Only one very extremely forever banned is androo. Some have the priviledge of posting with a limit. Some have other things to do in life. Some get bored.
tuckergustav wrote:
13440 postsBrasso wrote:
give me all the info you have on me
84 mod history
was haffeysucks
I'm curious.Jay wrote:
Do me! Do me!
What's my post count, mod history, and AWM count?
^4649 posts, 15 history, 2 AWM.
We could promote you to mod and let you get right on it.
Is there a page showing the top 50 members by karma? I should be in the top 15 at least for that.
I r karmaz.
can I see my bf2s statz
I wants my statz page statz!
kmarMacbeth wrote:
Is there a page showing the top 50 members by karma? I should be in the top 15 at least for that.
the rest of the unwashed masses

didn't Alpha and ATG have a lot as well?

i never understood karma, i used it to send messages to ppl that i dint care if the world read aloud, and reply to those sent to me.AussieReaper wrote:
kmarMacbeth wrote:
Is there a page showing the top 50 members by karma? I should be in the top 15 at least for that.
the rest of the unwashed masses
then again, i should be kept from a keyboard, any keyboard, when my wet brain has had an assault that ma liver couldn't repel.
i once thought that lowing, usmarine, and stingray24 were idiot wingnuts that dragged the site down, but in a moment i realized stupidity didn't subscribe to a political belief - politics are just a wayto manipulate weak minds. cheaper than alcohol, to be sure, and weak assburgers like warman were willing to subscribe to when he was spoonfed drivel and tripe and loudly and happily parrot to win his parents' approval.
i think the the time has come to demod KENNINGS and allow this thread to post honesty without douchebags allowed to censor posts, especially when their bias is evident by their rectal/cranium inversion.
it's a good thing there's not a breathalyzer installed on this keyboard, or this post would be devoid of what i really think, and some asshole mod wouldn't have to be bothered with sending me yet another AWM (Note to Mod - i'm running low on toiletpaper, send me yet another AWM so i can wipe my ass with it).
in other news, i missed my friends here, and got another camera.
because i didn't spam the photography near enough with a two thousand dollar camera, and build a minecraft server - i wanted to be able to

FixedGeorge Carlin wrote:
i once thought that lowing, usmarine, and stingray24 were idiot wingnuts that dragged the site down, but in a moment i realized stupidity didn't subscribe to a political belief - politics are just a wayto manipulate weak minds. cheaper than alcohol, to be sure, and weak ASPBERGERS like warman were willing to subscribe to when he was spoonfed drivel and tripe and loudly and happily parrot to win his parents' approval
Fuck Israel
George Carlin=burnzz
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
i have too many deleted posts
half my posts are deleted
half my posts are deleted
Last edited by Mutantbear (2013-01-14 07:53:43)

Doubt it. You're like 71:1 post-to-event.
I never get awms for my deleted posts, people just delete them. Also I always post in the spammer threads before they get deleted by a modunnamednewbie13 wrote:
Doubt it. You're like 71:1 post-to-event.

I am a top poster.
On ya mate!
