=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:
chuyskywalker wrote:
In a public forum (speaking area, not "forums" like this website) you are allowed freedom of speech -- this forum (the website this time) however is NOT a public forum (still with me?)
A forum that ANYONE in the world can register to and from any internet access point on the globe. Sounds pretty much like a "public forum" to me, in fact you couldn't get much more public without investing millions on advertising.
Ohh, let's play the 'extending analogies to far' game! So, by your same logic:
your stupid logic with a find and replace applied wrote:
A HOUSE that ANYONE in the world can ENTER to and from any AIRPORT/TAXI on the globe. Sounds pretty much like a "public HOUSE" to me
So you won't have a problem if I start sending people over your place to tell you how much they enjoy banging your mother while bad mouthing your family heritage or other equally obscene or disrepecful things? K, just checking.
Just because you allow people into your private space DOES NOT revoke my right to kick people out for whatever damn reason I feel like. Make no mistake, this server, website, forums, and all are private property.
back to you... wrote:
chuyskywalker wrote:
you are NOT entitled to the luxury of speaking you mind outside of the boundries myself, other admins, and the mods believe is acceptable.
Didn't Hitler say something along the same lines???
+ points for throwing in a cloaked "you must be a nazi and completely morally corrupt" subcontext right there.
Going back to the above logic, all those people I send into your house, don't even try to throw them out of YOUR residence since that would clearly not be acceptable and would make you out to be the anti-christ. mmkthnx