I think I've settled on the S&W M&P 15-22 Sport.
It's almost time for my annual trip to the Poconos...
List of the rifles available at the range we go to:

Pistols too!
List of the rifles available at the range we go to:

Pistols too!

Last edited by Jay (2013-01-25 08:36:57)
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Man, if I wasn't saving up for a house I'd drop the $2500 to own a SCAR-H
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Of all the places in the world to have a vacation to, why are you going to Pennsylvania?
Just a weekend thing we do every year. One of my friends' parents own a house there so like twelve of us head out there every winter for a weekend of drinking games and other fun. Besides, as long as the Cross-Bronx isn't in nightmare mode, it's like a 2-2.5 hour drive out there.Macbeth wrote:
Of all the places in the world to have a vacation to, why are you going to Pennsylvania?
Last edited by Jay (2013-01-25 08:49:43)
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Ironically the bolstering of police weaponry will be the eventual response if the wider gun issue isn't curbed.Jay wrote:
There was a news article yesterday about a 38,000 person 'city' in Iowa that hasn't had a murder in years, but possesses a 12 man SWAT team. The patrol cops are now requesting to be allowed to carry AR-15s in their squad cars because they're afraid of being 'outgunned'. Seriously, the militarization of our police is more concerning to me than private citizens having semi-automatic rifles.-Whiteroom- wrote:
Its a tyranny of SWAT!
Guns to defeat government!
Drives government to better armed personnel.
No, not really. Cops would be slobbering over military equipment regardless of how well the public was armed. A lot of cops are in National Guard units because it helps them with promotions in their civilian police jobs. Because of this, many of them have deployed overseas to Iraq and Afghanistan where they got used to carrying M-16s around with them every day. Going back to carrying a 9mm pistol on their hip probably makes them feel less manly.M.O.A.B wrote:
Ironically the bolstering of police weaponry will be the eventual response if the wider gun issue isn't curbed.Jay wrote:
There was a news article yesterday about a 38,000 person 'city' in Iowa that hasn't had a murder in years, but possesses a 12 man SWAT team. The patrol cops are now requesting to be allowed to carry AR-15s in their squad cars because they're afraid of being 'outgunned'. Seriously, the militarization of our police is more concerning to me than private citizens having semi-automatic rifles.-Whiteroom- wrote:
Its a tyranny of SWAT!
Guns to defeat government!
Drives government to better armed personnel.
All of the above, and the fact that when the Bush administration created the Department of Homeland Security, they released millions of surplus military weapons, as well as billions of dollars, to civilian police forces in the name of fighting terror. This was not only a huge boon to all of the macho SWAT wannabes in podunk towns, it was also a multi-billion dollar a year gift to the arms manufacturing industry. Those surplus weapons will wear out over time and need to be replaced, and those SWAT teams will keep expanding their roles to justify their existence.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
If you can slobber over military equipment, can't they? Also aren't they more likely to be in a situation where they need it. Any argument for you to have more powerful weaponry goes double for them. Also, I didn't know SWAT teams only responded to murders?
And yet without SWAT, we get another NH don't we? I mean you did say that could never happen again because SWAT exists.
Does a 38,000 citizen town need 12 dedicated SWAT officers? My hometown was the same size and I think we probably had twelve full time cops period.M.O.A.B wrote:
And yet without SWAT, we get another NH don't we? I mean you did say that could never happen again because SWAT exists.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Perhaps it does, what are the crime levels like there.Jay wrote:
Does a 38,000 citizen town need 12 dedicated SWAT officers? My hometown was the same size and I think we probably had twelve full time cops period.M.O.A.B wrote:
And yet without SWAT, we get another NH don't we? I mean you did say that could never happen again because SWAT exists.
Does more guns remedy that problem?Jay wrote:
Does a 38,000 citizen town need 12 dedicated SWAT officers? My hometown was the same size and I think we probably had twelve full time cops period.M.O.A.B wrote:
And yet without SWAT, we get another NH don't we? I mean you did say that could never happen again because SWAT exists.
We should circle the drain one more time on this one just to be sure. The response: "no, but they're fun."
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Cause you know, like, tyranny is more likely to happen than murder, robberies or hostage situations...Jay wrote:
Does a 38,000 citizen town need 12 dedicated SWAT officers? My hometown was the same size and I think we probably had twelve full time cops period.M.O.A.B wrote:
And yet without SWAT, we get another NH don't we? I mean you did say that could never happen again because SWAT exists.
the military has had M16s for 50 years. That's 50 years of cops slobbering over military equipment. So how come cops only started carrying AR's AFTER the N. Hollywood shootout? It was a change in policy to equip police with firepower to match criminals. Your little social study is nonsense.Jay wrote:
No, not really. Cops would be slobbering over military equipment regardless of how well the public was armed. A lot of cops are in National Guard units because it helps them with promotions in their civilian police jobs. Because of this, many of them have deployed overseas to Iraq and Afghanistan where they got used to carrying M-16s around with them every day. Going back to carrying a 9mm pistol on their hip probably makes them feel less manly.
