
Jay wrote:

I find it kind of funny that you've shackled yourself so thoroughly to the opinion of one man...
Oh God
Uzique The Lesser

Jay wrote:

I find it kind of funny that you've shackled yourself so thoroughly to the opinion of one man...
what? this is the history of western aesthetics. kant is just the figure i am quoting. i could cite you 50 others, though they'd be more difficult and technical. kant just sums up the enlightenment's attitude to aesthetics fine. the standard that still prevails today, although with some nuances i won't bore you with. please get real.

if i refer you to the quotation multiple times, it's really because it lays it out very simply. not because i am over-reliant on one man's thought. lol. that is the weakest comeback to me schooling you i have ever seen. and no "emotional" benefits of art, funnily enough, isn't considered a "value" in the same way a commodity price-tag is. funny that.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-26 15:02:31)

The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX


Dilbert_X wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

I bet the arms industry sent out a hitman to silence him.
There's quite a few in Northern Ireland, and I can point you to a Chief Constable who woke up to find himself mysteriously dead

That and Israel doesn't hesitate to kill journalists, nor did the Bush regime.
The bush regime killed western journalists? Source please.
Where did I say that?

Bush bombed two Al Jazeera sites, and the Palestine Hotel was shelled when journalists had registered their presence there - not sure if any Westerners were killed or injured. What does it matter if they were 'Western' or not?

And Israel doesn't flinch from killing Westerners or anyone else.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Jay wrote:

I have a friend with a BFA in ceramics... pottery isn't art?
making pottery is considered a craft. there's nobody saying you can't get a qualification in pottery.

and yes, if he went to an art school to make ceramics, chances are he's trying to make pottery into an art.
So you have to go to art school to make art.


Honestly, I don't think anyone is interested in hearing a self-selected cabal trying to dictate what is art and what isn't.
Its nebulous and subjective, no-one has a monopoly on determining if something fits or doesn't.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
Global migrants: Which are the most wanted professions?
Fuck Israel
sophisticated slacker
+334|6632|Graz, Austria
Arts and philosophy are not useless.

In fact, they are both a by-product and the cause that brought humanity to where we are now, from cave men who clubbed woolly rhinos for food, simply to survive, to technology age men who send robots to Mars to dig in the sand, simply to see if there's some other live form trying to become a rhino-clubbing cave man.
Uzique The Lesser

Dilbert_X wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Jay wrote:

I have a friend with a BFA in ceramics... pottery isn't art?
making pottery is considered a craft. there's nobody saying you can't get a qualification in pottery.

and yes, if he went to an art school to make ceramics, chances are he's trying to make pottery into an art.
So you have to go to art school to make art.


Honestly, I don't think anyone is interested in hearing a self-selected cabal trying to dictate what is art and what isn't.
Its nebulous and subjective, no-one has a monopoly on determining if something fits or doesn't.
lol where did i say you have to go to an art school to make art? i just said that's nice for jay's friend. i said it signalled s/he clearly had an interest in making art. i didn't say it was a requirement. almost all of my favourite writers didn't go to writing school. that's a fatuous comment. there is a very serviceable definition and working distinction between an 'art' and a 'craft'. they're lumped together in common-speech, but really they are two distinct things. it's important to keep them as two distinct things, also. vital, even, in the realm of aesthetics. this stuff matters in philosophy. maybe not to you, whose only experience of art equals 'what painting should mom hang above the television', but to people who are actually interested. like i said earlier: just because a bunch of STEM guys aren't interested, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

"i don't think anyone is interested in hearing a self-elected mass of ingrates trying to dismiss what is art and what isn't"
Uzique The Lesser

Dilbert_X wrote:

Global migrants: Which are the most wanted professions?
good for you, isn't it. engineering is one of the least wanted degrees here in the UK now, along with computer science. i guess little articles like that make you feel better about flying abroad under your mommies wing as a 40 year old man.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
We've done this, UK employers seek out STEM graduates - even for non-STEM jobs, do we have to do it again?

Pretty well everywhere else, countries with functioning economies, STEM graduates are at the top of the tree - why does this make you so angry?

"i don't think anyone is interested in hearing a self-elected mass of ingrates trying to dismiss what is art and what isn't"
OK, so you have a fit when someone else has a view on what can and can't be described as art - why are you surprised people don't like it when you try to ram your view down everyone else throat?
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
ram my view? this is the accepted definition from hundreds of years of aesthetics. it's not my 'opinion'. this is what defines an art and a craft. every word and term and concept needs a workable definition, no? something you can go to an encyclopaedia of knowledge for and use, in a shared social context, to communicate about one thing with some clarity. an art and a craft are two different things. several hundred years of thinkers have elaborated on this distinction, and the social and moral reasons why it is important (cf. moral autonomy in kantian idealism, if you're that interested). this is not my 'opinion'. not everything in the arts boils down to "mere subjective opinion". that's the high-school level intellectual response to arts: "it's all subjective, maaan". lol. okay yeah. people since socrates' time have been in dialogue over art when it's just a subjectivist blackhole. you are correct. oh noes! the entire intellectual framework crumbles under your incisive gaze.

