roho is in englefield green. it's a village closer to virginia water than egham. everyone just lives in egham residentially cause the houses don't cost £1mil on average. donkless.Dauntless wrote:
egham's a dumb name
next year when i get funding.Pochsy wrote:
Uzi, when do you go up to Oxford?
also don't use the term 'go up'. you're not from a british boarding school. it's an irritating oxbridgething.
isn't it 'go up' because oxford is north of london?

Shall I post property prices in South Kensington?
Fuck Israel
cambridge is north of london. oxford is west and a tiny bit north. 'going up' is generally what people from boarding schools say because of it typically did mean going north from their usual home county residences/boarding schools, yes. it's an irritating term. you get 'sent down' from it too. or you 'go down' from university to london, to 'lark about' in expensive restaurants and mix with the common folk. that sort of thing. too much up and down.PrivateVendetta wrote:
isn't it 'go up' because oxford is north of london?
have you seen some parts of kensington and chelsea? virginia water is the only place to have an average property price in the seven-figures. there are plenty of sink estates in the borough of k&c.Dilbert_X wrote:
Shall I post property prices in South Kensington?
Which is why I said South Kensington, not Kensington and Chelsea, derp.
Fuck Israel
is south kensington a discrete town/village? no. it's like a square mile of specific streets. not sure it quite works that way.
why are you so pedantic and fussy over it, anyway?
why are you so pedantic and fussy over it, anyway?
Why are you boasting about property prices in a hamlet near the university you attended?
Just wondering.
Just wondering.
Fuck Israel
'boasting'? think you might like to check a dictionary. you're awfully sensitive.
it's where i lived for 4 years. i think it's funny a village of about <5,000 people shows up on the front-page of the news. i don't own property there (though i rented there for a year at an extortionate price). it's also funny how the guardian liberals are all being mock-outraged about it.
it's where i lived for 4 years. i think it's funny a village of about <5,000 people shows up on the front-page of the news. i don't own property there (though i rented there for a year at an extortionate price). it's also funny how the guardian liberals are all being mock-outraged about it.
I guess its that gangsters and money-launderers have set up a protected enclave in a twee British backwater that annoys them the most.
Fuck Israel
Kony 2012
Fuck Kony.
Alpha as fuck.
Remember when all the hipsters were dickriding that fad? And then the head hipster ended up jacking off in public and still released a part 2.Nyte wrote:
Fuck Kony.
don't think it was hipsters supporting kony. just your average brand of facebook-hugging mong.
It's not a fracture like a bone can break, rather a rupture of the corpus cavernosum, followed by a massive hematoma, which makes your dick like a balloon filled with red paint.DesertFox- wrote:
You can break your dick. True story._j5689_ wrote:
Cracking a boner sounds painful
The rupture of the corpus cavernosum supposedly does sound like something breaking loudly.
I'm wondering where they got the coronal sections of penis for my physiology lab. Probably babies or Dauntless, cause the damn things were small enough to fit under a coverslip.
you sound disappointed . . .
Steve-0 wrote:
you sound disappointed . . .

listening to ben howards glastonbury set, finishing this bottle of red and laid out in a hammock under one of our apple trees
weekend bliss!
weekend bliss!
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I wish I was having a midnight lounge in a hammock. Too much rain
it's pretty divine
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella