So perhaps there is a lurker amung us that likes to play games. How did this player manage to become a 3 star general but yet i cant look him up? I was commanding and laying up agaisnt a wall. i kept hearing him wallerin around me but i ignored him for a while. Next thing i know im halfway up the hill headed to the dead zone on the railroad. What the fuck?


I know im not crazy, theres his picture. quimabuter is his name. has punkbuster not kept shit like this nailed down lately?
Uzique The Lesser
you have got to be some kind of crazy to still care about hackers in a dead game. it's highly likely he's a hacker if there was suspicious activity on the server. who's gonna police a ghost-town?

ghost town was awsm, RIP Ghost Town

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

you have got to be some kind of crazy to still care about hackers in a dead game. it's highly likely he's a hacker if there was suspicious activity on the server. who's gonna police a ghost-town?
i call it good product support. If they can maintain servers to build lists of servers and run ranks then they should be able to keep shit like this out. I make things work. You're crazy for thinking anything over a year old is obsolete and null.

P.S. Does this mean i should commit myself since I still enjoy Unreal Tournament 99 as well? Sniper of course.

Last edited by Drunken_Tankdriver (2013-04-04 15:02:31)

Uzique The Lesser
anything over a year old? last time i checked bf2 was old enough to go to a brothel in nevada.

and no, i'm not crazy for saying that many old games are infested by hackers. that's because a) anti-cheat support was last updated 5 years ago and b) there are no server admins around anymore.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-04-04 15:04:04)

name hack.
+572|6749|BC, Canada
As if punkbuster was ever all over it.

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