So... Tomb Raider eh?
pretty cool game i like it
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
So, you'd be against your "play for fun" activity achieving spectator sports heights of such like the Superbowl, World Series, Wimbledon, PGA, NBA, etc?Uzique The Lesser wrote:
esports used to be run by people who "played for fun". now it's treated as a 'lifestyle' choice or 'profession' (shudder) and the corporates run the show, in a top-down hierarchy. you WILL watch the top teams and the top players. give us your ad money. come to the tournaments... but sit and spectate. almost every FPS tournament i went to back in the day had rag-tag teams of friends entering for fun, to get involved and shoot the shit. now it's about an audience all facing a stage. oh and buy the merchandise! plug the products. the community ethos of gaming is being pillaged whilst corporates laugh and get rich off people's enthusiasm for a video-game. such a great development. i am really excited for the future.
as i said before, the one-company-props-up-a-competitive-corporate-scene experiment failed with WoW arena, and that was the biggest game in the world in its day, too. LoL won't last. it's a speculative bubble. and almost none of the money and hype behind it is there because the actual game/community are 'oh wow'. all the major players are only in it for the temporary short-term profit motive.
if that sentence made any grammatical sense i would at least try and respond.
but then again, no i wouldn't, because real life activity and sports are quite a lot different from 'omg esportz'
but then again, no i wouldn't, because real life activity and sports are quite a lot different from 'omg esportz'
lol @ people who believe that e-sports are eventually going to rise to the same level of importance and popularity of real sports. I'm sorry but watching other people play a video game will never become un-lame.
wtf are you talking about? long as there is MOTHER FUCKING GOLF!!!!!!! there's a chance for artpainting with dead snails to become a sport!Spearhead wrote:
lol @ people who believe that e-sports are eventually going to rise to the same level of importance and popularity of real sports. I'm sorry but watching other people play a video game will never become un-lame.
No because golf is one of the oldest sports around and is steeped in class and elegence and esports are played by 16 year-old koreans hopped up on bawls and cheetos. People who go to golf tournaments largely reflect the aforementioned class and represent the upper echelon of society (generally speaking). E sports spectators are pimply faced nerdboys who speak in castrato.
Proper grammar via phone typing is a bitch...Uzique The Lesser wrote:
if that sentence made any grammatical sense i would at least try and respond.
but then again, no i wouldn't, because real life activity and sports are quite a lot different from 'omg esportz'
Got this game this weekend in the steam sale.
Have to say, it's pretty damn brilliant.
Have to say, it's pretty damn brilliant.
Does she ever do any tomb raiding or does it spend six of your hours showing you how much of a natural born killer she is after her initial and quickly forgotten shock at having killed someone?
I also have nothing against golf. My grandpa taught me a little about it, but my swing is worse than my Starcraft macro. But if I was more into it I wouldn't be all like "z0mg my new $150 iron is awesome *splooge splooge* look at you nerds doing nerdy things ha ha."
I like watching the occasional Starcraft 2 tournament matchup and chuckling at amateur games here and there (not that I can spend economy worth a damn in that game; I'm always sitting on top of like 1k+ minerals), but I suppose it's nothing compared to looking like a societal try-hard bragging about being into a game where you can rub elbows with "your betters." I think I'll go buy a Warhammer army and paint it with my tears in hopes that it'll someday gain your "jock approval."KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
No because golf is one of the oldest sports around and is steeped in class and elegence and esports are played by 16 year-old koreans hopped up on bawls and cheetos. People who go to golf tournaments largely reflect the aforementioned class and represent the upper echelon of society (generally speaking). E sports spectators are pimply faced nerdboys who speak in castrato.
I also have nothing against golf. My grandpa taught me a little about it, but my swing is worse than my Starcraft macro. But if I was more into it I wouldn't be all like "z0mg my new $150 iron is awesome *splooge splooge* look at you nerds doing nerdy things ha ha."

You honestly don't see the difference between golf and video games? Jesus christ. I can pick up a controller and bash the buttons enough and I will eventually kill a leet pro gamer even if I've got a blind fold on. Good luck getting close to beating a pro golfer without years or decades of practice. lolthepilot91 wrote:
wtf are you talking about? long as there is MOTHER FUCKING GOLF!!!!!!! there's a chance for artpainting with dead snails to become a sport!Spearhead wrote:
lol @ people who believe that e-sports are eventually going to rise to the same level of importance and popularity of real sports. I'm sorry but watching other people play a video game will never become un-lame.
Again... I think anyone that spends more than 2 minutes a month watching video game tournaments needs to have their priorities or head examined
Last edited by Spearhead (2013-05-06 15:36:11)
There are tombs which you can raid, yes
There are tombs which you can raid, yes
Consider me mollified.bennisboy wrote:
There are tombs which you can raid, yes
Getting 1 kill isnt going to win you any tournaments though is it. Geting one kill would be like beating a golfer on one hole, which is far from impossible. Then the pro would continue to penetrate you for the rest of the competition, same with gaming. Though I agree with you about watching touraments, I cant stand it.Spearhead wrote:
You honestly don't see the difference between golf and video games? Jesus christ. I can pick up a controller and bash the buttons enough and I will eventually kill a leet pro gamer even if I've got a blind fold on. Good luck getting close to beating a pro golfer without years or decades of practice. lolthepilot91 wrote:
wtf are you talking about? long as there is MOTHER FUCKING GOLF!!!!!!! there's a chance for artpainting with dead snails to become a sport!Spearhead wrote:
lol @ people who believe that e-sports are eventually going to rise to the same level of importance and popularity of real sports. I'm sorry but watching other people play a video game will never become un-lame.
Again... I think anyone that spends more than 2 minutes a month watching video game tournaments needs to have their priorities or head examined