Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England
Does bullying shifty really make you all feel better about yourselves? So fucking sad.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
You should take the internet less seriously.

Jay wrote:

I like the dumbfuck rednecks a lot more than I like know-it-all paternalistic liberals. hurr der 200 year old constitution. that 200 year old piece of paper is also what grants us the right to free speech, freedom of the press, protection from illegal search and seizure, the right to due process and trial by jury, and protection against cruel and unusual punishment. Seriously, YOU fuck off. You don't live here. None of what we do impacts your life. Go play in traffic.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo … ntion_camp

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

My bad, when I think of 22 here, I think of a bolt action. Mags don't need to be high cap. Keep it at 10 for everybody. Need bigger? Prove it and you can have it.
You're the one trying to restrict my liberties; you need to give me a valid reason not to have a high capacity magazine. I do not need to prove anything.

And you determine their eligibility by the requirement for the firearm. Rifle for hunting, semi for shooting targets at a range or whatever, pistol for home defence. Register it, store it safely and you'll be left alone to do what you want with it. If you gun turns up in a crime or reported missing, prove it was stored safely at the time and get yourself a new one, can't prove it was stored safely and your eligibility goes down a rung. Super simple stuff, and you get to keep your guns. Sorta like straya.
My requirement is that I desire a firearm. My Constitution says I have the right to own one. It does not say which weapon I can own, it just says I can bear arms. The Constitution doesn't say I can't have a colonial era cannon. Once again you need to tell me why it should be hard for me to obtain the weapon of my choosing. Why are you regulating 99% of the population just in case 1% does something violent?

I agree that obtaining a gun, even with regulation, is not hard. I don't necessarily mind regulation that much. I don't like having restrictions for lousy reasons as you can see.
I would happily support an amendment to the constitution specifically prohibiting you and others like you from owning so much as a BB gun. Your knowledge of this country seems to only extend to a rough understanding of the second amendment of the US constitution and no further, and your refusal to explain yourself in a way that makes sense (or at all) isn't helping matters much. Your time would be better spent learning shooting stances from Call of Duty than trolling this section with your inane banter.

Jay wrote:

Does bullying shifty really make you all feel better about yourselves? So fucking sad.
Bullying? HAH!
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5675|London, England
What would you call it if a group of people relentlessly attacked someone that was obviously weaker than themselves? Pretty much the definition of the word 'bullying' isn't it?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock

Jay wrote:

I like the dumbfuck rednecks a lot more than I like know-it-all paternalistic liberals. hurr der 200 year old constitution. that 200 year old piece of paper is also what grants us the right to free speech, freedom of the press, protection from illegal search and seizure, the right to due process and trial by jury, and protection against cruel and unusual punishment. Seriously, YOU fuck off. You don't live here. None of what we do impacts your life. Go play in traffic.
Cos you're the only country with a consitution, and the only country to have those rights. Seriously?

And no it's no bullying, he's a just a dumb parrot with one defence - the constitution. Nothing else. as long as he gets to have all his cool lethal toys who gives a fuck. Everyone else at least puts up half decent arguments, he just goes, "Consitushion faygets, ill own wat the fuk i like n i dun care if u thik im a redneck *post picture of bald eagle in front of american flag with tear down its cheek*"
plundering yee booty
+510|5791|Ventura, California

Jay wrote:

I like the dumbfuck rednecks a lot more than I like know-it-all paternalistic liberals. hurr der 200 year old constitution. that 200 year old piece of paper is also what grants us the right to free speech, freedom of the press, protection from illegal search and seizure, the right to due process and trial by jury, and protection against cruel and unusual punishment. Seriously, YOU fuck off. You don't live here. None of what we do impacts your life. Go play in traffic.
Fucking thank god this is the shit Adams doesn't get.

Adams, you want to regulate my weapons, you don't have the power to do so but for arguments sake I'm asking you why you want to regulate them, which ones you want to regulate, and what gives you the right to regulate them. Those are simple, mature, adult questions. Don't give me that "You're a child" bullshit after I actually stop and take a moment to be serious. We were having a good discussion until you acted as the child and told me to fuck off and quit debating.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.

Jay wrote:

What would you call it if a group of people relentlessly attacked someone that was obviously weaker than themselves? Pretty much the definition of the word 'bullying' isn't it?
Bullying implies unwarranted attention. Shifty is starting arguments that he can't figure out how to back, and you say we're mean for calling him out on it? Do you not agree that he should educate himself on US history if he's so interested in discussing policy [e: or being a self-proclaimed patriot]? Particularly for gun control, you'd think assassination would be on his short list of things to smarten up on. But no, instead we get an indignant (to paraphrase) "I don't know what the Kennedy bros. were shot with, OK?" followed by his usual.

After all that, he still hasn't explained to me just why it is we need assault rifles to defend ourselves from "tyranny."

-Sh1fty- wrote:

you told me to fuck off and quit debating.
That's rich.

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Fuck this shit, I'm keeping whatever weapons I want. Call me a redneck, call me stupid, call me whatever the hell you want.

plundering yee booty
+510|5791|Ventura, California
I can back it up more than you can UN13. I've mentioned several times that less than 1% of the US population commits violent crimes with guns and you are advocating we penalize over 99% of the population because of the actions of a few radicals. We don't ban free speech because Westboro Baptist Church is a hate group and uses the First Amendment to spread their hatred. Why should we regulate the Second Amendment if a few radicals go out on a spree once or twice a year? Shit happens, you can't have a 300m+ population and not have crazies.

There were under 10,000 violent crimes with weapons, or was it murders I can't remember the statistic, in the US during 2011. There were over 300 million Americans at the time.  That's 0.00333% of the population. You want 99.99666 percent of the population to have a hard time because of it? That is justifiably "FUCK OFF" to you.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
So what percentage does the murder rate need to get to before it becomes important to you?


Dodging a question by parroting stats is a weak move. Are you going to answer me or dig through your propaganda pamphlets for more cookie-cutter counterarguments? Why do we need assault rifles to defend ourselves from tyranny?
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Jay wrote:

I like the dumbfuck rednecks a lot more than I like know-it-all paternalistic liberals. hurr der 200 year old constitution. that 200 year old piece of paper is also what grants us the right to free speech, freedom of the press, protection from illegal search and seizure, the right to due process and trial by jury, and protection against cruel and unusual punishment. Seriously, YOU fuck off. You don't live here. None of what we do impacts your life. Go play in traffic.
Fucking thank god this is the shit Adams doesn't get.

Adams, you want to regulate my weapons, you don't have the power to do so but for arguments sake I'm asking you why you want to regulate them, which ones you want to regulate, and what gives you the right to regulate them. Those are simple, mature, adult questions. Don't give me that "You're a child" bullshit after I actually stop and take a moment to be serious. We were having a good discussion until you acted as the child and told me to fuck off and quit debating.

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

My bad, when I think of 22 here, I think of a bolt action. Mags don't need to be high cap. Keep it at 10 for everybody. Need bigger? Prove it and you can have it.
You're the one trying to restrict my liberties; you need to give me a valid reason not to have a high capacity magazine. I do not need to prove anything.

And you determine their eligibility by the requirement for the firearm. Rifle for hunting, semi for shooting targets at a range or whatever, pistol for home defence. Register it, store it safely and you'll be left alone to do what you want with it. If you gun turns up in a crime or reported missing, prove it was stored safely at the time and get yourself a new one, can't prove it was stored safely and your eligibility goes down a rung. Super simple stuff, and you get to keep your guns. Sorta like straya.
My requirement is that I desire a firearm. My Constitution says I have the right to own one. It does not say which weapon I can own, it just says I can bear arms. The Constitution doesn't say I can't have a colonial era cannon. Once again you need to tell me why it should be hard for me to obtain the weapon of my choosing. Why are you regulating 99% of the population just in case 1% does something violent?

