Uzique The Lesser
In another painful case of misplaced suspicions, the family of a young man reported missing last month have had to take down a Facebook account set up to help find him after a wave of Internet users falsely – incorrectly – connected the missing man to the photos of Boston bombing suspects released Thursday.

The parents live outside Philadelphia. reports:

    The name they gave was that of Sunil Tripathi, 22, a Brown University student from Bryn Mawr who was reported missing last month in Providence, R.I.

    The speculation went viral on the Internet, some statements portraying it as fact, and reached his family.

    "It was Twitter, viral, a very ugly effort," his sister, Sangeeta said in an interview.

    “That escalated throughout the evening of course," she said. "It was a very ugly night.”
another great job roc.

Roc18 wrote:

Holy shit.
that's 2 for 2 now. you've recycled 2 garbage internet theories and both have ended up damaging the innocent people involved.

such a smart guy
You're typing like I believed all of this stuff 100% and its only me who believed it.
Aye up duck!
+440|6748|England. Stoke

Roc18 wrote:

Who knows what to believe in this type of situation.
Uzique The Lesser
does it matter if "only you" believed it? i never claimed that, either. the whole time i have said it is the whole GROUP MENTALITY of 4chan/reddit that is retarded. the 'internet white knights'. the 'online justice brigade'. i have NEVER made out like it is "only you" who believes it. that is totally fucking laughable. just you are the only spunkstain low enough on bf2s's (mercifully) decent IQ pool to peddle this shite.

so you have no response or actual re-evaluation of how this 4chan bollocks works, then? a bunch of internet detectives abusing the twitter-feed of a guy's family who have been dealing with the tragedy/anxiety of him being MISSING for a month. wow. you'd think you'd at least correct your worldview and perhaps think again about doing recycling this garbage.

coke wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

Who knows what to believe in this type of situation.
exactly, who knows what to fucking believe. The facts can change again for all we know. But this guy is on the loose that's a fact.
Uzique The Lesser
no roc, you were arguing as if 'the feds' were chasing the wrong man. like there was a conspiracy. like their information was no 'better' than the internet crowd (which it clearly is). a person has been killed. are you suggesting they could still turn around and say "we were wrong?" really? your government just summarily executed an innocent person, then? you cannot be gullible to believe this shit. or stupid enough. you really think the FBI would release photos of suspects if they weren't as sure as they possible could be that they were the real suspects? you are ridiculous.
Aye up duck!
+440|6748|England. Stoke

Roc18 wrote:

coke wrote:

Roc18 wrote:

Who knows what to believe in this type of situation.
exactly, who knows what to fucking believe. The facts can change again for all we know. But this guy is on the loose that's a fact.
And you miss the point again...

I know, for a start you don't "believe" shit like this posted by morons like yourself.

White Muslim. I can see the lowings of the world using this guy to argue that their Islam hate isn't racial since a white Muslim is just as likely to be a terrorist.

Speaking of lowing... He should be showing up sometime this week.
'Light 'em up!'

Wonder what their dad meant when he said 'all hell would break loose' if the remaining son was killed.

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

no roc, you were arguing as if 'the feds' were chasing the wrong man. like there was a conspiracy. like their information was no 'better' than the internet crowd (which it clearly is). a person has been killed. are you suggesting they could still turn around and say "we were wrong?" really? your government just summarily executed an innocent person, then? you cannot be gullible to believe this shit. or stupid enough. you really think the FBI would release photos of suspects if they weren't as sure as they possible could be that they were the real suspects? you are ridiculous.
No video of these guys shooting at police, no images of them placing devices at crime scene, family is 100% sure they would never do this, older brothers boxing coach said he was a very nice guy. Time to wake up people.
I don't even know where to begin....

13/f/taiwan wrote:

I don't even know where to begin....
Are you going to argue your point or reply with one liners again?
The very model of a modern major general
+794|6724|United States of America

Roc18 wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

no roc, you were arguing as if 'the feds' were chasing the wrong man. like there was a conspiracy. like their information was no 'better' than the internet crowd (which it clearly is). a person has been killed. are you suggesting they could still turn around and say "we were wrong?" really? your government just summarily executed an innocent person, then? you cannot be gullible to believe this shit. or stupid enough. you really think the FBI would release photos of suspects if they weren't as sure as they possible could be that they were the real suspects? you are ridiculous.
No video of these guys shooting at police, no images of them placing devices at crime scene, family is 100% sure they would never do this, older brothers boxing coach said he was a very nice guy. Time to wake up people.
Have you ever read about any other neighbors of serial or spree killers? Occasional "hello"s and idle conversation don't give you a whole lot of insight into the mind of somebody, and parents are often deluded about their children.
Semi Constructive Criticism
+1,431|6004|London, England