why are you so concerned about the UK job market when you fled away from it? all you seem to do is snipe about UK property prices and the dearth of opportunities here. you're not really practicing what you preach.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
It is subjective, the endless circle jerk and sniping from the 'arts' community at anything they deem 'outside' is dreary and contrived.
No-one cares, get over it.
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
nobody is claiming crafts is 'outside'. crafts are a celebrated part of 'inside'. just it's kind of useful to have a workable definition and distinction between an 'art' and a 'craft'. they are two different things. nobody is dismissing or rubbishing crafts. just they are evidently not 'fine arts'. a few prominent aestheticians have worked at length to explain why. i am merely saying this distinction exists. you are turning it into a "snobby art crowd" thing. it is not. you are being an idiot.

the difference between a pot made in a factory to decorate someone's living room, or hold flowers, and a pot made to be displayed in an art-gallery, for its aesthetic beauty/contemplative power, is not "subjective". the difference exists. again. please tell me more about this topic you know nothing about. i am intrigued. please keep me posted. i am taking notes. do you have an email?

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-03-27 06:44:00)


A Texas mother is outraged by a school quiz given to her son that seemingly blames the United States for the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Kara Sands posted the test her son received in fifth grade at the Flour Bluff Independent School District in September on her Facebook page, which attracted more than 1,600 users in support of her concerns. Sands told that she was most dismayed by a question that asked why the U.S. may be a target for terrorism. Her son chose the correct answer to the test that covered material from a video students watched in class: “Decisions we made in the United States have had negative effects on people elsewhere.”

"I'm not going to justify radical terrorists by saying we did anything to deserve that; over 3,000 people died," Sands told the station.

Sands later met with the school’s principal, her son’s teacher and contacted the video’s distributor, Safari Montage, whose representatives stand behind the video but have already changed the corresponding quiz.

School officials said Safari Montage representatives apologized for the wording of the question, saying it was not their intent to blame the United States for the terror attacks.

“In fact, the video was generated to convey a patriotic message, explaining the events of 911 [sic] and the way we memorialize it,” the statement released on Tuesday read.

Copies of the video are available to be viewed by parents, the statement continued.

Sands, meanwhile, plans to bring up her concerns during the next school board meeting on March 28.

"When I teach my children that you have to work hard and you have to earn a living and they go to school and learn something different, I absolutely take issue with that," she said.

Read more: … z2OoC510r9

But America did deserve 9/11. We completely had it coming. Spare me your tears. Can't say that in public here in NJ/NY though.
Germans did 911
+427|6990|Disaster Free Zone
I fail to see the controversy in the quiz.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Exceptionalism without question. Ignorance is strength. Strength is unity.
This country is doomed.
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

nobody is claiming crafts is 'outside'. crafts are a celebrated part of 'inside'. just it's kind of useful to have a workable definition and distinction between an 'art' and a 'craft'. they are two different things. nobody is dismissing or rubbishing crafts. just they are evidently not 'fine arts'. a few prominent aestheticians have worked at length to explain why. i am merely saying this distinction exists. you are turning it into a "snobby art crowd" thing. it is not. you are being an idiot.

the difference between a pot made in a factory to decorate someone's living room, or hold flowers, and a pot made to be displayed in an art-gallery, for its aesthetic beauty/contemplative power, is not "subjective". the difference exists. again. please tell me more about this topic you know nothing about. i am intrigued. please keep me posted. i am taking notes. do you have an email?
We weren't talking about the difference between factory made products and those handcrafted by starving artists using ibex horns as they recite Voltaire.

You can argue as hard as you like about some contrived definition of art, the fact that some people choose to simper over old Chinese pottery made in what today would be called a mass-production sweatshop, or a paint-by-numbers fill-in of a copy of a sketch done by an intern while Da Vinci was away and ridicule anything which doesn't meet their 'aesthetic measures' proves my point really.
Fuck Israel

DrunkFace wrote:

I fail to see the controversy in the quiz.
Australia deserved the Bali bombings too amirite.

But srsly 9-11 happened coz saudis and the US pissed off bin laden and he got butt hurt.

That is some deep historical and political analysis.

Macbeth wrote:

That is some deep historical and political analysis.
good intel right there.

Tbh, SE Asia becoming a pan islamic caliphate was more of a threat in the war on terror than some cavemen in afghan. you should read about the shit done by Jemmah Islamiya and Abu Sayeff
The X stands for
+1,818|6414|eXtreme to the maX
I thought asians were smart, why would they go muslim?
Fuck Israel

Dilbert_X wrote:

I thought asians were smart, why would they go muslim?
not this shit again. though there is racial tensions between Chinese and ethnic malays, javenese and shit in Indonesia and Malaysia (people of chinese descent own around 70% of the private economy)

Some of the stories that came out of that area during the Asian financial crisis were pretty bad. Rape, beheadings, dismemberment, rape, etc.

Do Malaysians export their women like they do in the Philippians or are the Muslims really strict about that sort of stuff?

Macbeth wrote:

Some of the stories that came out of that area during the Asian financial crisis were pretty bad. Rape, beheadings, dismemberment, rape, etc.
Yep it was pretty fucked up. A lot of it has to do with China's relations to "overseas" chinese. Kinda like how Nazi Germany kept calling people of "true aryan decent" to remain loyal to the fatherland and what not. China being a "civilization-state" does keep up a perception of lack of loyalty to the place they're living in.

I had an indonesian-chinese friend who copped a lot of shit for being chinese back home and even by indonesians in sydney.

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