I agree that obtaining a gun, even with regulation, is not hard. I don't necessarily mind regulation that much. I don't like having restrictions for lousy reasons as you can see.
I've done this, and like before - you went right to the constitution. You ask me how to regulate, I give you an example, and you just go "Nope, constitution says.." You wanting to own a firearm isn't a good enough reason to own a firearm. Me saying you don't need a high cap magazine isn't restricting your liberties, saying you can't have a magazine at all could be. Simple reason is there is no reason you NEED a high cap magazine. You can do the same thing with a 10 round magazine, and then when you run out, you put the next magazine in. There.

And you need to stop saying you're being punished for the 1%. You're not getting punished.

How about you have a think about what I said, and if you need clarification, ask for clarification into what the process might be and continue. Don't ask something and when you disagree fall back on the piece of paper which for some reason you hold so dear to your heart.
plundering yee booty
+510|5791|Ventura, California

unnamednewbie13 wrote:


Dodging a question by parroting stats is a weak move. Are you going to answer me or dig through your propaganda pamphlets for more cookie-cutter counterarguments? Why do we need assault rifles to defend ourselves from tyranny?
Dodging a question is one thing. Giving statistics is something you cannot ignore as they are facts. What was your question?

To answer yours above in this quote; we need assault rifles to overthrow the government if need be, which is why we have a 2nd Amendment.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock
I wonder what the percentage of people are who own assault rifles because they are fuck off cool, compared to those that would willingly try and over throw a government.
plundering yee booty
+510|5791|Ventura, California

Adams_BJ wrote:

I wonder what the percentage of people are who own assault rifles because they are fuck off cool, compared to those that would willingly try and over throw a government.
Doesn't matter, there's no reason to ban them as 0.6 percent of gun-related crime is committing with the use of an assault rifle. That is an amount we can afford to disregard as it is so insignificant. So again, why do you want to take away my tacticool semi-automatic 30-round .223 AR-15 when only 48 people used them to commit a crime?
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock
What do you mean it doesn't matter? That's the whole reason you have the second amendment, man!


What kind of answer is that? You don't see the point. If you can kill important people with hunting rifles and handguns, then why the heck do we need assault rifles to defend ourselves from tyranny? I still can't help but think you're taking this country massively for granted. Show some respect and brush up on our history and politics before pulling out your how-to guide for arguing against gun-control. And stop acting like a beleaguered patriot until you can back that up.

Your use of statistics was like the most half-hearted kicking of dirt I've ever seen. "I don't have to answer you straight so here's these numbers! I won't try to make them seem relevant, that's just automatically your burden of proof." Puh-lease.
plundering yee booty
+510|5791|Ventura, California
It doesn't matter if people want to own one to defend against tyranny or not. They have the right to own one if they so choose.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock
I don't think a true, blue blooded patriot american would take advantage of the constitution like that, man.
plundering yee booty
+510|5791|Ventura, California
If you want to debate like a child I won't respond. Let me know when you have a serious response.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.

-Sh1fty- wrote:

It doesn't matter if people want to own one to defend against tyranny or not. They have the right to own one if they so choose.
By that logic, I should be able to purchase a fully-operational M1A2 Abrams and carpool to work every day because you never know when you'll have to shoot at a black helicopter. Heck, we should all just drive surplus tanks around, keep U-235 in our basements and arm all commercial airliners with neurotoxins and AAM/ASM munitions. If you think this is a good idea, then you're hopeless.

But it occurs to me that you still might be confused as to the difference between assault rifles and assault weapons. Hint: one's a technical term. The other's political.

-Sh1fty- wrote:

If you want to debate like a child I won't respond. Let me know when you have a serious response.
"I want it and that's a good enough reason!"
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock

-Sh1fty- wrote:

If you want to debate like a child I won't respond. Let me know when you have a serious response.

Adams_BJ wrote:

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Jay wrote:

I like the dumbfuck rednecks a lot more than I like know-it-all paternalistic liberals. hurr der 200 year old constitution. that 200 year old piece of paper is also what grants us the right to free speech, freedom of the press, protection from illegal search and seizure, the right to due process and trial by jury, and protection against cruel and unusual punishment. Seriously, YOU fuck off. You don't live here. None of what we do impacts your life. Go play in traffic.
Fucking thank god this is the shit Adams doesn't get.

