mmmf mmmf mmmf
halo and cod with their tiny/empty maps
+572|6979|BC, Canada
Gaming was more fun split screen anyways....
+354|6319|Vortex Ring State
no screen peeking
Uzique The Lesser
most fun i had was a playstation 2, 2 CRT televisions placed back to back, and whole-screen versus red alert.
+354|6319|Vortex Ring State

Trotskygrad wrote:

There is.
+1,380|7011|Devon, England
Not sure if it's already been posted:


FFLink wrote:

Not sure if it's already been posted:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=p … ydGoAdvmZo


that's brilliant !

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

most fun i had was a playstation 2, 2 CRT televisions placed back to back, and whole-screen versus red alert.
Aww I remember RA for the PS1
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7010|Tampa Bay Florida

everyone always forgets this one

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7010|Tampa Bay Florida

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

bad company had a bit of humour to it, but i mean, the single-player was formulaic and the gameplay was shit. all that objective/item collecting and list-checking... console to the max.

cod modern warfare best fps single-player in history? lol...........................................................................

i really don't know how to take you seriously when you come out with all these old elitist complaints, but then strap yourself in and claim cod4 was such a rootin' tootin' good time. no consistency.
Uzique I know you get off by being contrarian just for contrarian's sake but I will go on defending Bad Co. 2 as an objectively better game than BF3 till the day I die/stop giving a shit about video games.

Every major criticism I've seen you make about BF3 (and they are fair and well written, of course) is absent from Bad Co. 2.  I own it both on the PC and the Xbox.  You're choosing to make your generalized criticism with the assistance of rose tint colored glasses.  The movement in BF2 was not exactly better compared to BC2.... but of course for the sake of argument you are comparing everything to Quake without telling us.

Jets?  They are utterly pointless in Bf3.  Don't need em in the game if they don't do anything useful.  BC2 does without them just fine.

Choppers?  Okay, they are good in BF3 and they suck in BC2.  Doesn't take much to do some work on the controls.  Give credit where credit is due.  The only reason I still play bf3 is because pwning nubs with the scout chopper is fun as hell.

Gunplay?  In BC2 its superb.  Bullet drop exists but its not over done.  There is no suppression, no bullshit scope sway, none of the shit that turned BF3 into a glorified CoD clone.  You aim, you shoot, you're done with it. 

Destruction?  Its awesome.  Blowing buildings apart will never, ever get old.  The explosions are realistic-looking without turning the game into one giant smoke filled piece of shit (BF3 whenever something blows up.)

The engine is also beautiful.  It renders large landscapes as well as cramped indoor urban areas.  Theres no blue tint.  The sun does not blind you.  I can actually see what the fuck is going on.

In other words, BF2/old school fps is over with.  But I do not choose to remain stuck in the past.  BC2 is not perfect, but it has everything which made Battlefield unique and worthwhile and it has none of the shit that I hate in BF3. 

Just compare the DLC.  Vietnam vs. Premium.  Laugh my ass off, theres no comparing the two. 

So if you want to play them back to back and tell me BF3 is still better, okay, fine.  But don't say BC2 was good "for a couple of months" and then proceed to tell me that its the exact same as BF3.  They are nothing alike, aside from the marketing/publishing side of things.

Last edited by Spearhead (2013-04-05 09:32:59)

Uzique The Lesser
contrarian for contrarian's sake? no, i just have standards when it comes to video-games. i really don't undersrtand where you are getting off on this bad company 2 thing. it was an okay game. it kept me half-interested for 2-3 months. but it had no refinement, no skill curve, nothing to 'practice' or 'develop'. it was mindless fun shooting the shit with a few friends on voice comms. it was the usual parade of novelty as you rank up and unlock new guns/utilities/features. each of them was fun for a few hours. did any gun have a 'curve' to learn and 'master'? lol no. spray and pray / point and click. did any vehicle have a particular curve or tact to it? lol no. were any of the maps particularly memorable or nearing 'classic' status? did any maps excite me when they came on? lol no.

it was a decent game. but you holding it out as this 'last gasp' of good battlefield pc gaming just isn't true. it was already half-compromised for console audiences. the gameplay, movement, and shooting (the core aspects; everything else is secondary) were completely unremarkable. you accusing me of being 'contrarian' here is strictly mauvaise foi. it's more like you are being a little too enthusiastic and rose-tinted. to say i'm "stuck in the past" is also hilarious. they are not going to make another bad company 2. it was a stepping stone to battlefield 3's platform and style. bad company 2 as is as much a thing of the past as battlefield 2. if anything, it was a happy accident.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-04-05 09:50:32)

So what game do you like? Quake? That game is shit.
Uzique The Lesser
there have been plenty of great fps games. plenty of great competitive ones in recent memory, too. not many around nowadays. fps gaming has gone sharply downhill. but i have played and enjoyed several of the 'on the way down' compromises. bad company 2 was not a game  that ever had a competitive or 'serious' play mileage. it was a joke game, fun for the time it took to hit max level.

and lol, yeah, you would think quake is shit. 24/7 metro: cool. quakelive: shit. ok roc.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-04-06 13:04:10)

'Light 'em up!'

Really hope they fix that issue which, as far as I remember, has been there since BF2, with enemy snipers firing from behind cover. You can see them/scope glint, but no matter what you do, there's no hit. Had two snipers sitting in the redzone doing that just now. Commander artillery would've sorted them just nicely, so here's hoping they bring that back.
just take away "individual redlines" and the scope fucking sunbeam!

Roc18 wrote:

So what game do you like? Quake? That game is shit.
railgun > all ... contains the minimum amount of paper scissors rocks

I like unreal tournament.
Germans did 911
+427|7001|Disaster Free Zone

Are the only good FPS games.

DrunkFace wrote:


Are the only good FPS games.
seems legit
Uzique The Lesser
missing quite a few classic/canonical fps games.
Descent was so awsm with multiplayer  in 1994 95
eleven bravo
+1,399|5579|foggy bottom
i never liked that game.
Tu Stultus Es

Kimmmmmmmmmmmm wrote:

Descent was so awsm with multiplayer  in 1994 95
just watched some gameplay , indeed seems awsome
Uzique The Lesser
how the fuck is battlefield vietnam considered one of the 'great' all-time PC FPS games but cod1, tfc, dod1.3 etc. aren't on there? pretty hopelessly biased/selective.

Macbeth wrote:

I like unreal tournament.

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