Last edited by Superior Mind (2013-02-23 18:35:01)
Relevant: Coal Miner's Daughter (DVD)Uzique The Lesser wrote: … 5FZt0kV9zk
Chief Keef - Hate Bein' Sober
Gotta pay my respects to mah boi in the struggle, he's got the bergers too
Gotta pay my respects to mah boi in the struggle, he's got the bergers too
The fact is 'underground' had far more meaning back then than it does now, it wasn't just another search term to put into google or youtube. There weren't so many outlets, and not a single electronic one. Unless someone was going to raves in abandoned gasworks or clubs in ghetto basements realistically they wouldn't have heard of it, and even then there were plenty of DJs and experimental musicians very few of whom stood the test of time. Its easy to now say they were 'huge' then when they weren't necessarily.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
except i heard about all of my favourite music/bands socially, and i get all of my obscure music from record stores and networks of actual people -- you know, things that existed and promulgated before the internet. the internet's convenience has mostly served to help Harlem Shake and justin bieber famous. there was nothing stopping dilbert from hearing about this music in the 'olden times' - it wasn't a closed masonic network. also: warp records are one of the biggest british electronic labels of all time. it's not "obscure music". dilbert is just deficient in knowledge. this isn't highly specialized, kept-under-lock-and-key stuff. this is a context that is "more than you can possibly ever know", because me and dilbert are british, i.e. immersed in british music and culture, and you are an american, who was more busy moshing to mascara'd men playing nu-metal during the 90's and 00's. "so be it".
Networks of people, they were slow and hard to tap into when bulletin boards and instant messaging were barely in their infancy and mostly used for swapping vector graphics porn.
Still, I was there and you hadn't been born, so I'll go with my recollection over your imagination
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-02-23 22:30:59)
Fuck Israel
Fuck Israel
aphex twin was a giant in like, 1994. these people were all on television, on the bbc's culture show, being interviewed on MTV - stuff like that. it wasn't some 'underground' "secret rave location TBA text message for details", illegal-rave thing. warp records have always been a 'mainstream' label, not an underground label. warp records always sold a LOT of records. these weren't 500 copies limited-press bespoke collectibles. they sold 10,000's of even their most eclectically-leaning material. aphex twin was used on BMW adverts in the early 00's, ffs. most of the warp artists have had their back-catalogue licensed to to programs like TOP GEAR as the dramatic/hi-tech/swish-swoosh modernist accompaniment. underground secret 'need to know someone' music this is not. quite bizarre and complex musically, certainly, but as i said, not the fucking freemason's lodge house band. just because i wasn't there, doesn't mean it's not easy to find evidence of their popularity in the 90's - that's just a crappy, condescending argument. the guy was written about by rolling stone in the early 90's; he had top 50 singles; he had a music video (that's a music video that was shown, you know, on MTV) directed by jarvis cocker - you know, lead singer of one of the world's most popular britpop groups. in 1993. so please stop talking shit about his 'underground' secrecy.
again, i find you are both prevaricating quite a lot just to make up for the simple fact that you overlooked/had a gap in your knowledge about something. constantly inferring i am 'too young to know better' doesn't really excuse the fact that you evidently missed a major musical trend in the 90's. i don't know what shocks and affronts you so much - it's just music ffs - that you want to make blinding excuses for 2+ pages.
again, i find you are both prevaricating quite a lot just to make up for the simple fact that you overlooked/had a gap in your knowledge about something. constantly inferring i am 'too young to know better' doesn't really excuse the fact that you evidently missed a major musical trend in the 90's. i don't know what shocks and affronts you so much - it's just music ffs - that you want to make blinding excuses for 2+ pages.
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-02-24 04:29:30)
In the game sleeping dogs there was an entire radio station for warp records
it was a good station
it was a good station

Come to Daddy was on RAGE (music video show) about every other week for years since it came out in 1997. I know because I used to stay up and watch it late at night every weekend when I was 15/16. Then it was Windowlicker when that was released (the full clip too).
Comparing Shakira to Aphex Twin in your signature is to wear your ignorance with pride.
Comparing Shakira to Aphex Twin in your signature is to wear your ignorance with pride.
Last edited by Jaekus (2013-02-24 07:10:42)
lol >listening to Chief Keef._j5689_ wrote:
Chief Keef - Hate Bein' Sober
Gotta pay my respects to mah boi in the struggle, he's got the bergers too
I'm not suprised he's got da bergz, explains everything after hearing lead singles like Dont like and that Sosa stuff.
Listening to the preview of How to Destroy Angels upcoming album Welcome Oblivion. It's only onto the second track, which is the opening track from their recent EP An Omen.
Streaming ceases on Tuesday, US time -
Streaming ceases on Tuesday, US time -
Last edited by Jaekus (2013-02-24 20:12:18)
This girl is amazing.
Fall seven times. Stand up eight.
I tried track 4, Coffin Fodder. It sounds horrible, but... it's actually quite beautiful.

quite surprised nobody here has mentioned this album yet
hi kimmmmmmmmmmmmmm
How's austin?