Roc18 wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

no roc, you were arguing as if 'the feds' were chasing the wrong man. like there was a conspiracy. like their information was no 'better' than the internet crowd (which it clearly is). a person has been killed. are you suggesting they could still turn around and say "we were wrong?" really? your government just summarily executed an innocent person, then? you cannot be gullible to believe this shit. or stupid enough. you really think the FBI would release photos of suspects if they weren't as sure as they possible could be that they were the real suspects? you are ridiculous.
No video of these guys shooting at police, no images of them placing devices at crime scene, family is 100% sure they would never do this, older brothers boxing coach said he was a very nice guy. Time to wake up people.

Roc18 wrote:

13/f/taiwan wrote:

I don't even know where to begin....
Are you going to argue your point or reply with one liners again?
you can't even read a news article?

they were "suspects" at that point and you don't what the feds have that they may not want to release yet. the cops caught on to them after they robbed a 7/11, hijacked a car and got into a shootout. maybe there isn't any evidence because people usually duck for cover(you know, so they don't get hurt) when bullets go flying. if there are videos/pictures the feds would confiscate it from people at the scene and use it for trial. there top priority is capturing the suspect(s) and making sure they process him through the system botch-free. law enforcement won't release any evidence until the trial is over. especially a high-profile one like this because, surprise, surprise, it could(and will) damage their case.

the "he's a good guy" appeal only works if we're talking about someone with a track-record of charitable acts.

i'm very intrigued on how you came to that conclusion. the same "question everything" mentality goes out the window once some MSpaint-edited photos are circulated along with scary words and unverifiable statements. . i guess it's fine to scrutinize the gov't but 4chan/reddit substandard detective work carries a decisive tone.
go on roc. prove me right by proving yourself wrong. present another bullshit theory that turns out to be wrong, again. it's only happened 3-4 times since this incident.
Ok, I'm glad you have 100% faith in the government. Good for you.
I never said that but since you're making baseless arguments it's not beyond you to see things that are not there.
what do you think happened?

Brown people did it and the feds don,t want to look racialist so they framed white foreigners. . .
Uzique The Lesser

Roc18 wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

no roc, you were arguing as if 'the feds' were chasing the wrong man. like there was a conspiracy. like their information was no 'better' than the internet crowd (which it clearly is). a person has been killed. are you suggesting they could still turn around and say "we were wrong?" really? your government just summarily executed an innocent person, then? you cannot be gullible to believe this shit. or stupid enough. you really think the FBI would release photos of suspects if they weren't as sure as they possible could be that they were the real suspects? you are ridiculous.
No video of these guys shooting at police, no images of them placing devices at crime scene, family is 100% sure they would never do this, older brothers boxing coach said he was a very nice guy. Time to wake up people.
you are an idiot. the older brother has as youtube account with a playlist titled 'terrorism'. he had a photo-album from a few years ago done at his boxing gym, a sort of interview for a boxing magazine, and all the captions said things like "i don't connect with american people" and "i don't drink/smoke, people lose control of themselves too much thesedays". it was obviously them. you are a moron.

keep believing the innocent people you reddit nerds fingered did it though. whatever keeps your stupid nerd egos intact. don't worry that your ignorance is harming innocent people's lives. or, in the case of that 'wanted' poster, traumatising a family already dealing with a lost loved one by accusing him of multiple homicide. just because he's an asian dude. wow. you aren't even in the slightest bit sorry that your stupidity has led to this sort of groupthink behaviour. you are the worst kind of human being. i have genuinely and sincerely never met anyone as dense as you before. were you dropped on your head as a child or what? is that what contributed to that perfectly fucking round cylinder that sits on your shoulders?
Uzique The Lesser
here's the dead dude's youtube. look at his playlists, his recent activity, and his favourites.

but no, you're totally right, it was the forlorn and lost looking old dude who was holding a backpack. he looked "creepy as fuck", in your words. what did he do wrong? be old? have slightly long and unkempt hair? yeah that screams terrorist to me. or that blue tracksuit dude. what founds your suspicions of him? oh right, he's dark. okay. a black racist. neat.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|6729|Tampa Bay Florida
This reminds me of when lowing used to get caught in a bind and would waste 3 pages defending himself while all of his idealogical allies dropped out of the argument one by one.

Just admit it roc, uzis got you by the balls here.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5397|London, England
They got him
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

They got him
it wasn't him man. he's an innocent kid. he mistook the whole thing for an elaborate game of hide and seek.

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