Jaekus wrote:
So 10 instances of voter fraud out of 146 million people is grounds for changing laws which will undoubtedly prevent thousands of legitimate voters from voting when the trend seems to clearly favour one party over the other?
Land of the free.
The rampant voter fraud in 1960's Chicago dramatically favored the Democratic party, and JFK.
1960's Chicago politics -
Vote early, vote often, bring your dead relatives!This season, the charge is that it would favor the Republicans.
Last season there was doubt about the electronic voting machines (Diebolds, etc).
How is requiring someone to do such a mundane everyday act, like presenting a photo ID, going to disenfranchise a large block of people?
It's a silly argument, and smoke and mirrors.
You have to present ID to do the most mundane things in modern society.
(Buy alcohol or tobacco, write a check, get a job, cash a check)
How is presenting that ID one more time to vote such an unreasonable encumbrance?
They are not saying
"Just the Democrats, you have to show your ID to vote!"That would be unfair.
Everyone would have to show ID.
That is fair.
Hell, in some of the schools in the US, you
must wear a photo ID around your neck at all times while in the building.
For highschools in Chicagoland, it's everyone - students and teachers.
For gradeschools in the middle of nowhere, flyoverstate, USA, it's all adults in the building - teachers, administration, and visitors.
Last edited by rdx-fx (12 years, 3 months ago)