i really don't know why anyone would want to take that much acid in such a short period. it's not a form of self-medication, macb. have an eye opening experience once every few months, and then get back to normality. sounds like you've spent more time this last week or two tripping than not. that's dangerous territory man.
Judging by Mac's reports, it would seem like someone gave him sugar coated paper and called it LSD.
i'm willing to bet he's just hammering acid into his system and it's having like 10% potency because of his anti-psych medication. what macb prolly doesn't realize is that the traces of that metabolized LSD will stay in his brain stem pretty much forever, affecting the rest of his trips on a diminishing return, and building up the chances of him having flashbacks or residual effects. because it's only affecting him at a fraction of the potency, he's doubling or tripling up the doses he is putting in his body. that still all goes somewhere, even if it just gets instantly metabolized and shoved to the back of his head. basically he's gonna spend a few months chewing through a few sheets of silkroad-bought acid, and then he'll eventually come off his anti-psych medication, and his brain will level out... and meltdown. why would you play with acid like some sort of toy accessory?
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-28 06:10:44)
lol @ popping LSD like it's candy.
Whatever, let the kid make his own mistakes. If MaccyB wants to turn himself into an acid burnout because he's too thick to take advice from people with more experience then that's his business.
Last edited by Wreckognize (2013-03-28 11:04:57)
Crazy stuff going on here

Last edited by LittleBitchy (2013-03-28 11:21:19)
Fall seven times. Stand up eight.
this is the dark side of silkroad: amateurs can get access to incredibly potent drugs. the ease of silkroad buying makes the whole drug-taking endeavor seem trivial and banal. it is not. the biggest danger of drug use (imo) is casualisation/normalisation of the behaviour. that's the slippery slope to increased risk/harm (been there). just because you can buy a sheet of acid off the internet, and just because you don't have to interact with some sketchy drug dealer that makes you shit your pants, doesn't mean it's alright to sit back with 3 tabs a week.
Mac, please heed this shit.
I haven't smoked in like two months, and I'm seeing one of my favorite bands on 4/20. Pretty sure I'm gonna get a contact high walking into the venue.

I have slowed down on the LSD. I am buying two more hits and then stopping until late summer. Only have done 8 hits spread across 3 times so I am not going overboard with it.
I think the LSD has improved my general mood. I feel much happier and relaxed even a full week from last dropping.
I think the LSD has improved my general mood. I feel much happier and relaxed even a full week from last dropping.
most people take LSD once every 6 months, maybe. '8 hits'... was it weak stuff or something? i think i've probably done about 8 tabs of acid in my life.
The first time wasn't too powerful because of my medication. The other two tines were full trips after I stopped taking my meds for a longer period.
Last edited by Macbeth (2013-04-05 08:31:44)
every single person i know who has done lsd regularly for even a short amount of time has a vegetable for a brain. they are also big on the illuminati and conspiracy theories and shit. strange how acid makes people think that way. but yeah, they really are idiots i feel bad for them.
Tu Stultus Es
I know. This worries me. I think I will be fine. Ken admitted to doing it 300 times and he seems normal.
Macbeth wrote:
I think the LSD has improved my general mood.

im sorry but anyone who is posting in this forum (including me) is far from normal
Tu Stultus Es
Nah man, I'm pretty far from OK.Macbeth wrote:
I know. This worries me. I think I will be fine. Ken admitted to doing it 300 times and he seems normal.
I just had to turn down one of my dealers because the other came through quicker

they know if they sleep on it they lose it
Tu Stultus Es
its a cold world, blood. no mercy
Tu Stultus Es
its ok he probably was annoyed that you were only picking up a $10 sack anyway.
lol. there is nothing romantic or rock'n'roll about doing drugs in scotland. it's a national shame, you can't turn it into some yuppie picking-up scenario finlay.
hey ken, what is a ten dollar sack? like a burlap bag? like the big black plastic thing they put lawn clippings in? i only ask because it's been awhile, and i've quit drinking. will $10 get you more than a bowl-full nowadays?
10 bucks will get you one well rolled king size Jefferey. a 20 bag will get you 2 king size Jefferey's
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
I don't know, I haven't bought a $10 sack since high school. Only the best for me, and only by an eighth or larger at a time.