No, I would hardly say that they occupy my mind. Just because I'm not as pig fucking ignorant as you are does not mean I spend my spare time researching things like this, on the same hand me knowing the bare facts of a subject does no make me a authority on a subject like you seem to think you are.Jay wrote:
These are the big issues that occupy your mind coke? It's really important to you that people stop using plastic bags? Really? Go back to work in your china factory you twit.coke wrote:
You really are a fucking moron.Jay wrote:
I just don't give a fuck, honestly. I think it's one of the most inconsequential things one could ever focus on, but whatever floats your boat. My groceries get delivered in cardboard boxes, so it's not like adding $0.05 per bag to my grocery bill would even effect me.
Seriously stupid waste of time.
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lol jay every single politician should read every single law?!? you do realize some common law and case statutes goes into 100's of pages? just for one precedent? and you want every single politician to read every single law? the 25,000 pages on tort law? you do realize reams of new case law and obiter dicta notes gets put out every single month, right? some bills are 1,000's of pages. shelves and shelves of divorce law and alimony rules? yeah jay this is a great idea. every politician should read every single law.
you do realize that people who can memorize the entire quran are considered special holy figures/scholars in islam, right? you do realize the entire law library of the US is so big that there's only about 6 locations in the country that house it all, right? you want every single politician to read and somehow 'take onboard' every single law? do you also expect them to walk on water and feed a few thousand?
you do realize that people who can memorize the entire quran are considered special holy figures/scholars in islam, right? you do realize the entire law library of the US is so big that there's only about 6 locations in the country that house it all, right? you want every single politician to read and somehow 'take onboard' every single law? do you also expect them to walk on water and feed a few thousand?
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-29 14:09:29)
Uzi, the premise behind that is that I feel that laws should be simple and make sense, not be thousand page tomes full of legalese. If you forced politicians to actually read every law on the books at the start of legislative sessions, they would be inclined to pare down, rather significantly, the rule of law that we all live under, yes? The laws on the books in the US could fill a large library. Why? Why is it necessary to produce tens of thousands of new laws every year? I want them to look backwards instead of looking forwards with grandiose new visions. Look back, see what worked, excise what didn't work, and go from there.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
lol jay every single politician should read every single law?!? you do realize some common law and case statutes goes into 100's of pages? just for one precedent? and you want every single politician to read every single law? the 25,000 pages on tort law? you do realize reams of new case law and obiter dicta notes gets put out every single month, right? some bills are 1,000's of pages. shelves and shelves of divorce law and alimony rules? yeah jay this is a great idea. every politician should read every single law.
you do realize that people who can memorize the entire quran are considered special holy figures/scholars in islam, right? you do realize the entire law library of the US is so big that there's only about 6 locations in the country that house it all, right? you want every single politician to read and somehow 'take onboard' every single law? do you also expect them to walk on water and feed a few thousand?
I didn't mean it literally anyway. It was just my way of expressing the last two sentences above.
Last edited by Jay (2013-03-29 14:14:40)
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
oh yes jay i agree, the law should be radically simplified and have any precise definition cut, just so politicians can read it and just so that it is easily digestible. thousands of years of custom in stare decisis and obiter dicta rulings should be cut, as so much legalese and wasteful verbiage, and a blunt and reduced version of the law should be used. this would speed up court rulings immensely, and would lead to far more fair judgements. yes jay i completely agree. let's cut back on all those smart intellectuals and their words. if it can't be said or made clear in a page, in bullet points, it's nonsense.
& why is it necessary to create 10,000's of new laws every year? jesus fuck you don't know a thing about the way a common law system works, do you? for a guy so against tyranny you sure do know fuck-all about why you have the system of law that you have.
& why is it necessary to create 10,000's of new laws every year? jesus fuck you don't know a thing about the way a common law system works, do you? for a guy so against tyranny you sure do know fuck-all about why you have the system of law that you have.
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-29 14:41:13)
Honesty doesn't do a good job of getting the media's attention.Jay wrote:
I just prefer honesty to scare tactics, that's all.
Anyway, the industry will bitch about every quality control decision the government makes, then inflate the price beyond what is needed to compensate for increased costs. Yeah, my heart is really bleeding for those rich assholes.
