wait a minute is jay seriously trying to claim that your annual income relates to the amount of sex you have in any significant way?
what the fuck am i even reading.
your 'dickensian' image was telling, because that was the last historical era when such a 'correlation' held any water: back when the worst-off and lowest-classes didn't have access to or education about contraceptives or sex. all the rest, about the 'idle poor' basically lying around scratching their asses and mating like rabbits... is something straight out of a right-wing paranoiac sex fantasy.
what the fuck am i even reading.
your 'dickensian' image was telling, because that was the last historical era when such a 'correlation' held any water: back when the worst-off and lowest-classes didn't have access to or education about contraceptives or sex. all the rest, about the 'idle poor' basically lying around scratching their asses and mating like rabbits... is something straight out of a right-wing paranoiac sex fantasy.