All of the above, and the fact that when the Bush administration created the Department of Homeland Security, they released millions of surplus military weapons, as well as billions of dollars, to civilian police forces in the name of fighting terror. This was not only a huge boon to all of the macho SWAT wannabes in podunk towns, it was also a multi-billion dollar a year gift to the arms manufacturing industry. Those surplus weapons will wear out over time and need to be replaced, and those SWAT teams will keep expanding their roles to justify their existence.
You do have a point re: the creation of DHS and more federal tax money flowing to state/city police forces. That's why you have SWAT teams in podunk towns. It's not why cops carry AR-15s in the trunk of their cars now though.
How often do hostage situations happen? Not very. Our police are too militarized and our prison systems are too packed in part because of this. Every town doesn't need a SWAT unit. Neither does every county in most states. You could have a dedicated SWAT team for an an entire state and they still wouldn't be too busy to sit and watch a game at the station.
Right now you have town SWAT teams smashing into people's homes on little more than tips that they are selling meth or crack. It is insane and 10X worse than anything you will experience at the airport.
Right now you have town SWAT teams smashing into people's homes on little more than tips that they are selling meth or crack. It is insane and 10X worse than anything you will experience at the airport.
Not a murder in years according to jay... So yeah you don't really need a dedicated 12 man swat team. You just need cops who know how to handle an AR.coke wrote:
Perhaps it does, what are the crime levels like there.Jay wrote:
Does a 38,000 citizen town need 12 dedicated SWAT officers? My hometown was the same size and I think we probably had twelve full time cops period.M.O.A.B wrote:
And yet without SWAT, we get another NH don't we? I mean you did say that could never happen again because SWAT exists.
SWAT doesn't just deal with murders. In fact, SWAT hardly deals with murders. They are who you call for drug raids, hostage situations, kidnappings, bank robberies, etc.
Cybargs, in your extensive knowledge of US you didn't think to bring this point up?
Cybargs, in your extensive knowledge of US you didn't think to bring this point up?
And for those reasons, the war on drugs will never end
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Yeah I'm pretty sure a 38,000 person town needs a dedicated swat team dealing with kidnappings, bank robberies and hostage situations, where they have 0 murders. Hmmm must've been a weird town with no murders yet you need to be ready for drug raids, hostage situations, kidnappings and bank robberies.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
SWAT doesn't just deal with murders. In fact, SWAT hardly deals with murders. They are who you call for drug raids, hostage situations, kidnappings, bank robberies, etc.
Cybargs, in your extensive knowledge of US you didn't think to bring this point up?
I need clarification. We're inverting the typical hierarchy of gun-allowances to assume that if anyone should have guns it should be the citizens, in order to work up from the new bottom which would be the government? But we're starting with the police force in the center of the citzen-->police-->government system?
Someone make a relevant point soon, I can't see the Serious Talk in this.
In recent news, I farted so loudly next to a wall that my neighbor woke up. Now, a fart is pretty much gas leaving a confined space and projecting stench into the world. And it's natural. So therefore I think guns are natural.
Someone make a relevant point soon, I can't see the Serious Talk in this.
In recent news, I farted so loudly next to a wall that my neighbor woke up. Now, a fart is pretty much gas leaving a confined space and projecting stench into the world. And it's natural. So therefore I think guns are natural.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Chemical warfare.
Every town in America has a SWAT team, it's a well documented and acknowledged fact that the police is now largely militarizedCybargs wrote:
Yeah I'm pretty sure a 38,000 person town needs a dedicated swat team dealing with kidnappings, bank robberies and hostage situations, where they have 0 murders. Hmmm must've been a weird town with no murders yet you need to be ready for drug raids, hostage situations, kidnappings and bank robberies.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
SWAT doesn't just deal with murders. In fact, SWAT hardly deals with murders. They are who you call for drug raids, hostage situations, kidnappings, bank robberies, etc.
Cybargs, in your extensive knowledge of US you didn't think to bring this point up?
It has zero percent to do with murder rates.
Guy on the right has a mini-14. It's just like the AR-15. It has the same sights, it fires the same bullet, if can have the same ammo capacity, the only difference is it isn't evil and black and doesn't have an evil pistol grip and both are semi automatic.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
OK, but I still think shifty believes the Koreans in that pic have M-16's or something.
It's the same fucking weapon but Feinstein thinks they aren't.
And above your tomb, the stars will belong to us.
But you need an assault rifle in case someone tries to break in...Cybargs wrote:
Yeah I'm pretty sure a 38,000 person town needs a dedicated swat team dealing with kidnappings, bank robberies and hostage situations, where they have 0 murders. Hmmm must've been a weird town with no murders yet you need to be ready for drug raids, hostage situations, kidnappings and bank robberies.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
SWAT doesn't just deal with murders. In fact, SWAT hardly deals with murders. They are who you call for drug raids, hostage situations, kidnappings, bank robberies, etc.
Cybargs, in your extensive knowledge of US you didn't think to bring this point up?
Last edited by -Whiteroom- (2013-01-25 11:51:24)