+572|6944|BC, Canada
This ties in to the "Active Members" thread.

Why are you still here?

Almost none of us currently play BF2.
The forums have slowed considerably the past few years.
There is almost constant infighting amongst the current members.
D&ST has, aside from current events, not budged much in years due to only the most polarized people being left to debate.
Graphics has almost no activity.
You post in music and get chased out by uzi.
Given that most of us don't game as much, Tech has almost no posting aside from the Open Thread, and What did you buy.

Yet according to the Active members thread, a lot of us masochists keep coming back. Why?

I've heard people say they will go anywhere that will recognize their karma and days registered, which to me is stats-of-a-statsrlyfe-site-are-lyfe,

For me, I know the place, It was the first forums I ever bothered registering on and where I got started in PC gaming. There are a few people I enjoy communicating with and I still learn the odd thing. I've gone to other large forums and not enjoyed myself as much. I guess familiarity and a bit of habit.

So, why are you here?
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5643|London, England
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
+572|6944|BC, Canada

Jay wrote:

That could be the reason for a lot of people.
Go Cougs!
+695|6576|Washington St.
It's mine and I don't even post that much.

Last edited by pirana6 (2013-04-08 13:14:18)

Go Cougs!
+695|6576|Washington St.
If it's expensive at all for chuy to keep these running he should probably just retire them and everyone will say goodbye and move on with their lives.
It's like being in a relationship for so long that you'd rather stay together even though you're not really that invested in the other person, you just prefer the safeness and monotony to being alone.

Either way chuy should just say like Jan 1 2014 will be the last day of bf2s.com and shut it down (and archive for historys sake)
mmmf mmmf mmmf
its not expensive thats why its up
I don't know. Maybe I'm sick. I stopped posting in 2009 then came back because of ig convincing me and bf3 in 2011.

Last edited by Roc18 (2013-04-08 13:25:45)

Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7037|Toronto, ON
I always come here to read but not post anymore.  It's also the first gaming forum/community I got involved in so I feel like it's somehow a part of me.

All in all, I thoroughly enjoy perusing through these somewhat mindless threads.  Occasionally I'll troll around a bit to fan the flames.

I still game alot, just not in BF2 (or BF3).  I've been playing DOTA, SC2: HOTS, and Bioshock Infinite.  I'm actually really good in DOTA if you want a challenge.  I'm decent in SC2: HOTS.

And also being one of the earliest members of BF2S, I feel like I'm better than most of the people here since I am their elder.
Alpha as fuck.

get of out that medieval shit and bring dem sniping skills to planetside2
Legendary BF2S Veteran
+535|7037|Toronto, ON

jsnipy wrote:

get of out that medieval shit and bring dem sniping skills to planetside2
I should really try that game out.  I have it but just never had time to play it since I'm so pre-occupied with other games.

Oh, I was also part of the SC2 AHGL league (After Hours Gaming League).  I played for AMD in Season 1 and Season 2.  I think I may have had a game or 2 casted by Husky and/or that other guy.
Alpha as fuck.
Uzique The Lesser
yeah cause seniority on an internet forum out of billions means shit, nyte

i quit for 6-7 months, when the community was obviously stunted and dead in the water.

however a few months ago i found myself with a lot more time on my hands, and inevitably ended up clicking through the old bookmarks that had since grown dusty. it passes the time in a way that is at least more interesting than doing what most other internet procrastinators do: watching their twitter and facebook feeds roll by.
Go Cougs!
+695|6576|Washington St.
I'm curious how many people read and troll but just don't post. I go on trolling-benders where I won't post for a while.
+572|6944|BC, Canada

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

it passes the time in a way that is at least more interesting than doing what most other internet procrastinators do: watching their twitter and facebook feeds roll by.
This is also a big part for me.

I've heard people say they will go anywhere that will recognize their karma and days registered, which to me is stats-of-a-statsrlyfe-site-are-lyfe,
BF2s is a stats forum and I earned ny internet points. I am ready to migrate.
Fission Mailed

Mostly habit and boredom
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5674|Fuck this.

bugz wrote:

Mostly habit and boredom
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
This is part of the point of re-invigorating bf2s with new posters with BF2 players. We don't play BF2 anymore.
The only thing we have in common now is that we all come back here week after week because we once used to play BF2.
We are not getting new members, and tbh they would just get shat on anyway. We dont want new members.
and this.

bugz wrote:

Mostly habit and boredom
This was the first forum I joined, and the only one ive ever stuck with, now its just habbit I come here everyday nearly. 

I have many great memories here and I do love you all a little bit more each day.
d'awwww <3
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Cisse wrote:

This was the first forum I joined, and the only one ive ever stuck with, now its just habbit I come here everyday nearly. 

I have many great memories here and I do love you all a little bit more each day.
And yet the mods have you set as a limited member.

Sam for Mod. FatherTed for ban.
+3,936|6785|so randum
um idk lol
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
The X stands for
+1,816|6391|eXtreme to the maX
Inertia, fatness, pick one or both.
Fuck Israel
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6908|Little Bentcock
I love you all too much to leave :3

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