
You're conflating travelling with fleeing, Cybargs classmates conflate seeking asylum with wanting to migrate to a better economy.
Seems you're the one ignoring the information in front of you.
Fuck Israel
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
I'm ignoring the information?

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Well, hopefully in five weeks time Abbott will be retiring from politics.
Mass Media Casualty

He promised to leave the country if he lost. Christ I hope he doesn't come to New Zealand, I'd have to leave.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon

Ty wrote:

He promised to leave the country if he lost. Christ I hope he doesn't come to New Zealand, I'd have to leave.
immigration wise, that's the only place he can go without a visa and what not.

its a dilema for you ty, if abbott wins youd hate australia, if abbott loses he might come and live with you
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Ty wrote:

He promised to leave the country if he lost. Christ I hope he doesn't come to New Zealand, I'd have to leave.
Was that a properly scripted promise?
Mass Media Casualty

That depends on Abbott's definition of 'properly scripted' which is subject to change based on his own convenience.

Just covered an interview with him on 3AW, (Melbourne radio station,)  Is it still a good thing for him to be promising to release detailed policies closer to the election? He has had more than three years, he has five weeks left. This was a commercial radio station, the questions weren't all that tough but Tony's petrified to answer any of them. He's being pulled into a job performance review and he knows he's been slacking off.

By contrast I saw a 20 minute interview between Kevin Rudd and Andrew Bolt. Now if anyone's going to be tough on Rudd it's Andrew Bolt - and he was. But Rudd answered every question, he didn't shy away from any of them and when Bolt tried to bully he was ineffective. By about the 16th minute Bolt had essentially admitted defeat. I can't even imagine Abbott standing up to that level of scrutiny, even from an equivalently ignorant pit bull like Bolt.

Smart money's still on Abbott of course. He's just had too many things go his way and if Abbott manages to continue to avoid all scrutiny and exposure he should still take this thing. Anthony Albanese may say that Abbott can't just run a campaign on "no no no" without any policy but Abbott's been doing it so far and it has proven effective.

That being said I'd rather him lose and move to New Zealand. I can tolerate him if he's not in the public eye.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Bias much?
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
It's despicable how Murdoch wants to rig an election purely for commercial gain.

Jaekus wrote:

It's despicable how Murdoch wants to rig an election purely for commercial gain.
its rupert murdoch, what do you expect of him.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Still not sure who I'll vote for:

A bunch of greasy weasels who have been an utter calamity for the country, financially and a multitude of other ways

A fervent Zionist and a man who gave a character reference for a child rapist

Its looking more and more like a spoiled ballot, possibly with vomit
Fuck Israel
mine is pretty easy: joe hockey. yeah like he's going to lose in north sydney lol
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
Also, fuck Murdoch.
Chances are we'll be stuck with Abbott thanks to him.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-08-05 02:33:08)

Fuck Israel
Mass Media Casualty

Murdoch is going in all guns blazing. His steadfastness in backing Abbott should be a clear warning sign to all. Murdoch has very little to do with Australia personally, does anyone really think he has the nation's best interests at heart? Ha fucking har. Do people not see crap like that Daily Telegraph front page and pause a little? Surely even Abbott's fiercest supporters must see that and realise they're being completely and utterly pandered to by a corporation which essentially sees their readership as tools.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
But the readership are tools.
Fuck Israel
lol tony abbott pussying out on debating rudd. motherfucker is so hopeless when someone asks him question.

Last edited by Cybargs (2013-08-05 03:08:29)

Mass Media Casualty

His hopelessness is really quite incredible. That interview I covered today was horrendous. The interviewer wasn't being particularly tough Abbott's rhetoric was trying to suggest that he was being seriously grilled. He couldn't answer questions like:

- You have often stressed the importance of savings and have long claimed to have a detailed policy regarding this. As the Government has just announced $17b in cuts, do your expenditure cuts match or exceed this.

Abbott couldn't answer. Either he doesn't have a policy or he does have one and it doesn't match the Goverment's. I think he got this asked three times before he insisted that Australia would be fiscally better off under the Coalition and acted like that was the matter settled.

- When are you going to release fully costed and detailed policies?

Abbott claimed the the Coalition had already released many detailed policies, noting the carbon/mining tax scrapping, the broadband plan, the northern Australia policy, and the green army. The interviewer considered that the majority of these have not had details released about them while none of them had been properly costed. Abbott insisted more details and costings would be released closer to the election.

He's had over three years and he has five weeks left. He's been claiming to have these fully costed fully detailed policies since the last election and he's still stalling for time?

Needless to say through this verytough line of questioning Abbott was his stuttering best - and for some reason kept trying to steer the conversation to being about the GWS Giants AFL team.

The whole thing seemed like an employee performance review where the employee knew he'd been doing nothing but browsing YouTube and playing Facebook games. Stalling tactics, vague tangental anwers and no substance. And it wasn't even one of his worst interviews, it probably ranked among his better ones.

I have never seen a person more ill-suited for leadership. Abbott can be a loud bully, a decent parliamentary skirmisher, but that's where his talent ends. He doesn't have a vision, he can't stand up to debate or even light questioning, he shies away from negotiation even with his own party - imagine him trying to work through an international agreement. He's had more than enough evidence to make him realise that he's not cut out for the role. Alas as long as the Murdoch media backs him and their faulty polls show him with an election winning lead, (to Hell with the preferred PM poll,) his ego will tell him that he's doing a heck of a job.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
He couldn't manage a corner store, let alone be PM.
australian dollar plummets like no tomorrow. thanks obama.
Mass Media Casualty

The Daily Telegraph... any excuse to badly photoshop Kevin Rudd into a Nazi uniform.

But Craig Thomson as Colonel Hogan? Not something I'd have expected.
[Blinking eyes thing]
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/tzyon
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
oh the irony.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
What, genuine refugees don't like seeing the generous system being abused by criminals and dishonest economic migrants, and real refugees going to the back of the queue?
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

What, genuine refugees don't like seeing the generous system being abused by criminals and dishonest economic migrants, and real refugees going to the back of the queue?
yeah liek all 1000 people out of 20000 in the total refugee system.

you realize stopping the boats means even if they are foudn to be GENUINE refugees they won't be resettled in aus right? I understand the whole "process until we clear them" not "process until lol jk you can fuck off"

GG paying png billions of dollars a year to do our dirty work. what a great way to spend tax payers money.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
yeah liek all 1000 people out of 20000 in the total refugee system.
Because everyone who flies to Indonesia and then pays thousands to a smuggler is a bona fide refugee.
There is a difference between a genuine asylum seeker and someone who doesn't like living in a shithole.
you realize stopping the boats means even if they are foudn to be GENUINE refugees they won't be resettled in aus right?
Yes, thats how the system works, refugees don't get to pick the country which takes them. Taking a boat to Aus and expecting to be offered citizenship is subverting the internationally agreed system.

Rudd is being a dick though, he has no mandate from the country or the party to be doing any of this, or anything else really.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-08-08 03:55:36)

Fuck Israel

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