Why? It's not like the oil industry is going to eat the added cost. It's going to come out of your wallet, not theirs. It effects you way more than them.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Honesty doesn't do a good job of getting the media's attention.Jay wrote:
I just prefer honesty to scare tactics, that's all.
Anyway, the industry will bitch about every quality control decision the government makes, then inflate the price beyond what is needed to compensate for increased costs. Yeah, my heart is really bleeding for those rich assholes.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Right, like I said, they'll bitch about it to try and get the public's sympathy, and then inflate their prices beyond what is required to compensate for increased operating costs. "Oh, the government is punishing YOU, the average citizen!"
The price of gasoline is set by the commodities market and your local gas station.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
We should put lead back in petrol, because freedom.
Fuck Israel
"Oh, we're not increasing the prices, the GOVERNMENT is. Now go away while I count my increased profits."Jay wrote:
The price of gasoline is set by the commodities market and your local gas station.
Maybe we could also find a way to dispose of DU by "placing" it in people's fuel.Dilbert_X wrote:
We should put lead back in petrol, because freedom.
I use my plastic bags as garbage bags. PROBLEM SOLVEDJay wrote:
I know it's an outrageous suggestion, but the 'plastic bag problem' would magically disappear if people bent down to pick up a piece of trash and deposited it in the nearest trash can instead of waiting for it to blow down the street and becoming their neighbors problem.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
he's a public figure, obviously drawing ire from the pro-gun lobby. of course he's going to have bodyguards. you are an idiot. how does that invalidate or compromise his gun control arguments? anyway i don't really care about the mayor of one city some place so i'm not gonna get into a sparring match with you over bloomberg. it would make as much sense as you giving a fuck about ken livingstone or boris johnson.
actually the alternatives promoted in lieu of using loads of plastic bags is, as i've said, supermarket-branded canvas bags. they're a win/win for the corporation: induces some brand-loyalty/come-again factor, and gets rid of the plastic bag problem. i don't think anyone is carrying around their defrosting meat produce in the same plastic bag for a year.
Shooting it at middle-eastern mountain tribes seems to be using up the inventory just fine.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Maybe we could also find a way to dispose of DU by "placing" it in people's fuel.
Fuck Israel
Umm, in this case, the government most certainly is increasing the price of fuel. Why are you so damn bitter?unnamednewbie13 wrote:
"Oh, we're not increasing the prices, the GOVERNMENT is. Now go away while I count my increased profits."Jay wrote:
The price of gasoline is set by the commodities market and your local gas station.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Wow, you made my day, calling me "bitter."Jay wrote:
Umm, in this case, the government most certainly is increasing the price of fuel. Why are you so damn bitter?unnamednewbie13 wrote:
"Oh, we're not increasing the prices, the GOVERNMENT is. Now go away while I count my increased profits."Jay wrote:
The price of gasoline is set by the commodities market and your local gas station.
But at some point they might shoot it back at us. What then?Dilbert_X wrote:
Shooting it at middle-eastern mountain tribes seems to be using up the inventory just fine.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Maybe we could also find a way to dispose of DU by "placing" it in people's fuel.
They'll be too sick and malformed by then.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
But at some point they might shoot it back at us. What then?
Fuck Israel
I think what the public really wants is for their children to have short unhealthy lives and cheap petrol.
So we're agreed, time to put lead back in petrol?
So we're agreed, time to put lead back in petrol?
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-03-30 06:42:56)
Fuck Israel
Absolutely. And while we're at it, can we go back to the old style of red M&M's? Regulations are bad for mah freedums.
Yes, but they'll have a democratically-elected cyclops president with three arms who'll take crap from nobody.Dilbert_X wrote:
They'll be too sick and malformed by then.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
But at some point they might shoot it back at us. What then?
Fixed, don't be so silly in future - consider this an AWMunnamednewbie13 wrote:
Yes, but they'll have a democratically-elected cyclops president with three arms who'll take crap from nobody.Dilbert_X wrote:
They'll be too sick and malformed by then.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
But at some point they might shoot it back at us. What then?
Fuck Israel
I forgot the "".
I'm not really sure who the two of you are mocking. I said in the first reply that I agreed with the regulation.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
I don't think the Canadian oil pipeline should be built.

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
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