Adams, you want to regulate my weapons, you don't have the power to do so but for arguments sake I'm asking you why you want to regulate them, which ones you want to regulate, and what gives you the right to regulate them. Those are simple, mature, adult questions. Don't give me that "You're a child" bullshit after I actually stop and take a moment to be serious. We were having a good discussion until you acted as the child and told me to fuck off and quit debating.

-Sh1fty- wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

My bad, when I think of 22 here, I think of a bolt action. Mags don't need to be high cap. Keep it at 10 for everybody. Need bigger? Prove it and you can have it.
You're the one trying to restrict my liberties; you need to give me a valid reason not to have a high capacity magazine. I do not need to prove anything.

And you determine their eligibility by the requirement for the firearm. Rifle for hunting, semi for shooting targets at a range or whatever, pistol for home defence. Register it, store it safely and you'll be left alone to do what you want with it. If you gun turns up in a crime or reported missing, prove it was stored safely at the time and get yourself a new one, can't prove it was stored safely and your eligibility goes down a rung. Super simple stuff, and you get to keep your guns. Sorta like straya.
My requirement is that I desire a firearm. My Constitution says I have the right to own one. It does not say which weapon I can own, it just says I can bear arms. The Constitution doesn't say I can't have a colonial era cannon. Once again you need to tell me why it should be hard for me to obtain the weapon of my choosing. Why are you regulating 99% of the population just in case 1% does something violent?

I agree that obtaining a gun, even with regulation, is not hard. I don't necessarily mind regulation that much. I don't like having restrictions for lousy reasons as you can see.
I've done this, and like before - you went right to the constitution. You ask me how to regulate, I give you an example, and you just go "Nope, constitution says.." You wanting to own a firearm isn't a good enough reason to own a firearm. Me saying you don't need a high cap magazine isn't restricting your liberties, saying you can't have a magazine at all could be. Simple reason is there is no reason you NEED a high cap magazine. You can do the same thing with a 10 round magazine, and then when you run out, you put the next magazine in. There.

And you need to stop saying you're being punished for the 1%. You're not getting punished.

How about you have a think about what I said, and if you need clarification, ask for clarification into what the process might be and continue. Don't ask something and when you disagree fall back on the piece of paper which for some reason you hold so dear to your heart.
plundering yee booty
+510|5791|Ventura, California

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

-Sh1fty- wrote:

It doesn't matter if people want to own one to defend against tyranny or not. They have the right to own one if they so choose.
By that logic, I should be able to purchase a fully-operational M1A2 Abrams and carpool to work every day because you never know when you'll have to shoot at a black helicopter. Heck, we should all just drive surplus tanks around, keep U-235 in our basements and arm all commercial airliners with neurotoxins and AAM/ASM munitions. If you think this is a good idea, then you're hopeless.

But it occurs to me that you still might be confused as to the difference between assault rifles and assault weapons. Hint: one's a technical term. The other's political.
Don't give me that black helicopter rhetoric. You can not win an argument by taking my statements and pushing them to extremes. Your desire to restrict my weapons is so strong but you can't come up with a single valid reason to put forward such laws.

When did I ever argue for anything more than firearms? You're whining about how I want us all to drive tanks to work when I never said a damn thing about it. Not to mention we already can own and drive around APCs, IFVs, and MBTs albeit older ones.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
plundering yee booty
+510|5791|Ventura, California

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

-Sh1fty- wrote:

If you want to debate like a child I won't respond. Let me know when you have a serious response.
"I want it and that's a good enough reason!"
Now you're the one being stupid. This is the correct quote, "I want it, and my Constitution says I can own one."

Why do you want to control guns?
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock
Can you, as an every day citizen, openly carry a loaded weapon of any variety into a domestic airport?
plundering yee booty
+510|5791|Ventura, California

Airports are privately owned, as are the jets. The owner of the establishment and air vehicles is allowed to restrict whatever he so chooses from his property.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.

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