aynrandroolz wrote:
Cybargs wrote:
lol dubai immigration. more like 21st century slavery
ya well i'd say dubai is a clear anomaly that you can knock off that chart. it's a construction bubble. but toronto, hong kong, and many many other cities have valid immigrant populations and newcomers (i.e. foreign culture and languages being introduced). the only way new york comes top in any 'diversity' chart is if you count all of the black african-americans and somehow construe them as representing a 'diversity', as if they are culturally non-american or non-integrated already. that's bogus. ethnic and racial diversity means many alien cultures living together, side-by-side. black americans are hardly an exotic race.
also this whole "lol africa europe" thing relies on the way we treated europe about 200 years ago. americans that think we were still running imperial cruelty on africa in the mid/late 20th century (i.e. after europe was done blowing itself up) need to read a history book. the slow decolonising process mostly saw european powers take a paternalistic, managerial role over these countries. we weren't still exploiting them, far from "slavery". it was a long slow handover process, training a new elite (admittedly neocolonial in ideology and outlook; looking after our own business interests, etc.) but it was FAR from abusive. opportunist in a capitalist marketeering sense, sure. 'empire' after the two world wars mostly involved bourgeoisie management. it's a pointless trade to try and talk about which was worse: the slave-trade or empire. both were there to make the white rulers rich. both had the majority of their atrocities and killings in centuries long before the current era, in which we are comparing. both are completely irrelevant when we talk about the social values and moral progressivism of a country. empire, if anything, has led europe to be much more inclusive and much more multicultural and tolerant, post-wind-rush, post-dismantling. the slave trade, if anything, hasn't led america down that same path. the southern states are still insular, religious, and racist as shit. black populations in northern areas (e.g. nyc, chicago, detroit) are still completely in poverty, locked out of opportunity and mobility.
Again, you don't know what you're talking about.
Here in Queens we have millions of people from Asia. If I drive five minutes west from my apartment the shop signs become a mix of Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Thai etc and English. If I drive another five minutes west they don't even bother including English on the signage. If you go further west in Queens you run into entire neighborhoods populated by Greeks and Indians. If you travel a little south in Queens you have Argentinian neighborhoods, Equadorian, Columbian, Venezuelan etc. If you go south into Brooklyn you have neighborhoods of Hasidic Jews, Muslims, Russians, Norwegians, and every other country of origin. This isn't even mentioning the people of Irish, Italians, Germans, and English decent that were and are already here.
The borough of Queens alone is one of the most ethnically diverse places on the entire planet. I can walk down the main street in my own town and eat Italian, Mexican, Irish, Korean, Thai, French, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Jewish, and Greek, and those are only the restaurants I can think of off the top of my head.
I will reiterate: you don't know what you are talking about.
Last edited by Jay (2012-09-19 11:00:42)