Okay people, I've done a full diff between the all of the files after running the incremental and full.
I had about 10 CTDs after the incremental, and tried clearing my profile, changing settings, clearing caches, and everything I could think of. The last resort was to apply to full patch, but I snapshotted the whole bf2 folder before and after so at least I could try and find out if the incremental wasn't patching properly. The result was (apart from lots of file deletions which were left after the diff) there is one file different:
Here's the diff for techy people:
diff -r Battlefield 2/makeMiniMap.con Copy (2) of Battlefield 2/makeMiniMap.con
< varExec v_minCulldist = renderer.minCulldistance
< renderer.minCullDistance 2000
< renderer.makeTopWorldScreen 512 miniMap 0/300/0 2048
> renderer.makeTopWorldScreen 512 miniMap 0/500/0 2048
< renderer.minCulldistance v_minCulldist
If you are getting the CTD after the incremental, you could try updating this file AT YOUR OWN RISK and see if it fixes the problem. Here's the version included in the full:
EDIT: I've had 10+ successful joins with no CTDs so far. I'll edit this post if I get a CTD.
I'm going to try changing back to the old file and see if it CTDs.
UPDATE: Doesn't CTD with the version from the incremental.. just plain weird...
EDIT: Next theory to test, the full patch made 56 deletions that the incremental left in my BF2 folder.... I WILL break my BF2 again eventually
Last edited by UnOriginalNuttah (2006-05-25 18:53:46)