The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
~ Richard Feynman
Whats important is the govt puts in place enough subsidy so couples can have kids and a rental property or two and still enjoy their second income in full.Spark wrote:
like seriously if you own TWO HOUSES you automatically forfeit your right to complain about "cost of living pressures" and "doing it tough"
Last edited by Dilbert_X (11 years, 8 months ago)
I'm sure unemployed couples in Western Sydney with their five kids aren't taking advantage of the baby bonus at all.Dilbert_X wrote:
Whats important is the govt puts in place enough subsidy so couples can have kids and a rental property or two and still enjoy their second income in full.Spark wrote:
like seriously if you own TWO HOUSES you automatically forfeit your right to complain about "cost of living pressures" and "doing it tough"
how are they going to get a head start in life with their 2 propertiesTy wrote:
Boom, no more baby bonus. Fuck you, Conte family - and might I remind you your name sounds kind of like "cunt".
The Age expects me to feel sorry for a childless couple with nearly $1m in property? Oh dear, my nose bleeds for you.
Last edited by Jaekus (11 years, 8 months ago)
Apart from the accumulated deficit.Ty wrote:
I didn't know they needed it. When the dust has settled over the 2013 election even if Tony Abbott gets into power with an overwhelming majority, the current Government is in good shape legacy-wise.
I am learning to speak Hobbit right now.Of course the other thing you'll be left with is an Abbott Government. Have fun with that.
Jaekus wrote:
Accumulated deficit is a storm in a teacup that people who think Abbott is a credible politician believe to be an issue. Honestly, we're in a pretty good shape and despite some of the cuts I don't agree with, like education and renewable energy, and others they didn't do, like subsidies to the mining sector, the budget was pretty good really. There wasn't any pork barreling unlike Howard era budgets in election years and it's clear the idea is to fund policy whilst getting the budget back into the black. Unemployment is very low and the economy by and large is doing very well when compared to the global picture.
Last edited by Spark (11 years, 8 months ago)
Swan just claimed in Question Time that if the Gillard Government's GDP-to-taxation ratio was the same as during the Howard years there would be an $8b surplus. Not sure how true that it, I'll leave it for PolitiFact. There's probably some validity in it though.Ty wrote:
Howard achieved his surpluses through... heavy taxation.
Yeah, roughly the same.Ty wrote:
Swan just claimed in Question Time that if the Gillard Government's GDP-to-taxation ratio was the same as during the Howard years there would be an $8b surplus. Not sure how true that it, I'll leave it for PolitiFact. There's probably some validity in it though.Ty wrote:
Howard achieved his surpluses through... heavy taxation.